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German (GER)

GER 101 Elementary German (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading.

GER 102 Elementary German (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading. Pre: 101.

GER 110 Intensive Elementary German (6)

Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. (Summer only)

GER 201 Intermediate German (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 102.

GER 202 Intermediate German (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 201.

GER 260 Intensive Intermediate German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 102.

GER 301 Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice (3)

Analysis of the German phonological system and practice in pronunciation. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.

GER 302 Structure of Modern German (3)

Study of syntactic and morphological structures and basic pragmatic principles. Focuses on spoken and written Modern German. Pre: 202 or 260.

GER 303 Reading and Writing (3)

Further development of reading and writing skills through the study of modern short stories by major German language authors. Pre: 202.

GER 304 Business German (3)

Advanced German conversation, reading, and writing with a special emphasis on the vocabulary and cultural context of the German business world. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 305 Contemporary Topics in Media (3)

Development of listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through analysis and discussion of media: newspaper articles, radio, and television programs and online sources. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 306 Conversation (3)

Intensive practice in spoken German designed to increase vocabulary and improve oral proficiency. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.

GER 307 German for Reading I (3)

Development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 308 German for Reading II (3)

Further development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 312 Introduction to German Literature 1750- 1914: (3)

Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1750 to 1914. Pre: 303 or consent.

GER 313 Introduction to German Literature 1914-Present (3)

Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1914 to present. Pre: 303 or consent.

GER 320 German Cinema (3)

Study of German film history, film analysis, film theory, and film study. Lecture/discussion. Repeatable one time, or take LLEA 320 one time, for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Pre: 303 or 306.

GER 360 Intensive Third-Level German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 202 or 260.

GER 361 Germanic Civilization to World War II (3)

German cultural heritage and history in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until World War II. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 362 Modern German Culture (3)

Modern culture in post-World War II Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 371 Practical German for use in Hawai‘i (3)

Use of German in practical situations in Hawai‘i, e.g., in travel industry. Pre: 202.

GER 409 Enlightenment—Sturm und Drang (3)

Lessing and his contemporaries; early dramas of Goethe and Schiller; Goethe’s early lyrics. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 410 Classicism (3)

Classical writings of Goethe and Schiller; some reference to other writers. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 411 Romanticism (3)

Novalis, Tieck, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Eichendorff, etc. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 415 Culture of Two Germanies: 1945-1989 (3)

(taught in German) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 416 German Literature, Culture and Film: 1989 to Present (3)

Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and LLEA 416. Pre: 303 or 306 or consent.

GER 460 Intensive Fourth-Level German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-level in German language and culture in a German-speaking country. Pre: 360 or equivalent.