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Family Medicine and Community Health (FMCH)

FMCH 531 7-Week Family Medicine Clerkship (10)

Ambulatory-based clerkship in Hawai‘i. Students learn history taking, physical exam skills, and management of family medicine patients. Emphasis on behavioral care, caring for the underserved, sports medicine, preventive care, common acute/chronic ambulatory problems. Pre: third year standing.

FMCH 532 Family Medicine and Community Health Longitudinal Clerkship (10)

5.5-month ambulatory clerkship. Students learn history taking, physical exam skills, and management of family medicine patients. Emphasis on behavioral care, caring for the underserved, sports medicine, preventive care, and common acute/chronic ambulatory problems. Repeatable one time. Co-requisite: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses.

FMCH 545 (Alpha) Electives in Family Medicine and Community Health (V)

Fourth-year elective in which medical students may do study of selected topics within the field of family medicine and community health: (B) primary care preceptorship; (C) topics in community health; (D) sub-internship in family medicine; (E) extramural elective in family medicine and community health-miscellaneous; (F) sports medicine preceptorship; (G) longitudinal underserved care preceptorship (6). MED majors only for (G). CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532. (Spring only for (G))

FMCH 599 Directed Reading/Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.