Conversation, grammar and reading.
Conversation, grammar and reading. Pre: 101.
Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. (Summer only)
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 102.
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 201.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 102.
Analysis of the German phonological system and practice in pronunciation. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.
Study of syntactic and morphological structures and basic pragmatic principles. Focuses on spoken and written Modern German. Pre: 202 or 260.
Further development of reading and writing skills through the study of modern short stories by major German language authors. Pre: 202.
Advanced German conversation, reading, and writing with a special emphasis on the vocabulary and cultural context of the German business world. Pre: 202 or consent.
Development of listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through analysis and discussion of media: newspaper articles, radio, and television programs and online sources. Pre: 202 or consent.
Intensive practice in spoken German designed to increase vocabulary and improve oral proficiency. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.
Development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.
Further development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1750 to 1914. Pre: 303 or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1914 to present. Pre: 303 or consent.
Study of German film history, film analysis, film theory, and film study. Lecture/discussion. Repeatable one time, or take LLEA 320 one time, for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Pre: 303 or 306.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 202 or 260.
German cultural heritage and history in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until World War II. Pre: 202 or consent.
Modern culture in post-World War II Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Pre: 202 or consent.
Use of German in practical situations in Hawai‘i, e.g., in travel industry. Pre: 202.
Lessing and his contemporaries; early dramas of Goethe and Schiller; Goethe’s early lyrics. Pre: 306 or consent.
Classical writings of Goethe and Schiller; some reference to other writers. Pre: 306 or consent.
Novalis, Tieck, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Eichendorff, etc. Pre: 306 or consent.
(taught in German) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Pre: 306 or consent.
Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and LLEA 416. Pre: 303 or 306 or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-level in German language and culture in a German-speaking country. Pre: 360 or equivalent.