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Chinese (CHN)

CHN 101 Elementary Mandarin (4)

Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.

CHN 101A Elementary Mandarin (4)

Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.

CHN 102 Elementary Mandarin (4)

Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.

CHN 102A Elementary Mandarin (4)

Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.

CHN 103 Accelerated Elementary Mandarin (8)

Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test.

CHN 105 Elementary Chinese for Business Professionals (8)

Accelerated, intensive elementary course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: consent. (Fall only)

CHN 111 Elementary Conversational Mandarin I (3)

Development of basic skills (listening, speaking and grammar) of spoken Mandarin with application to some familiar everyday topics.

CHN 112 Elementary Conversational Mandarin II (3)

Continuation of 111. Pre: 101 or 111 or consent.

CHN 201 Intermediate Mandarin (4)

Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.

CHN 201A Intermediate Mandarin (4)

Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.

CHN 202 Intermediate Mandarin (4)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.

CHN 204 Accelerated Intermediate Mandarin (8)

Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test and 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.

CHN 205 Intermediate Chinese for Business Professionals (8)

Accelerated, intensive intermediate course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 105 (or equivalent) or consent.

CHN 211 Intermediate Conversational Mandarin I (3)

Further development of listening and speaking skills in Mandarin. The student is expected to be able to comprehend and produce speech at the paragraph level. Pre: 102 or 103 or 112, or consent.

CHN 212 Intermediate Conversational Mandarin II (3)

Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.

CHN 251 Reading and Writing Chinese I (3)

For students who have completed the conversational Mandarin courses up through 212 and wish to continue on to 301, or others who can handle daily conversation in Mandarin but cannot read or write in the language. Pre: 212 or consent.

CHN 252 Reading and Writing Chinese II (3)

Continuation of 251. Pre: 251 or consent.

CHN 301 Third-Level Mandarin I (3)

Vocabulary building and extended mastery of sentence structures of modern Chinese through reading and related conversation. Meets one hour a day, three times a week. Pre: 202 or 204 or 205 or 252; or consent.

CHN 302 Third-Level Mandarin II (3)

Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or consent.

CHN 303 Accelerated Third-Level Mandarin (6)

Content of 301 and 302 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, three times a week. Pre: 202 or 204 or 205 or 252; or consent.

CHN 305 Third-Year Chinese for Business Professionals (6)

Accelerated, intensive advanced course focusing on general advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 205 (or equivalent) or consent.

CHN 311 Mandarin Conversation (3)

Systematic practice on everyday topics of conversation. Lab work. Pre: 202 or 204 or 252; or consent.

CHN 312 Mandarin Conversation (3)

Continuation of 311. Pre: 311 or consent.

CHN 319 Chinese Dialect Studies (V)

Advanced Cantonese or other Chinese dialects. Repeatable one time. CR/NC for native Chinese speakers. Pre: consent.

CHN 331 Advanced Chinese Listening and Writing (3)

Web-based training in Chinese listening, reading, and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the course website. Features language exchange with native speakers. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.

CHN 332 Advanced Chinese Reading and Writing (3)

Web-based training in Chinese reading and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the course web site. Ideal for in-service professionals seeking language development and maintenance. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.

CHN 399 Directed Third-Level Reading (V)

For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in their area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

CHN 401 Fourth-Level Mandarin I (3)

Extensive reading in academic topics. Meets one hour a day, three times a week. Pre: 302 or 303 or 305; or consent.

CHN 402 Fourth-Level Mandarin II (3)

Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or consent.

CHN 404 Accelerated Fourth-Level Mandarin (6)

Content of 401 and 402 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, three times a week. Pre: 302 or 303 or 305; or consent.

CHN 405 Fourth-Year Chinese for Business Professionals (6)

Accelerated, intensive advanced course focusing on specialized advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 305 (or equivalent) or consent.

CHN 409 High-Advanced Chinese I (3)

Authentic reading, writing, speaking, and listening with Advanced-high and Superior level discourse, content, and genres to build Superior Chinese proficiency and broaden knowledge of Chinese culture. Significant attention paid to developing Chinese writing skills. Pre: 402 or 404 or 405, or instructor consent.

