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Institute for Teacher Education (ITE)

ITE 312 (Alpha) Introduction to Teaching, Elementary (V)

Standards-based planning, assessment, instruction, reflection; inclusive classroom management; unique multicultural environment; issues in education and curriculum. Developing knowledgeable, effective, caring professionals to support student’s academic, social, emotional, physical needs. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 313 (Alpha) Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction (V)

First of two methods courses focusing on theories and research-based practices related to reading instruction in elementary classrooms. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 314 (Alpha) Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction (V)

Second of two methods courses focusing on theories and research-based practices related to writing instruction in elementary classrooms. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 315 Field Training – Blended ECE (4)

Students spend 15 hours per week in settings appropriate to concurrently enrolled classes; supervision provided by participating teacher and college supervisor. Repeatable two times. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SPED 315)

ITE 316 Field Experience (V)

Supervised field experience in schools. Minimum of 8 hours per week in conjunction with professional education courses. Repeatable two times, up to three credits. A-F only.

ITE 317 (Alpha) Field Experience (V)

Supervised field experience in schools. Minimum of 2 full days per week in classrooms, plus mandatory seminar scheduled by UH Mânoa field supervisor. Taken in conjunction with professional education courses; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. Repeatable two times or up to 9 credits per alpha. CR/NC only.

ITE 318 Child Development from Prenatal Through Age Eight (3)

Growth and development of children from prenatal through age eight. Historical and current issues through a research-based ecological, cross-cultural perspective. Focus on children’s optimal development and how this informs teaching practices in early education. A-F only.

ITE 319 Children’s Literature (2)

Acquaintance with wide range of children’s books; criteria for evaluation of literature; using literature in the classroom.

ITE 320 Instructional and Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners (3)

Introduction to language use and development as it relates to multilingual learners (MLL). Candidates analyze and apply strategies to create inclusive and collaborative classrooms for learners at various levels of English language development. A-F only.

ITE 321 Social Studies and Science in Early Childhood Education (3)

Assessment, instructional methods, and materials for teaching social studies and science to children in preschool through grade 3. Emphasis on developmentally appropriate practices and lesson planning for teaching social studies and science. A-F only. Pre: 417, and 315 (or concurrent) or SPED 315 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)

ITE 322 (Alpha) Social Studies, Elementary (V)

Purposes, methods, curriculum, and assessment in teaching social studies. Focus: enriching children’s understanding of the communities of which they are a part through inquiry, investigation, collaboration, and expository skills. Emphasis on writing instruction; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 323 (Alpha) Science, Elementary (V)

Science education in elementary school; methods and materials; laboratory activities selected from new science curricula; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. Each alpha repeatable one time, up to 3 credits. A-F only.

ITE 324 (Alpha) Mathematics, Elementary (V)

Inquiry-based approach to concepts and algorithms of whole numbers and introduction to geometry/ measurement. Laboratory experiences with appropriate manipulatives; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only. Pre: MATH 111 and MATH 112.

ITE 325 (Alpha) Mathematics, Elementary II (V)

Inquiry-based approach to concepts and algorithms of fractions, decimals, graphing, and probability and statistics. Laboratory experiences with appropriate manipulatives; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only. Pre: 324B or consent for (B); 324C or consent for (C).

ITE 326 (Alpha) Visual Art, Elementary (V)

Scope and organization of art in pK-6 school curriculum, creative use of art media through laboratory experience; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 327 Curriculum, Materials, and Assessment Development for Multilingual Learners (3)

Introduction to the development of curriculum materials, and assessments for diverse and multilingual learners. Teacher candidates will develop their ability to organize, develop, and assess learning around standards-based subject matter and language learning objectives. A-F only.

ITE 328 Responsive Pedagogy for Multilingual Learners (3)

Introduction to the teaching of multilingual learners (MLL) in an elementary school context. Teacher candidates will learn specific strategies and methods for teaching non-native speakers of English. A-F only.

ITE 329 (Alpha) Performing Arts Expression, K-6 (V)

Standards-based teaching, with, in, through, and about music, dance, and drama. Developing verbal and non-verbal communication skills through creative expression with an emphasis on planning, teaching, and assessing preK-6 lessons that integrate the performing arts; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 343 (Alpha) Personal and Social K-6 Health Skills (V)

Standards-based planning, teaching, assessment in health education. Developing interactive learning opportunities to teach personal and social responsibility for health through curriculum integration. Training, practice and evaluation of oral communication skills; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.

ITE 346 Methods of Instruction, Industrial/ Agricultural Education (3)

Techniques of individual and group instruction in laboratory and related classes, evaluation of various methods.

ITE 347 Management of Industrial/Agricultural Facilities (3)

Organization of instruction; handling supplies; maintaining equipment and tools; purchasing materials; keeping records; making inventories.

ITE 348 Teaching Business and Office Education (3)

Theory and methods of teaching business and office education courses. Pre: ACC 201 and either ACC 200 or ACC 202.

ITE 349 Teaching Marketing and Distribution (3)

Theory and methods of teaching marketing and distribution courses. Pre: MKT 341 or MKT 351.

