Introduction to the breadth of design in today’s global culture. Exploration of human responses to place, climate, culture, communication, and technology, with emphasis on the impact of scientific knowledge on environmental design. Open to
nonmajors. A-F only.
Introduction to creative design processes focusing on the investigation of composition within defining perceivable space. Hands-on exploration of materials and structures as an introduction to design processes. ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Continued exploration of design processes. Introduction to CAD technologies, material exploration, and creative exploration including the relationship between digital, physical, and materials aspects of design. ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 100 and 101.
Exploration of critical judgment and means to conceptualize, develop, present, and both visually and orally communicate form and space, including fundamentals of freehand drawing, mechanical drawing, physical model making, diagramming, and graphic techniques. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101.
Investigation of the various disciplines in the environmental design field, including architecture, landscape architecture, interiors, historic preservation, urban design, and construction management. Emphasis given to collaborative methods to address critical issues. Open to non-majors. A-F only. Pre: 100.
Exploration of critical judgment and means to conceptualize, develop, represent, and both visually and orally communicate form and space, including freehand drawing, mechanical drawing, physical model making, diagramming, and computer graphic techniques. ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 132.
Development of designs and processes to study precedents and explore solutions responding to human needs in built and natural environments. Analysis and representation of architectonic space and form using hand and computer techniques. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 or 235.
Introduction to building systems, including structural, environmental, life-safety, building envelope, building materials and building assemblies. Development of design skills with emphasis on elevating skills in assessing and selecting appropriate building systems. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 132 or 102, and MATH 140.
Exploration of digital design fundamentals and their application to design analysis, conceptualization, design process, and communication of design intent. Pre: 100, 101, and 132.
Principles and practice of landscape planning, design, and technology. Ecological, sociocultural, and natural science determinants of landscape form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only, open to nonmajors if space available.
Investigation of the history and theory of architecture in the world’s major cultural regions, from early agricultural settlements to 1500 C.E. Investigation of architecture in relationship to social, political, technological, and material forces. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: HIST 151.
Investigation of the history and theory of architecture from the 15th century C.E. to the present. Investigation of architecture in relationship to social, political, technological, and material forces. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152.
Introduction to environmentalism; focusing on the impact of building systems of the
global environment; the role of environmental regulations/certifications, and understanding of sustainable principles (economic, social, and natural systems). ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 220 and PHYS 151/151L.
Building and site design with emphasis on site development,
analysis, and climatic response. Introduction to sustainable design, land use ordinances, description and delineation of property and land features, and urban and community design influences. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200 and 201.
Architectural design with emphasis on space planning, building materials, technology, climatic responses,
and codes including complex functional requirements,
multi-story design issues, vertical transportation, structure, and finishes. Production of complete schematic design documents. Detailed writing instruction. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 341.
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning/research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Principles and practice of urban design within the comprehensive planning process. Sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of urban form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only, open to nonmajors if space available.
Survey of the history of landscape architecture from Mesopotamia to present. Review of the physical, cultural, social, economic, and political factors, as well as the environmental concerns, horticultural techniques, and technological innovations of historic landscapes. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 352)
Basic skills of landscape graphic communication through a creative process model. Learning free hand and technical drafting techniques to creative effective landscape graphics. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 353)
Students will develop basic skills of residential landscape graphic and design processes in
order to clearly articulate the ability to think, analyze, and extend a physical solution in the proper scale. Repeatable one time. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 354)
Examination of theories, movements, and periods in architectural history focusing on contemporary issues. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of writing, and three oral
communication assignments. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201, 220, 271, and 272.
An examination of specific theories, movements, or periods of architectural history. Changing topics to be taught by both regular and visiting faculty. ARCH, ENVD, and AMST majors only. Repeatable three times. Pre: 271 and 272.
Essential topographic site design concepts and skills needed to reshape the land for human use, circulation, water management, and resilience. Topics will be reinforced
through problem sets and analytical, computational, graphical, and technical exercises. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 220.
