Emphasizes interrelated historical and philosophical roots and socio-cultural context and their influence on policy and practice in early childhood education settings. A-F only. Pre: HDFS 331 or consent.
Direct experience with children in early childhood settings in order to apply concepts from 415 and gain perspective on the role of the practitioner in ECE settings.
Continuation of 415: focuses on the design, implementation, evaluation of meaningful, challenging integrated curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for diverse young children (pK-3). Pre: 415 or consent. (Cross-listed as ITE 416)
Continuation of 415L. Co-requisite: 416. (Cross-listed as ITE 416L)
Introduction to STEM education pedagogy with emphasis on ethical issues and effective oral communication. Designed to
integrate educational theory, pedagogy, content, and practical concerns into teaching practices in the STEM fields. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits.
Examination of language (talking, reading, and writing) processes within a collaborative teaching framework in the secondary curriculum. Field experience may be required. A-F only.
Selection and interpretation of young adult literature, including multicultural literature for middle level and high school students. Theory and teaching strategies for integrating literacy instruction in the literature program for diverse student populations. A-F only.
Conceptual schemes and processes for integrating science curricula within the sciences and with subject areas. Methods and models of curricular integration such as interdisciplinary, culturally relevant, place and community-based learning. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as SUST 433)
Examination of trends, issues, school practices, and program in multicultural education and its related area of study–bilingual-bicultural education. (Cross-listed as ITE 440)
Selecting and using methods and materials, demonstrations and simulations, open-ended experimentation, inquiry and discovery, task analysis measurement tools and techniques, activities from various curricula, opportunity for individualized goals and projects. Repeatable one time. Pre: ITE 323, ITE 404(H), teaching experience; or consent.
Examination of current theory, research, issues, and models in programs for infants and toddlers, including criteria for evaluation and planning. A-F only. Pre: (HDFS 230 (or concurrent), HDFS 331 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B-; or consent. (Cross-listed as SPED 451)
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 453 and WGSS 453)
Integration of microcomputers into school curriculum and key issues related to microcomputer use in education. Pre: LTEC 442 or consent. (Cross-listed as ITE 480)
Experiencing and learning to teach heuristics of solving mathematical problems; designing curricula, classroom organization, evaluative measures for problem solving. Pre: consent.
Identification, analysis, and remediation of difficulties in learning mathematics. Pre: consent.
Examines the role that language plays in the social construction of knowledge within various disciplines, K–adult. Collaborative group learning strategies will be modeled. A-F only. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Current theories and teaching strategies of reading throughout the lifespan within various social contexts. Topics include psychological, sociological, and cultural foundations of reading; 21st century literacies; emergent literacy; diversity; multilingual learners, formative assessment; state/national initiatives. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Current theories and teaching strategies of writing and oral language throughout the lifespan within various social contexts. Focus on teaching writing and oral language as tools for learning and to demonstrate learning. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
In-depth examination of traditional and current books/media, birth through young adult, with emphasis on applications in schools or other educational contexts. Focus on use of narrative, exposition, and other genres across the curriculum. A-F only. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Analysis and practical application of principles and strategies of effective writing and informed writing instruction in K-12 classrooms. Pre: teaching experience and consent. (Summer only)
Exploration and application of literacy specialist roles. Includes teaching, coaching, providing resources, advocating for all students, and collaborating with other professionals. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Classroom-based research covers the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, action research, mixed methods, and curriculum based assessment. Exploratory, explanatory, and confirmatory research will be highlighted culminating in an outline for Plan B/Thesis proposal. (Cross-listed as DIS 606)
New approaches to analyzing 21st century literacies K-12, including visual, media, digital, and critical literacies as well as developing leadership practices in multi-literacies pedagogy. A-F only.
Explores theoretical and practical principles of literacy and sustainability across academic disciplines, investigating the role of language and literate practices of reading, writing, speaking, visualizing, and representing in social, cultural, and educational contexts. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 608)
Focuses on research and practice related to the first five years of teaching. Especially recommended for beginning teachers and graduate students interested in this stage of teaching development. Repeatable one time.
Theory and practice for PK-3 early literacy and language development. Focus is on content knowledge and pedagogical strategies that support the optimal development of oral language, reading, and writing skills in PK-3 classrooms. A-F only.
Analysis and practical application of selected early childhood education program and/ or instructional materials. Restricted to majors. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 415 and 416, or consent.
Seminar examines the interrelated socially constructed concepts of children and childhood and places them in the larger contexts informed by sociological, anthropological, historical, critical, and technological perspectives. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Foundation for critical study of curriculum development and improvement from the perspective of teacher leaders. Online/hybrid sections available; (B) early childhood; (D) middle school; (G) K-14. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Application of recent developments in science, sustainability, curriculum development, and learning theory to pre-kindergarten through secondary school. Science philosophy, content and methodology stressed, including inquiry, nature of science, sustainability, and
science literacy. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as SUST 623)
Analysis of research related to teaching and learning school mathematics, application of research to classroom practices. Appraisal of recent curriculum trends; critical examination of assumptions underlying proposed curriculum changes. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Examination and evaluation of social science content, societal values and research findings as basis for development and revision of social studies materials, texts, curriculum guides, methodology. Pre: ITE 322 or equivalent, social studies teaching experience, or consent.
Principles, goals, and objectives in teaching and learning art K-12; curriculum, instruction, and assessment in art education; laboratory experiences in art media. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience.
Interdisciplinary inquiry and examination of the role of physical objects and site visits in schools and other educational contexts, through visits to local art museums and related sites.
Review of research and theory illuminating the nature, purposes, and meaning of play as a critical aspect of early childhood education. (Summer only)
Examines issues, theories, perspectives and practices in multicultural education and promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection and develops skills necessary for multicultural practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDEF 630)
Methods of qualitative research in education or related social science from an interdisciplinary framework.
