Forces, resultants, and equilibrium; analysis of trusses, frames, and machines; centroids, moments of inertia; friction. A-F only. Pre: grade of C or better in all of the following: PHYS 170; MATH 242; and either MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent).
Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; force, acceleration, impulse-momentum, work-energy. CE, CNST, ENGS, ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: C or better in 270; MATH
244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ME 271)
Description of sample data; correlation and regression; probability and statistical distributions; estimations of population parameters; fitting distributions to histograms; hypothesis testing. A-F only. Pre: MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Compressible and incompressible fluid properties; fluid statics; kinematics, energy and momentum considerations in steady flows; application of steady flow concepts to various fluid processes; with an emphasis on instruction in writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 271.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Parameters and indices of environmental quality; materials balances; chemical kinetics; ideal reactor models; water and air pollution control; solid and hazardous waste management; emphasis on instruction in writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 271.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to geotechnical engineering: soil characterization, index properties, seepage and flow in soil, stresses in soils, compressibility, consolidation, shear strength. Substantial emphasis on writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 320, 370.
Transportation modes: land, air, water, pipelines. Tourist, urban transportation. Geometric design, human factors, vehicular flow models, capacity analysis. Overview: traffic impact, air quality, parking studies. A-F only. Pre: 271.
Introduction to analysis and design of deformable bodies subject to loading. Stress, strain, constitutive relation, axially loading, torsion, statically indeterminate systems, Mohr’s circle, failure criteria, buckling, defection due to axial, shear, torsional, and flexural loading. Pre: C or better in all of the following: 270; and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Crosslisted as ME 371)
Tension, compression, and torsion of bars, and bending of beams. CEE and CNST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 370 (or concurrent).
(2 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Introduction to the crystalline and molecular structure of materials. Properties of metals, concrete, concrete admixtures, asphalt, wood, and other materials commonly used in construction. A-F only. Pre: 305 (or concurrent); and 370 with a minimum grade of C or better.
Analysis of statically determinate plane and space trusses and frames; deflections; introduction to matrix methods; computer applications. A-F only. Pre: 370 with a minimum grade of C or better.
Economic analysis in engineering and management decision making, interest, depreciation, income tax, cost classification, break-even analysis, economic comparisons of alternatives, benefit-cost analysis. BENG, CE, CEM, CNST, EE, and ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: ECON 120 (with a minimum grade of C-) or 130 (with a minimum grade of C-), and senior standing. (Cross-listed as BE 405)
Numerical solutions of engineering problems using digital computers. Regression analysis; numerical differentiation and integration; solutions of algebraic, transcendental, and differential equations; and analysis of large structural systems. Pre: computer programming and senior standing.
Hydraulics of closed conduits and open channels with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics also include pump hydraulics, bridge hydraulics, urban drainage engineering, and flood plain management. A-F only. Pre: 320.
Introduction to basic concepts of pollutant transport phenomenon through theoretical modeling, lab and field experiments and observations. Specific topics include mass balance, jets and plumes, mixing and transport in rivers, reservoirs, groundwater and estuaries; non point course pollution. A-F only. Pre: 320, and MATH 244 or MATH 253A (or equivalent). (Alt. years)
Surface water hydrology topics include hydrologic cycle, hydrographs, regression methods, urban rain-runoff process, flood frequency analysis, flood routing and hydrology for detention basin design. Groundwater hydrology topics include seawater intrusion, theory of groundwater flow and solutions to steady and unsteady aquifer flows. A-F only. Pre: 305 and 320.
Hydrologic fundamentals of water demand and supply; water and wastewater distribution; collection systems; quality characterization; analytical methods for water quality management. Pre: 330.
Physical operations, chemical and biological processes, design flow and process loading rates, pilot plant testing, and treatment plant design. Engineering majors only. Pre: 330.