CHN 411 Advanced Mandarin Conversation (3)

Systematic practice on academic topics of conversation. Lab work. Pre: 302 or 303, or consent.

CHN 412 Advanced Mandarin Conversation (3)

Continuation of 411. Pre: 411 or consent.

CHN 421 (Alpha) Chinese Translation (3)

Training in techniques; theory of translation. (B) Chinese–English; (C) English–Chinese. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as TI 420(Alpha))

CHN 441 Fourth Year Reading and Writing: Advanced Topics I (3)

Asynchronous web-based course with focuses on (i) reading selected texts across a broad range of genres, and (ii) writing expository and argumentative essays by referencing and reflecting on the readings, along with interacting with peers. Pre: 401 (or concurrent) or equivalent or consent. (Fall only)

CHN 442 Fourth Year Reading and Writing: Advanced Topics II (3)

Asynchronous web-based course with focuses on (i) reading selected texts across a broad range of topics and genres, and (ii) writing expository/argumentative essays by referencing and reflecting on the readings, along with interacting with peers. Pre: 401 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only)

CHN 451 Structure of Chinese (3)

Introduction to phonology and morphology of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202 or 204; or consent.

CHN 452 Structure of Chinese (3)

Introduction to syntax and semantics of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202 or 204; or consent.

CHN 453 Study of Chinese Characters (3)

Origin, structure, and evolution. Pre: 402, 461; or consent. (Alt. years)

CHN 454 Study of Chinese Characters (3)

Continuation of 453. Pre: 453 or consent. (Alt. years)

CHN 455 Chinese Pragmatics and Discourse (3)

Introduction to pragmatics and discourse analysis of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202, 204; or consent.

CHN 456 Chinese Semantics and Communication (3)

Study of the meaning of Chinese sentences in isolation, in discourse contexts, and in written texts. Pays equal attention to theoretical issues and practical problems in Chinese semantics and communication. Pre: 202 or 204, or consent. (Once a year)

CHN 457 Chinese Words and the Lexicon (3)

Defines properties of the Chinese lexicon, introduces its principles, approaches, and methodologies in Chinese lexicology, outlines similarities and differences between the Chinese and English lexicons, and advances students’ Chinese language proficiency. Pre: 202 or 205, or consent. (Alt. years: fall)

CHN 461 Introduction to Classical Chinese (3)

Analysis of basic structural patterns through selected readings in various texts. Pre: 302 or consent.

CHN 470 Language and Culture of China (3)

Extensive exposure–chiefly through tape recordings, classroom conversation, and outside readings–to history, culture, and institutions. Pre: 202 or 204, or consent.

CHN 485 Academic/Professional Chinese I (3)

Focus on academic and professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening in order to train students to the Superior (according to ACTFL standards) level of language proficiency. Repeatable one time when taken in China as part of the UH Chinese Flagship Program. Pre: 402 or consent.

CHN 486 Academic/Professional Chinese II (3)

Continuation of 485. Focus on academic and professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening in order to train students to the Superior (according to ACTFL standards) level of language proficiency. Repeatable one time when taken in China as part of the UH Chinese Flagship Program. Pre: 402 or consent.

CHN 487 (Alpha) Readings in 20th Century Chinese Literature (3)

Representative works of writers from People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. (B) short stories; (C) poetry and drama; (D) novels and essays. Repeatable two times. Pre: 402 or consent.

CHN 488 Flagship Rhetoric and Composition Abroad (3)

Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will improve their knowledge of and ability to use Chinese to effectively communicate in writing. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.

CHN 489 Flagship Media and Society Abroad (3)

Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will improve their knowledge of Chinese media, how it operates, and its effects on Chinese society. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.

CHN 490 Flagship Experience Abroad (V)

Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will take two courses taught in Chinese in their field at Nanjing or Beijing Union University. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 486 or consent.

CHN 491 Oral Fluency Through Chinese Films (3)

Development of listening and speaking skills through discussion of Chinese films. Students will be required to watch the films before class. Pre: 301 or consent.