Understanding art methods and materials related to art education for teachers grades K-12. Writing curricula, integrating visual arts across the curriculum, developing evaluation methods observing stages of artistic growth among students of multiple ages/abilities. (B) painting, drawing, printing; (C) fiber arts, ceramics, sculpture; (D) photography, technology, collage; (E) Combination of any three of B, C, and/or D. Previous BA, BS, BEd, and BFA only. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: teaching experience or consent. (Once a year)
Theory, philosophy, objectives, and development of business and marketing education curriculum. Pre: ITE 390D or consent.
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. (C) English; (H) mathematics; (I) literacy; (J) science; (K) social studies; (M) interdisciplinary education; (N) art; (P) place-based education. Each alpha repeatable two times. COE-related majors only for (P). Pre: teaching experience or consent for all alphas except for (P); graduate and/or undergraduate courses in education and/or social sciences or consent for (P). (K Cross-listed as PACE 640, P Cross-listed as SUST 641)
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation of language education instruction. (B) French; (C) German; (D) Japanese; (F) Spanish. Pre: teaching experience, and consent.
Examination of principles in multicultural education and diversity. (D) middle level; (G) K-14; (R) reading K-12. Each alpha repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examines practices, theories, research, and perspectives on multilingual/EL teaching approaches. Topics include culturally and linguistically responsive approaches, collaboration, lesson planning, and adapting materials to promote the growth and development of multilingual/ EL learners. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SLS 644)
Interdisciplinary examination of research and issues in the teaching and learning of literacy in diverse multicultural settings. A-F only. Pre: course in teaching language arts of multicultural education, teaching experience, or consent.
Application of formative assessments to better monitor/guide struggling readers and writers. Topics include diversity and state/national initiatives. A-F only.
Advanced use of formative and summative assessments to monitor/lead classroom and
school literacy programs. Focus on diversity, leadership, state/national initiatives, and practical applications in schools or other educational contexts. (B) general; (C) multilingualism. May take each alpha one time only.
Presents key concepts and theories in teaching reading to K-12 English language learners. Topics include instructional decisions in teaching reading to ELLs, the interrelationship of language skills, strategies, and teaching academic content. A-F only. Pre: 601 or consent.
Theory and practices of coordinating cooperative education in high school and community college. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
School mathematics, K-12 content, curricula, pedagogy, and standards; trends and issues; theory and research. (B) number and operation; (C) patterns, functions and algebra; (D) geometry and measurement; (E) probability and statistics; (F) integrated math content. Each alpha represents a different K-12 content area. Repeatable three times for (F). Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Research and practice in ethnomathematics from an interdisciplinary framework. Analysis of ethnomathematics content knowledge and pedagogy; connections among curriculum, standards, and classroom practice; examination of theory and research; and building sustainable campus-community networks. Topics vary. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Concepts and inquiry regarding the application of early childhood educational principles and approaches to programs serving children between birth and age five. Study and discussion of topics and problems presented in required summer courses and by invited experts in early childhood education. Restricted to masters in Early Childhood Education. Repeatable six times. A-F only. (Two times a year)
Curriculum trends and issues related to school organization, program, administration, faculty. Required for Plan B MEd candidates in their final semester or summer session. Repeatable one time. (B) early childhood; (D) middle-level; (G) K-14. Pre: 622 (any alpha), and 606 or EDEF 678 or EDEP 408, and 632 or EDEA 604 or EDEP 429 or EDEA 608; or consent.
Examination of historical impacts of U.S. and European imperialism and Western education on Indigenous communities across the globe. Additional emphasis on contemporary Indigenous efforts towards cultural reclamation and educational sovereignty.
Explores the landscapes, purposes, successes, and challenges of contemporary Native
Hawaiian education. Emphasizes educational kîpuka, resurgence, liberation and educational sovereignty. Topics include Hawaiian immersion education, Hawaiian-focused charter schools, ‘âna and community education, and virtual learning.
Designed to help classroom teachers understand sources and principles of curriculum in early childhood education and to provide experience in evaluating, selecting, and developing appropriate curriculum for young children.
) Overview of museum education including museum learning theories, informal learning programs, audience research, national and international policies and reports, and community projects. Pre: AMST 683 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 685)
Process approach to teaching information retrieval, analysis, and use. Emphasizes concepts, practices ineffective instructional design, selection of resources that meets learning needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as LTEC 686 and LIS 686)
Exploration and application of school and district-wide roles of the literacy specialist, such as collaborating with other educators to: (1) design and implement literacy programs, and (2) provide research-supported professional development. A-F only. Pre: 605 or consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A-F only.
Independent study and/or seminar for students working on a capstone for a graduate certificate. Repeatable three times. CR/NC only.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: written consent.
Repeatable up to 36 credits.
Advanced seminar in qualitative research methods with an emphasis upon qualitative data analysis, theory construction, data presentation and reporting. Pre: 632, a course in introduction to qualitative research methods; or consent.
Examination of alternative approaches and multidisciplinary perspectives on research on teaching and learning in and out of school, on educational change, and on teacher education and professional development. Pre: classified PhD student or consent.
Intended for doctoral students who are at the dissertation stage in their program. Supports students in developing their dissertation proposals and/or initial dissertation drafts. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Uses problem-centered approach and field experiences. Topics include historical review of curriculum development since 1900, examination of current curriculum practices at all levels of education, and prediction of future directions in curriculum theory and design. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Analysis and critical examination of models and curriculum theory and theories of instruction leading to generation of theories by seminar members. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Critical examination of theoretical and methodological positions on curriculum and educational program evaluation. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DIS 780 and LTEC 780)