Introduction to theoretical and applied research methodologies and practices relevant to the design of the built environments. Lecture, discussion, independent work. BEnvD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 341.
ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Exploration of the management of architectural services from project initiation through project completion. Investigation of project delivery options; management of project
design teams, project operations and services; design parameter definition; design service documentation; and project execution. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200.
Professional experience combined with scholarly and research activity occurring in an off-campus location with a focus on architectural concentration areas. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 342.
Culminating design studio with focus on the development of a comprehensive design project integrating all major aspects of prior environmental design education. BEnvD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 415.
Introduction to green building design, construction, and operation standards and rating systems. Emphasis on understanding the intent, criteria, and process of the LEED system in preparation for application in a professional setting. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Introductory treatment of the management of construction. Construction supervision, contract documents, estimating and bidding, organization, planning and scheduling, administration, business methods, safety, and labor. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CEE 472)
Exploration of the practice of architecture including: professionalism; office organization and administration; public, client, consultant, and other contractor relations; project administration, procedure and compensation; construction law and contract administration. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200 and 341.
Investigation of processes for generating architectonic form using current digital technologies. Making advanced geometric models including investigation of morphological transformations. Study of design optimization, digital fabrication, information modeling, and generative algorithms. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 235.
Seminar centered on academic and cultural exchanges, focused on advanced topics related to the design of built environments. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Principles and practice of urban design within the comprehensive planning process. Sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of urban form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Principles and practice of landscape architecture within the comprehensive design processes of the built environment. Focus on context-specific sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of landscape forms and patterns. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Introduction and orientation to the field. Fundamental design principles and elements as applied to interiors. Basic materials and methods of interior construction; basic professional and business practices. Critical analysis of an existing interior space. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. Repeatable three times.
Introduction to historic preservation. Exploration of design principles and elements
as applied to conservation of historic resources, including basic conservation materials and methods, professional practices, and critical analysis of existing methodologies. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Study and documentation of existing buildings, structures, and sites of historic and/or cultural significance, including field measurements and drawings, historical research, photo documentation, and preparation of archival drawings to be deposited in the Library of Congress. Documentation conducted according to standards of the Historic American
Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER). Repeatable three times, up to 24 credits. ARCH, ENVD, and AMST majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 475)
History of American architecture in terms of style, techniques, and symbolic meaning. ARCH and ENVD majors only. (Cross-listed as AMST 423)
Lectures and discussions on historic preservation issues in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific.
Emphasis on indigenous and national expressions. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 474)
Research methodology for the qualitative development of an optimum environment. Repeatable three times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Applied urban and landscape ecology principles and strategies for analysis, design, and management of urban regions and sites; emphasis on structure, functions, and processes that form urban landscapes at multiple scales and in diverse contexts. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Introduction to the use of plants as design elements in the built environment across diverse scales. Examination of the spatial, sensory, ecological, and performative qualities of vegetation through analysis of historic and contemporary examples. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Selected topics in any aspect of architecture. Content to be announced. Repeatable four times. ARCH and ENVD majors only.
Specialized work on the history and theory of architecture. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Specialized investigation of technological developments in structural systems,
environmental control systems, or materials and methods of construction. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Work on specialized topics in the fields of architecture and design. May include research
and/or studio experiences in architecture, interior architecture, computer-aided design, professional practice, advanced visual design, and architectural graphics. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Exploration of design and building principles as related to
furniture. Emphasis on fundamentals of practice and an understanding of materials and structure, with an intensive hands-on building experience. Repeatable one time. BEnvD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 102.
Various course work including design, history, theory, technology, and sustainability offered for international exchange students. (E) elective; (L) laboratory; (P) project; (S) seminar. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Reading, research, and work on topics in architecture and design. Includes an intensive
writing component. May include specialized research and/or studio experience in architecture, design, and the history and theory of architecture and design. Repeatable unlimited times. ENVD majors only. Pre: 100 and 101.