Assessing vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change stressors and providing technical engineering solutions for adaptation. Senior standing or higher. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 440)
Key principles of sustainability and its analysis. Quantification of environmental impact/assessment using target plots, mass/energy balances, and life cycle analyses (cradle to gate/grave) applied to products, processes, or systems. Use of SimaPro. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 441 and SUST 441)
Evaluation of infrastructure impacts. Impacts regulation and mitigation. Effects of environmental and other policies on infrastructure. Infrastructure relations to sustainability. Energy consumption, transportation efficiency and infrastructure recycling. Lectures and presentations by experts and enrolled students. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: senior standing, open to engineering, science, urban planning, and economics majors. (Cross-listed as SUST 444)
Introduction to regional and global climate modeling for environmental scientists and engineers. Learn principles of climate modeling, how to access and use climate data for sustainable engineering and environmental management solutions, and effectively communicate results. Repeatable one time. ATMO, CEE, ERTH, GES, OCN, NREM majors only. Senior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ATMO 449 and SUST 449)
Continuation of 355 field exploration, lateral earth pressures, bearing capacity theory, slope stability, use of geosynthetics. A-F only. Pre: 355.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design principles of flexible and rigid pavements; HMA mixture design, equipment and construction; and application of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) in pavement engineering. Includes laboratory sessions for aggregate testing and Superpave mix design. A-F only. Pre: 355, 361, and 375.
Design/analysis of signalized, unsignalized intersections, urban networks. Traffic impact studies; analysis steps and applications. Design/redesign options. Parking studies: demand, alternative designs (lot layouts). Pre: 361.
Application of travel demand forecasting models to transportation planning. Evaluation and decision-making. Term projects. Pre: 361.
Methods of construction, primarily buildings. Construction types: light and heavy wood; steel; plain, reinforced, and prestressed concrete; masonry. Foundations; associated details of frames, walls, roofs, floors,openings, finishes. Disasters, failures, and their causes. Industrialization of the building process. CE, CEM, CNST, EE, ME majors
only. Pre: 375.
Introductory treatment of the management of construction. Construction supervision, contract documents, estimating and bidding, organization, planning and scheduling, administration, business methods, safety, and labor. CE, CEM, CNST, EE, and
ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375. (Cross-listed as ARCH 432)
Methods and equipment used on horizontal/ heavy engineering projects. Available equipment, their production, and how they are used to excavate, move, process, and place the earth. Pre: 375 and senior standing.
Estimating science; techniques of estimating quantities and pricing of work for construction contracting; classification of costs, analysis of plans and specifications for estimating; computerized estimating; cash flow, bidding strategy, preparation and submission. A-F only. CEE, CNST, EE, ME, OE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375.
To teach the theory and the practice of planning, scheduling, and reporting a construction project through the use of bar chart and CPM. Format to include lectures, text, outside speakers, site visits, discussions, case study, and computers. Pre: 375.
Safety and health concepts, laws and requirements for civilian and contractor personnel in construction, including applications in project management and construction activities. CNST, CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375.
In-depth exploration of the legal regimes governing construction. Construction contracts, contractors, and subcontractors. Breach of contracts, claims and litigation in construction
projects. CEE, CNST majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 375. (Spring only)
Individual research project for undergraduate students in the structures track. Topic to be determined by consultation with structural faculty advisor. A-F only. Pre: senior standing and consent.
Introduction to the minimum load requirements for buildings and other structures used in current structural design codes. Derive and apply dead, live, rain, soil, snow, wind, earthquake, flood, inundation, and other loads to structural systems. CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: (305 and 381) with a minimum grade of C.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Behavior and design of reinforced concrete beams, one-way slabs and columns. Laboratory section includes design and hands-on manufacturing and testing of reinforced concrete members. A-F only. Pre: 375 and 381.
Basic properties of steel; behavior and design of steel beams, columns, and connections; introduction to rigid frames. Pre: 381.
(B) Surveying and AutoCAD (2 cr.) Basics of surveying and AutoCAD for civil engineering projects; (C) Professional ethics (1 cr.) Engineering ethics, ethical decision making and deliberation. A-F only. Senior standing. Pre: 305. (Fall only)
(Lec/Lab) Design problem involving several areas of civil engineering and requiring a team approach for a solution. Oral
communication skills will be assessed through multiple
presentations to an industry panel. A-F only. Pre: senior
standing in CEE or CNST and 489B. (Spring only)
Will reflect special interests of visiting and/or permanent faculty. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior or senior standing, and consent.
Individual investigation in civil and environmental engineering topics as approved by instructor. Pre: senior standing, and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or minimum GPA of 3.0 in engineering.
CR/NC only
Linear programming, simplex method, graphical representation: dual; degeneracy; transportation problem; assignment problems; data envelopment analysis; applications; case studies; managerial deporting; LINDO software. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 476 (or equivalent) (with a minimum grade of B-), and consent.