ITE 353 Music in the Elementary School (2)

Goals, concepts, literature, materials, procedures, and evaluation for teaching music in grades K–6. For students in elementary education. Not intended for elementary music majors.

ITE 360 Multicultural Perspectives in Education (3)

Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behaviors related to schooling. Examines intersections of Native Hawaiian culture with Asian and/or Pacific Islanders fostering multicultural respect and understanding through cross-cultural analysis. A-F only. DS

ITE 371 Home Economics Education (3)

Curriculum design. Current educational philosophies and practices in home economics education. Teaching materials and techniques.

ITE 380 Managing Classrooms (3)

Analysis of the factors that contribute to learning in the classroom and the development of teacher behaviors that promote such learning. A-F only.

ITE 390 (Alpha) Student Teaching (V)

Full-time supervised experience in school. (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary; (D) secondary; (M) dual preparation in elementary education and multilingual learning; (S) dual preparation in elementary and special education. CR/NC only. Pre: completion of all other program requirements, passing Praxis II exam(s). Co-requisite for D: 391D.

ITE 391 (Alpha) Seminar for Student Teaching (V)

With student teaching as context, examination of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching; standards-based planning, teaching, assessment, and reflection; inclusive classroom management; professional growth and development; integration of research,
theory, and practice. Emphasis on writing instruction and ethical issues in teaching. (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary (2); (D) secondary; (M) dual preparation in elementary education and multilingual learning (2); (S) dual preparation in elementary and special education (1). Repeatable nine times for (D). CR/NC only.

ITE 392 (Alpha) Student Teaching Modified (6)

Modified student teaching for individuals who have had prior extensive teaching experience or wish to repeat student teaching. CR/NC only. (C) elementary; (D) secondary. Pre: extensive teaching experience; requirements listed under “student teaching”; approval of review committee; consent. Co-requisite: 391.

ITE 399 Directed Study (V)

Individual work supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, observation/participation, teaching, and/or projects. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Pre: consent of instructor.

ITE 401 Principles & Methods of Literacies Within and Across the Disciplines (6-12) (3)

Examines how reading, writing, speaking, listening, technology, etc. are tools for learning content and engaging diverse adolescents across and within all disciplines. Includes a disciplinary literacies framework influencing curriculum planning, classroom culture, and assessment practices. A-F only. (Spring only)

ITE 402 (Alpha) Teaching Practicum (V)

Observation, analysis, participation and teaching in middle or high school. A seminar accompanies the field experience. Subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (E) physical education; (F) industrial arts/agriculture; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (I) social studies; (J) foreign language; (K) music; (M) home economics; (N) interdisciplinary; (O) elementary; (P) English as a Second Language. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to COE Teacher Education Program and departmental consent.

ITE 403 (Alpha) Seminar in Educational Inquiry (V)

Study and discussion of general school-related topics and issues, e.g., dimensions of elementary and/ or secondary schooling, school governance, curriculum design and development, the student learner, classroom management; (B) service learning; (C) exploratory education; (D) international field study; (E) minor in education. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 404 (Alpha) Teaching in the Subject Field (3)

Purposes, procedures, curricula, evaluation in elementary or secondary school subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (E) physical education; (F) industrial arts/agriculture; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (I) social studies; (J) foreign languages; (K) music; (M) home economics; (N) interdisciplinary; (P) English as a Second Language. Repeatable five times for different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 401 or consent. Co-requisite: 402.

ITE 405 (Alpha) Teaching Residency (V)

Fulltime student teaching experience in school. Student teachers will receive training and evaluation for oral communication, organization, and planning skills. Subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (F) industrial arts; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (l) social studies; (J) foreign languages; (K) music; (M) home economics; (O) elementary education; (P) English as a second language. CR/NC only. Pre: successful completion of all required courses; departmental consent.

ITE 406 Seminar in Teaching Residency (3)

Analysis and resolution of current ethical issues and practices in classrooms; teaching skills and strategies; curriculum planning, professional growth and development; and integration of teaching experiences with professional
standards. Instruction in preparing an extensive written portfolio. A-F only. Pre: successful completion of all required courses or consent. Co-requisite: 405(B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, KI, L, M, or P)

ITE 410 Supervision of the ObservationParticipation Student (2)

Basic guidelines for developing effective team relationships between the professional teacher and the observation-participation student. Pre: two years’ teaching experience and consent.

ITE 415 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education (3)

Introduction to the purposes, theories, and methods of early childhood assessment. Emphasizes observation, documentation, and assessment to provide evidence of children’s
development and learning and how to use assessment to guide teaching and learning. Pre: 318 or consent. Co-requisite: 415L.

ITE 415L Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education Lab (3)

Field experience in early childhood settings to facilitate young children’s growth and learning. CR/NC only.

ITE 416 Teaching and Learning for Diverse Young Children (3)

Continuation of 415: focuses on the design, implementation, evaluation of meaningful, challenging integrated curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for diverse young children (pK-3). Pre: 415 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 416)

ITE 416L Teaching and Learning for Diverse Young Children Lab (3)

Continuation of 415L. CR/ NC only. Co-requisite: 416. (Cross-listed as EDCS 416L)

ITE 417 Foundations of Early Childhood Education, Ages 3–8 (3)

Planning child-centered, responsive programs for children. Focuses on play, learning environments, integrated thematic instructional design, guidance, assessment, and family engagement in early childhood and early elementary to promote enjoyment, growth, and development. A-F only. Pre: 318.