History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as AMST 675 and PLAN 675)
Theory and application in design communication, including drawing and presentation
skills; emphasis on the design process and critical thinking through analog and digital media, diagramming, three-dimensional modeling, and various other presentation techniques. LAND majors only. A-F only.
Introduction to the use of computers in landscape architecture, emphasizing two- and three dimensional computer-aided drawings and graphics suitable to landscape architectural design and practice. LAND majors only. A-F only.
Introduction to the identification, recognition, and use of plants in landscape design and built environment applications. Students will be introduced to a variety of landscape plants commonly used in Hawai‘i and the tropics. LAND majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TPSS 634)
Examination of materials and methods of landscape construction from source, extraction, and manufacturing, to use and reuse. Assignments include drawing standard construction details and a report on the history of material use, properties, and qualities. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Introduction of practices and core methods of the landscape architecture profession.
Subjects include business and governmental organization, elements of contract law, business management, professional relationships, marketing, professional licensure, and ethics. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 634 and 635.
Issues and methods of urban land use planning practice and plan making. A-F only. Pre: PLAN 640 or consent. (Crosslisted as PLAN 645)
Methods and approaches in the study of vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes and material culture, with an emphasis on traditions and innovations in the Americas. (Cross-listed as AMST 681)
Theory and application of foundational landscape design principles, programming, and physical analysis to site-based design problems. Visual, formal, spatial, and functional design principles are applied to ecological and cultural influences in landscape design. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Landscape project design at the site scale; from concept development through detailed design. Synthesis of foundational skills into more complex, layered spatial, and functional problems. Emphasis on site research and design methods. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Exploring, understanding, and implementing Hawaiian and Western cultural and environmental landscape design principles. A concentrated look at how to think about creating and respecting a sense of place through landscape design. LAND and TPSS majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TPSS 656)
Understanding the science and art of green landscape technologies, with a comprehensive understanding of LID (low impact design) principles and practices; to increase knowledge to help produce more viable and enduring built landscapes. LAND majors only. A-F only. (Crosslisted as TPSS 658)
The manifestations, visual characteristics, and social/ cultural meaning of “style” in American architecture and decorative arts from the early settlement period through the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 679)
History, concepts, and theories behind the relationship between health and the built environment stressing transdisciplinary understanding and collaboration through readings, discussion, and real world-based exercises. LAND, ARCH, and PLAN majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Crosslisted as PLAN 682)
Cultural and historical impact on urban form, contention of tradition and modernity in urban space, spatial expression of state and society, perception and utilization of urban design, evolution of urban form in selected Asian capitals. Pre: 341, ASAN 312, PLAN 310 or PLAN 600. (Cross-listed as ASAN 636 and PLAN 636)
Seminar on a wide range of architectural topics to be directed by both visiting and regular faculty. Repeatable three times. ARCH and LAND majors only. Pre: consent
Specialized work at an advanced level on the history and theory of architecture. Repeatable unlimited times.
Specialized investigation at an advanced level of technological developments in structural systems, environmental control systems, or materials and methods of construction. Repeatable unlimited times.
Intensive work on specialized topics in the fields of architecture and design. May include research and/or studio experiences in architecture, interior architecture, computer-aided design, professional practice, advanced visual design, and architectural graphics. Repeatable unlimited times.
Exploration of design and building principles as related to furniture. Emphasis on fundamentals of practice, an understanding of materials and structure, with an intensive hands-on building experience. Additionally, a survey of 20th Century furniture design. Repeatable one time. ARCH majors
only. A-F only.
Graduate seminar on discussion of central ideas and theories in landscape architecture and environmental design, drawing on primary literature and speculative or built design work over many decades of thought. ARCH and LAND majors only, or consent. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 695)
Seminar on a wide range of landscape architectural topics to be directed by both
visiting and regular faculty. Repeatable three times. ARCH and LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
ARCH and LAND majors only.
