Survey of the field covering recruitment, selection, training, appraisals, grievance handling, communications, discipline, safety, compensation, and benefits.
Develop understanding of theory and research on managerial, entrepreneurial leadership and creativity in organizations. Topics include leadership, decision making, motivation, personality, and rewards within group settings.
Identify and evaluate methods to promote an effective change transition through efficient integration of corporate goals with the organizational culture.
Problems and economics of labor; history, structure, government, activities of trade unions.
Evolution, interpretation, and application of labor and social welfare legislation with special emphasis on impact of labor-management relations.
Reading and research in a special area within the major field under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor.
Selected topics. Emphasis on trends, recent issues, job evaluation, incentive systems, salary administration, executive compensation, profit sharing, benefit programs, retirement plans. Pre: 351.
Contemporary practices and trends in personnel planning for a competent work force; legal constraints, recruitment and selection, differential placement, training, career programming. Pre: 351.
Theory and practice in negotiating; design and operation of different kinds of workplace dispute resolution (such as mediation, arbitration, and various alternatives); features exercises on bargaining and negotiation and advocacy and decision skills. (Spring only)
Review and analysis of basic factors that distinguish employment relations; examination of the development of recent legislation and programs at federal, state, and municipal levels. Specific consideration given to current problems on the mainland and Hawai‘i. Pre: consent.
Analysis of the current concepts and practices in the design, delivery, and assessment of training. A-F only.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in HRM. Repeatable one time for different topics. Pre: consent.
Analysis and critical evaluation of basic issues, policies, and trends in personnel administration. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Covers issues in design, delivery, and assessment of training, theoretical background of training and development process, types of training process, cross cultural and other types of diversity training and development of training modules. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Organizational development (OD) and major concepts in organizational behavior. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Intends to give HR professionals a basic overview of the vocabulary and concepts of financial decision-making. Topics include: understanding financial information, budgeting, the finance of retirement and employee benefit and business valuation. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Survey of compensation methods and procedures including job evaluations, incentive systems, salary administration, fringe benefits, appropriate legislation, policies and strategy issues of compensation systems. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Recruiting and selection to optimize organizations including job design, job analysis, recruitment and selection methods, such as types of interviews and assessment centers, within legislative environment. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Theory and practice of negotiation. Exploration of appropriate strategies, tactics, and communication techniques. Study of dyadic multi-party, cross-cultural, and assisted negotiations. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Exploring global trends in human resources with focus on the Asia Pacific region. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in human resources. Repeatable four times with change in topics. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
The final course in the MHRM curriculum. It provides students opportunity to integrate and apply previous course content to their professional organization offering a value-added opportunity to enhance organizational performance. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Builds on previous leadership and management courses, focus on development of individual leadership skills emphasizing ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems-perspective relevant to healthcare organizations. A-F only. Pre: BUS 626. (Alt. years)
Covers the role of new ventures and entrepreneurship in the world economy, the formation, funding, marketing, structure and implementation of business ventures.
Contributions made by sociology, psychology, and related behavioral sciences to the understanding and prediction of human behavior in organizations. Pre: BUS 315.
Introduction to the unique problems and challenges in managing multinational business enterprises. Systems approach to the management process in such multinational firms stressed. Pre: BUS 315.
Similarities and differences in managers, in process of management, and in relevant environmental constraints in Japan and the U.S. Pre: BUS 315.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in administration. May be repeated with change in topic. Pre: consent.
Integrative course in entrepreneurship designed around the development of an original business concept and the completion of a comprehensive business plan for a new venture. Intended as final course for students completing entrepreneurship minor. Pre: 320 or consent.
The evolution of business enterprise from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on entrepreneurship, technological change, labor-management relations, government-business relations, and economic thought. Case studies of industrial development. (Cross-listed as HIST 378)
Reading and research in a special area within the major field under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor. Repeatable up to six credits.
The exploration of business, personal, and interpersonal issues associated with a family owned and managed company. Topics include: family psychology and organizational structure, life cycles in family business, strategic family and business planning, succession planning, family business conflict resolution, estate planning, the role of professional managers, and others. This is not a course about how to become an entrepreneur or how to start or manage a business. It is most appropriate for those students who are part of a family that owns and manages a business. Pre: BUS 315 or graduate status, or consent.
Business systems in Asia Pacific countries including Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong in terms of particular organization strategies and how they relate to the industrial trade policies. Pre: BBA core excluding BUS 345, or consent.
Exploration of the nature and role of entrepreneurship behavior inside larger, established organizations. An examination of obstacles to entrepreneurial activity and approaches to creating work environments that foster entrepreneurship. Pre: 320 or consent.
(B) experiential learning (EL); (C) organizational development (OD) and major concepts in organizational behavior. MBA or MAcc students only.
Cross-cultural analysis of the values and environmental constraints that shape management patterns and policies. Emphasis on Pacific area nations. MBA or MAcc students only.
Technical aspects of entrepreneurship, components and requirements for developing a business plan.
Survey of the environment of international business with theory and policy focusing on strategic planning, international management and operational issues confronting the multinational corporations in the global environment. MBA or MAcc students only.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in administration. May be repeated four times with change in topic. Pre: consent.
Entrepreneurship behavior involving the founding of new business units within established companies; understanding and dealing with barriers to entrepreneurship in corporations; recognizing corporate entrepreneurship opportunities; and learning various approaches organizations can take to increase entrepreneurship. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Theory and practice of negotiation. Exploration of appropriate strategies, tactics, and communication techniques. Study of dyadic multi-party, cross-cultural, and assisted negotiations.
Selected topics in international management and industrial relations: (B) Chinese management systems; (C) Japanese management systems; (D) management of multinational corporations; (F) contemporary issues in international business foreign direct investment; (G) cross-cultural communication in international business; (H) interactive strategies in Asian culture; (I) international human resource management; (J) international joint ventures; (K) international management of technology; (M) Korean management systems; (N) multinational corporation and environmental issues; (O) strategy of the multinational corporation; (P) international transfer of technology. Repeatable four times per alpha. MBA or MAcc students only (except for (D). Pre: consent.
Analysis of the strategic management of firms engaged in multinational business including specific content on Asia. Permits students to focus on specific countries such as China and Japan. A-F only. (Spring only)
Recognizing and screening technology opportunities, the commercialization process, intellectual property acquisition, business model related to high technology strategies needed for growth in high tech firms. A-F only. Pre: 645 or consent. (Once a year)
Innovative ventures, issues related to noticing opportunities, conceptualizing and developing a business model, starting and growing a new venture with specific emphasis on the Asian/Pacific region. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Covers health care policy topics including: analyzing health service needs, access, use, disparities; health professional supply; policy issues for health organizations; health care financing policy; health law/ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: BUS 622 and BUS 627. (Alt. years)
Provides tools to compare and contrast management practices across nations and to examine the role of culture in shaping those practices. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Objectives include: explore research topics in corporate strategy and international business, examine conceptual and empirical literature on management of the multinational corporation, and prepare students for comprehensive examination. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Reading and research in an area of management under the direction of faculty member(s). Repeatable unlimited times for PhD students. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.