ITE 420 Supervision of Student Teaching (3)

Principles and methods; role of supervisor; human resources supervision in student teaching. Open to teachers interested in pre-service teacher education. Pre: three years teaching experience and consent.

ITE 425 Family and Community Centered Programs (3)

Knowledge and appreciation for the complex characteristics of children, families, and communities. Analysis and development of skills for creating respectful, reciprocal relationships with diverse children and families from diverse backgrounds. Lecture/lab. Pre: 318 (or concurrent), or HDFS 331 (or concurrent), or consent.

ITE 430 Advanced Supervision of Student Teaching (3)

Advanced principles and methods: clinical supervision, observation recording, analysis, interpretation of classroom teaching; human resources supervision in student teaching. Pre: 420, successful supervision of two or more student teachers, and consent.

ITE 436 Cooperative Vocational Education (3)

Planned work-experience program for special areas of vocational technical education. Acceptable type of wage-earning employment. Minimum of six 40- hour weeks or 240 work hours required. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

ITE 438 Foundations of Vocational Education (3)

Historical and philosophical foundations of vocational technical education, overview of federal and state legislation and contemporary practices. Special emphasis on vocational education program in Hawai‘i.

ITE 439 Office and Marketing Technology (3)

Understanding and use of word processing, spreadsheet, and database software for business applications. Explore software across the office and marketing content areas.

ITE 440 Curriculum Implications of Multicultural Education (3)

Examination of trends, issues, school practices, and program in multicultural education and its related area of study–bilingual-bicultural education. (Cross-listed as EDCS 440)

ITE 441 Hawaiian Studies, Methods (3)

Examination of issues in Hawaiian and U.S. views of education and their application to the teaching of Hawaiian studies. Field experience required. A-F only. Pre: 312C, 312D; or consent. Co-requisite for BEd students: 317.

ITE 444 Education of Exceptional Children in Regular Classroom (3)

Practices that facilitate teaching special needs students in regular classrooms. Techniques for meeting academic needs, managing behavior, motivating students, increasing peer interactions, communication between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.

ITE 445 Educating Exceptional Students in Regular Classrooms, Secondary (3)

Teaching secondary students with disabilities and those who are gifted/talented. Meeting academic/social needs, classroom management, motivation, peer interaction, collaboration between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.

ITE 480 Issues in Computer Education (3)

Integration of microcomputers into school curriculum and key issues related to microcomputer use in education. Pre: LTEC 442 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 480)

ITE 499 Directed Activity (V)

Individual work supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, teaching, and/or projects. Pre: consent of division director.

ITE 550 Newspaper in the Classroom (2)

ITE 572 Common Core State Standards in ELA: Content and Curriculum for Teachers (V)

Professional development for K-12 teachers to upgrade their knowledge of ELA content and develop their instructional strategies to be consistent with the ELA practices of the Common Core State Standards. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.

ITE 578 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics: Content and Curriculum for Teachers (V)

Professional development for K-12 teachers to upgrade their knowledge of mathematics content and develop their instructional strategies to be consistent with the mathematical practices of the Common Core State Standards. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.

ITE 582 (Alpha) Practicum in Curriculum Development: Natural Science (2)

For in-service teachers to upgrade subject matter and develop teaching methods and materials for instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching experience.

ITE 583 (Alpha) Practicum in Curriculum Development: Natural Science (3)

For in-service teachers to upgrade subject matter and develop teaching methods and materials for instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching experience.

ITE 600 Master of Education in Teaching Program Seminar (1)

Mandatory program seminar for Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) teacher candidates; access to tools and skills necessary for distance education program success, introduction to the teaching profession. CR/NC only. Pre: admission into the MEdT program, or consent.

ITE 601 (Alpha) Professional Studies I (V)

Development of theoretical and practical knowledge base and skills for understanding, analyzing, and responding to teaching issues and problems. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 602 (Alpha) Clinical Partnership and Practice I (V)

Supervised field study of a school. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. A-F only.

ITE 603 (Alpha) Professional Studies II (V)

Development of pedagogical skills in planning and implementing instruction for target subject area/grade level. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 604 (Alpha) Clinical Partnership and Practice II (V)

Team collaboration on responding to identified school need; supervised experience in mini-teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. A-F only.

ITE 610 (Alpha) Clinical Partnership and Practice III (V)

Supervised experience in instructional planning and practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 611 (Alpha) Professional Studies III (3)

Planning and methods seminar in conjunction with practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 612 (Alpha) Clinical Partnership and Practice IV (V)

Full-time supervised teaching experience. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 613 (Alpha) Professional Studies IV (3)

Collaborative problem solving of issues and concerns encountered in current teaching experiences. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

ITE 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V)

Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: written consent.

Supervised experience in instructional planning and practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.

Planning and methods seminar in conjunction with practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.