CHN 495 Internship Program (V)

Faculty supervised participation in the operations of an organization in a position making use of students’ Chinese language skills in Hawai‘i. Students must achieve a grade of B- in CHN 302 to take this course. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. CHN majors only. Junior/senior standing only. Pre: 302 (with a minimum grade of B-) or consent.

CHN 496 Overseas Internship in China (V)

Supervised internships in a Chinese-speaking institution in China. Students must pass 486 with a B- or higher and be accepted to the Flagship Capstone Year in China to take this. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 461 and 485 and 486 (with a minimum grade of B- or better) and proficiency assessment and acceptance to Flagship Capstone year in China.

CHN 499 Directed Fourth-Level Reading (V)

For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Primarily for graduate students from other departments. Pre: consent

CHN 601 Introduction to Study of Contemporary Chinese Linguistics (3)

Panoramic overview of major perspectives in contemporary Chinese linguistics. Readings on recent developments of fields. Report on selected research papers and present analysis of linguistic phenomena of interest. Pre: 452 or consent. (Alt. years)

CHN 610 (Alpha) Chinese Poetry (3)

Critical study of major traditional Chinese poetic forms. (B) ancient (to 5th century); (C) medieval (5th–10th century). Pre: 461 or consent for (B), 610B or consent for (C).

CHN 612 Traditional Chinese Fiction (3)

Formal and thematic analysis of short stories, historical romances, and novels. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402 or consent.

CHN 631 (Alpha) History of Chinese Language (3)

(B) phonology; (C) syntax. Pre: 451, LING 421, or consent for (B); 452 or consent for (C).

CHN 633 Chinese Dialects (3)

Synchronic description of a Chinese dialect other than Cantonese and Mandarin; contrastive and comparative studies with Mandarin. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 451 and 452, or consent.

CHN 634 Chinese Syntax and Semantics (3)

Verbal categories, aspects, focus devices, resultative and directional compounds, coverbial constructions. Interaction between syntax and semantics. Pre: 452 or consent.

CHN 642 Contrastive Analysis of Mandarin and English (3)

Pre: 452.

CHN 643 Methods in Teaching Chinese as Second Language (3)

Problems in language learning and teaching. Practice in preparing and presenting lessons with materials based on comparative linguistic analysis. Materials, teaching aids, test construction. Pre: 451 and 452, or consent.

CHN 645 Practicum: Teaching Chinese Language (3)

For graduate students pursuing teaching Chinese language. Students gain practical skills and hands-on experiences in creating instructional and assessment materials and teaching an actual Chinese language class using the self-developed materials effectively. Pre: 643 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)

CHN 650 (Alpha) Topics in Chinese Language (3)

Extensive studies of selected topics (B) teaching and testing: specific problems in teaching Chinese including characters and cultural elements; proficiency and communicative ability; (C) cognitive grammar. A-F only for (C). Pre: 451 and 452, or consent. Once a year.

CHN 655 Current Topics in Chinese Grammar (3)

Current approaches to Chinese grammar and related issues and debates, focusing on the papers published by leading Chinese linguists employing these approaches. Pre: 452, 455, or 456; or consent. (Alt. years)

CHN 660 Second Semester Classical Chinese (3)

Builds on the foundation laid in 461; introduces complex syntactic patterns, advanced vocabulary; teaches sophisticated reading strategies and cultural literary contexts; exposes students to a wide range of intermediate level texts. Repeatable two times. Pre: 461 or consent. (Spring only)

CHN 661 Advanced Classical Chinese (3)

Pre: 660 and consent.

CHN 662 Advanced Classical Chinese (3)

Pre: 661 and consent.

CHN 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.

CHN 750 (Alpha) Research Seminar in Chinese Language (3)

(B) teaching methods; (C) structure; (D) classical grammar; (E) sociolinguistics. Pre: 643 for (B) and (E); 452 for (C) and (D).

CHN 753 (Alpha) Research Seminar in Chinese Literature (3)

Study of authors, a genre, a period, or a problem. (M) modern; (T) traditional. Repeatable one time for (M). A-F only for (M). Pre: EALL 611, WGSS 613, WGSS 615, or WGSS 650; or consent for (M); 612, or consent for (T). (Cross-listed as WGSS 753) (Alpha))