Precedence networks, CPM, float, updating, resource leveling, least cost scheduling, scheduling case studies, computerized scheduling, exclusion reports, sorting, term project; contract law, types of claims, proving claims, delay claims, impact of changes, Eichleay Formula, acceleration, overtime, stacking, crowding, efficiency losses, contract interpretation, Leonard Study, Kuiper model, labor escalation, claims case studies, term paper. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in civil and environmental engineering and consent.
Study and applications of cost/schedule control systems criteria, earned value analysis, probabilistic cost estimating, construction risk management, construction quality control, and operations research in construction. Recommended: 472 or 474, or consent.
Analysis of operations and construction processes; CYCLONE simulation language; MicroCyclone and EZstrobe software; production rates; queue waiting time, resource utilization; throughput; cost measurements; programming variables; projects. CEE, ME, and EE majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: (with a minimum grade of C) 474, 476, and consent. (Spring only)
Lawyers negotiate settlements in almost all their cases. This class presents a “hands-on,” skill-building approach to the newest ideas, as well as centuries-old techniques, about the skill lawyers will use most often in their private practice-negotiation. The class also examines the rapidly developing field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including mediation, facilitation, arbitration, and court-annexed ADR. (Cross-listed as LAW 508)
Concepts and techniques in high performance parallel computing. Topics include parallel language and algorithms, parallelizing pre-existing serial codes, statistical analysis, and techniques up to increase computational speed and accuracy for problems requiring large memory size. A-F only.
Explores the possibilities for reducing the most difficult aspects of the bureaucratic form in public organizations while increasing effectiveness and accountability. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PUBA 620)
Design and solutions to coastal flood mitigation problems. Topics include climate adaptation; engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk under different ocean hazard scenarios; and ecological approaches to mitigate coastal risk. Pre: consent; knowledge of AutoCAD and ORE 661 desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 621 and SUST 621)
Theory of fluid dynamics in differential form, covering equation of motion, vortex generation, flow in rotating frame, potential theory, laminar flow, and introduction to turbulence.
Introduction to the finite-difference method; steady-state and transient groundwater flow in saturated and unsaturated media; applications to groundwater recharge and aquifer evaluation. A-F only. Pre: 627 or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 656)
Coastal modeling using the SMS Surface-Water Modeling software. Applications to solving coastal problems for different ocean hazard scenarios by applying models for tides, waves, coastal circulation, wave-current interaction, sediment transport, and/or morphology change. Pre: consent; knowledge of ORE 607 desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 624 and SUST 624)
Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: 424 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as BE 664 and NREM 660)
Deterministic and probabilistic methods include reliability of empirical distributions, multiple regression analysis, extreme value analysis and domain of attraction. Short-memory models for stochastic simulation of streamflows include autoregressive, Markov chain and moving average models. Time series analysis of hydrologic data is discussed. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Groundwater occurrence, movement, quality, and resource evaluation, development, and management. Emphasis on saltwater encroachment, well evaluation, aquifer protection, recharge with wastewater, and Hawai‘i type hydrology. Recommended: 424 or consent.
Introduction to physical and chemical processes for water and wastewater treatment: Review of momentum and mass transfer, chemical reactions, colloidal chemistry, coagulation and flocculation, granular filtration, sedimentation, carbon adsorption, gas transfer, disinfection and oxidation. A-F only.
Fundamentals of applied microbiology and biochemical reactor engineering, quantitative description of microbial growth, operational theory and design basis of aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic treatment processes. Applications for water, wastewater, air, solid wastes, and soil. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as BE 634)
Basic concepts of chemistry as related to the environment, with more emphasis on water. Topics include chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, precipitation and dissolution redox reactions, sorption, organic chemicals in the environment. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Combined lecture-discussion on major topics in environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, and a broad understanding of microbial processes in natural and engineered environments. CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in CEE or consent.
Introduces the national problems dealing with the contamination of groundwater and presents remedial measures. Such measures include pump and treat (PAT) technology, in-situ bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, electrokinetics, hydraulic fracturing, reactive walls, and phytoremediation. A-F only.
Mathematical formulation of pollutant transport and mixing in the water environment. Kinetics formulation and parameter identification, model calibration and verification. Design projects. A-F only. Recommended: 422 and 431, or consent.
Applications of membrane separations to desalination, power generation, and ultrapure water systems. Discussion of reverse osmosis, osmosis-driven processes, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, electrodialysis and ion exchange technologies. Membrane fouling and concentration polarization from practical/theoretical standpoints. A-F only. Pre: 635 or consent.
Theory of seepage, field and laboratory methods of measurement; graphical and numerical methods; design of drainage structures; construction dewatering. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D).
