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Human Development & Family Studies (HDFS)

HDFS 230 Human Development (3)

Concepts, issues, theories of human growth and development from conception to death; systems approaches to inquiry into factors affecting growth and development.

HDFS 331 Infancy and Early Childhood (3)

Growth and development from prenatal period to age 5. Historical and current issues and research based on ecological, cross-cultural perspective. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.

HDFS 332 Childhood (3)

Intensive investigation into developmental aspects of 6–12 year old children. Historical and current issues, research, and examination of the role of schools and other community resources. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.

HDFS 333 Adolescence and Early Adulthood (3)

Problems, concepts, and research related to development from puberty through early adulthood. Examination of biological, cognitive, social, and cultural factors affecting the individual. Pre: 230 or consent.

HDFS 334 Middle Age and Aging (3)

Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as COA 334)

HDFS 340 Intimacy, Marriages and Families (3)

Study of intimate relationships, marriages and families, their dynamics, strengths, growth and development, challenges, choices and opportunities, in the context of social change and cultural diversity. Pre: 230 or PSY 100 or SOC 100; or consent

HDFS 341 Parenting (3)

Parenting theories, methods, skills, issues, and resources; parent-child relations in various cultural contexts. Pre: 340 or consent.

HDFS 350 Leadership and Group Process (3)

Exploration of leadership research and theories and their application to leadership development; designed to enhance personal and interactive leadership. Pre: any FG course.

HDFS 352 Community Needs and Resources (3)

Theory and practice in determining community needs and resources; community resources development based on needs identification. Pre: any FG course.

HDFS 360 Family Resource Management (3)

Concepts, principles, and practices in managing family and household resources. Pre: 230 or consent.

HDFS 361 Family Financial Planning (3)

Analytical approach to family financial planning from the perspective of changing family demands over the life cycle. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.

HDFS 363 Consumer Economics (3)

Consumer rights, responsibilities, and resources; consumer decision-making; factors affecting consumer functioning within economy. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.

HDFS 365 Soft Skills for Success in the Workplace (3)

Employers regard soft skills as key criteria when hiring and retaining employees. Students learn critical skills essential to work place success. This class prepares students to be work ready.

HDFS 380 Research Methodology (3)

Fundamentals of scientific methodology and techniques in design and data collection; introduction to statistics for decision-making and program evaluations in agriculture and human resources. FDM, HDFS, or TPSS majors only. Pre: 230 or FDM 200 or TPSS 200/SUST 211, or consent. Co-requisite: 380L.

HDFS 380L Research Methodology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Test design, computer use, data analysis. FDM, HDFS, or TPSS majors only. Co-requisite: 380.

HDFS 425 Partnerships with Families and Professionals (4)

Lecture, discussion and hands-on course, prepares students for direct, educational work with parents and children and for continued graduate work in child and family studies, counseling, psychology, social work and/or family life education. A-F only. Pre: 341 or consent.

HDFS 435 Mindfulness and Skillful Living (3)

Lecture, discussion, experiential activities of principles and practice of an evidence-based contemplative science discipline, including applications to daily life and with youth and families. Pre: completed DS course.

HDFS 442 Marriage Development (3)

Marital interaction and development; divorce and remarriage; resources and techniques for marital adjustment, enrichment, and growth. Pre: 340.

HDFS 444 Contemporary Family Issues (3)

Investigation of current issues with impact upon family quality of life, with emphasis on the interdependent nature of families and their environments. A-F only. Pre: 340 or consent.

HDFS 445 Family Life Education Methodology (4)

Lecture, discussion and hands-on course, with service learning on Family Life Education Methodology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 341 or 442, or consent.

HDFS 452 Community Program Development (3)

Concepts and theories of community program development; principles, practices, and procedures in administration and supervision of volunteer services surveyed and analyzed. Pre: 352.

HDFS 454 Family Public Policy (3)

Cross-national survey of family public policy; analysis, revision, and development of family public policy; impacts of policy on consumers and families. Pre: 352.

HDFS 455 Consumer Communications (3)

Development, production, analysis, and evaluation of consumer materials for print media. Use of desktop publishing computer programs. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.

HDFS 468 Family Economics (3)

Study of personal family resources and its interaction with the economy. Focuses on contemporary economic problems that affect the welfare of families. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.

HDFS 491 Topics in Family Resources (V)

Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable.

HDFS 492 Internship (4)

Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills in supervised work at an approved internship site and through analytical writing assignments and class discussions. Repeatable one time. HDFS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 230, 340, 360, 380, and 380L.

HDFS 495 Capstone Portfolio (3)

Preparation of a senior portfolio to be used as assessment of competence relative to national FCS standards. Includes extensive instruction on writing. HDFS majors only. Pre: 230, 340, 360, 380, and 380L.

HDFS 499 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Independent reading and research on a topic, done under supervision of a faculty member; outcomes contracted in writing with faculty member at beginning of semester. Repeatable two times or up to nine credits. Pre: consent.