Analysis and design of deep foundations; driven piles and drilled shafts. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D) and 455 (with a minimum grade of D). (Alt. years)
Soil continuum mechanics principles; elastic, plastic, and Cam clay soil behavior; critical state and strength; interpretation of laboratory test results. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D). (Alt. years)
Classification of landslides and triggering mechanisms; field
investigation procedures; limit equilibrium slope stability methods; numerical techniques; seepage and dynamic considerations; case studies. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D). (Alt. years)
Principles of geotechnical engineering applied to marine
environments; marine geology; surveying and sampling methods; seabed sediment types, properties, and behavior; coastal and offshore foundations. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D).
Estimation of lateral earth pressures; analysis and design of retaining walls and excavation support systems. A-F only. Pre: 355 (with a minimum grade of D) and 455 (with a minimum grade of D).
Optimization used in design and management of systems for minimizing resources or optimizing outcomes. Evaluation of alternatives, economic efficiency and effectiveness analysis. Logistics. Open to engineering students. Computer applications and labs. Recommended: 462 or 464, or consent.
Definition, technologies and their attributes. Analysis and implementation based on FHWA’s User Services. Automated incident detection algorithms. Machine vision applications to traffic engineering. A-F only. Recommended: 462 or 464, or consent.
Demand modeling, discrete choice and activity-based modeling. Demand forecasting by simulation. Transportation surveys and sampling methods. Application of cluster, factor, regression, logistic and ARIMA analyses to transportation. A-F only. Recommended: 305 and 464, or consent.
Pavement engineering with emphasis given to understanding fundamental issues such as historical development of pavement design, approaches used for design of new pavements and overlays, understanding of construction issues and their effects on pavement performance, and various design factors: environmental, loading and materials characterization. Introduction of pavement management systems. A-F only. Recommended: 461 or consent.
Cartesian tensors in mechanics; coordinate transformations; analysis of stress and strain; principal values, invariants, equilibrium and compatibility equations; constitutive relations; field equations. Problems in elasticity. A-F only. Recommended: 370 or ME 371, or consent. (Cross-listed as ME 671)
Project integration and PMIS; organizational power; conflict, strategic, and life-cycle management in construction management; matrix structure compared to projectized structure; project success; team building; change and culture in construction organizations; competitive bidding. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Response of single and multi degree-of-freedom systems due to dynamic forces. Direct integration of equations of motion. Response spectrum analysis. Application to earthquake loading. Systems with distributed mass and elasticity. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Elastic and inelastic response of structures due to earthquakes. Seismic design criteria. Code design procedures. Advanced topics in time- and frequency-domain dynamic analysis of structures. A-F only. Pre: 675.
Fundamentals of sensor technologies for structural engineering applications. Control devices and strategies for protection of structures against extreme events, i.e. earthquakes, strong winds, etc. Structural health monitoring and smart sensor networks. Smart materials for civil structures. CE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 675.
Fundamentals of modern structural analysis theory, with emphasis on frame structures. Virtual work. Member stiffness/flexibility. Matrix formulation of stiffness and flexibility methods. Computer modeling issues. A-F only.
Slender columns; biaxial bending; combined shear and torsion. Building lateral load resisting frame analysis and design—shearwalls, rigid frames. Floor system analysis and design—flat slabs, joist systems. Computer applications. A-F only. Recommended: 485 or consent.
Load and resistance factored design (LRFD); steel building modeling and analysis; moment-resisting frames; bracing systems; beam-columns; moment connections; composite construction; and plate girders. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.
Finite element method in structural engineering. Extension of structural theory. Virtual work. One- two-, and three-dimensional elements; axisymmetric elements; plate bending. Application to linear problems. Recommended: 681 or consent.
Behavior of prestressed concrete members, including prestress losses. Analysis and design of prestressed beams, slabs, and composite sections. Anchorage zone design; continuous systems. Recommended: 485 or consent.
Composition and hydration of concrete, chemical, and mineral admixtures, fresh and hardened properties, mix proportions, high performance concretes, durability and retrofitting technology, non-destructive testing, and advanced material characterization techniques. A-F only. CEE majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 375 (with a minimum grade of C). (Spring only)
Discussions and reports on literature, research, developments and activities in civil engineering. One unit of all graduate students for each graduate degree. Student presentations are required. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing in CEE or consent.
Highly specialized topics in structures, soils, hydraulics, sanitary, water resources, applied mechanics, transportation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in civil engineering.