Landscape architectural thesis research and design inquiry. Limited to MLA students under Plan A. Repeatable unlimited times. LAND majors only. Graduate students only.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: consent.
Study of the history and theory of culture and the built environment with particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Detailed investigation of major theories in architecture and urban design and examination of their impact on contemporary architectural practice in varied geo-political contexts. Open to non-majors. A-F only.
Study of building materials, assemblies, and integrated design including structural,
environmental, life-safety, and building envelope systems. Development of ability to design, analyze and assess appropriate systems. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 140.
Introduction to the theory of bioclimatic principles and structural systems and the ability to analyze, assess, select, design, and integrate them as initial determinants into the building design. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate status.
Introduction to procedures and wood, steel, concrete, and masonry material properties used for structural analysis and design of individual structural elements and building structural systems. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 723.
Application and analysis of highperformance building design principles. Emphasis on climate-appropriate passive design, energy-efficient lighting and conditioning strategies, innovative water systems, and renewable energy production. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 723.
Properties, evolution, and range of building materials, assemblies, and systems and their applications in integrated high-performance building design with a focus on the role of detail and systems in the design process. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 724, 725, 733, and 742.
(Lec, Lab) Exploration of digital technologies, their relationship to design, and their application to architectural analysis, conceptualization, design processes, communication, representation, and construction. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
(Lec, Lab) An interdisciplinary investigation of design theory as connected to digital technology and its applications to current developments in practice and research within architecture and design. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Comprehensive study of architectural practice within the global context with emphasis on the Asia Pacific region. Exploration of information technology systems, materials and design process research, construction technology, computer aided manufacturing, and entrepreneurial approaches. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Interdisciplinary investigation of design theory as connected to architectural presentation techniques, particularly oral and written, to current developments in architectural practice. A-F only.
Comprehensive assessment of objectives and function of research in architecture and landscape architecture. Lecture, seminar, independent work with emphasis on research project topic and proposal development. ARCH and LAND majors only. Graduate students
only. A-F only. Pre: 715 or 761.
Design theories and systematic analytic and synthetic methodologies applied to creation of
building and site spaces responsive to environmental and human needs. Several individual projects. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Design of a medium complexity building and site engaging social, cultural, codes, building systems, and sustainable design. Production of program and schematic design documents. Individual projects. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Design of complex, large scale building and site engaging social, cultural, code, sustainable systems, and acoustic issues. Production of schematic and design development documents. ARCH majors only. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
Urban design focused on Asian cities investigating social, cultural, political, and technological factors; study of historical precedents, building/block typology, circulation, infrastructure, and context response. ARCH and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 733
and 742, or 761.
Design and programming for a moderately complex building and site. Production of design development and partial construction documents describing sustainable building assemblies and construction cost. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 724, 725, 733, and 743. Co-requisite: 726.
Comprehensive study of architectural practice investigating architect’s response to global forces, including entrepreneurial practice, office organization, project delivery, compensation, and construction law. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739 and 743.
Scholarly and research activity combined with professional experience occurring in an off-campus location. (B) business; (C) community design; (E) alternative experience; (G) global; (H) Hawai‘i; (P) practicum; (T) China. Repeatable one time per alpha. ARCH majors only. Graduate standing only for (G), (H), and (T). A-F only. Pre: 744, and 750C or 750G for (B), (G), and (T); 744 and 745 for (H); 726, 744, 745, 750G, and 781 for (C), (E), and (P).
Scholarly and research activity combined with professional experience occurring in an off campus location. (C) China; (G) global. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 743 for (C).
Urban design focused on investigating social, cultural, political, and technological factors; study of historical precedents, building/block typology, circulation, infrastructure, and context response. (C) China; (G) design research. A-F only. ARCH Global Track only.
Graduate standing only. Pre: 744 for (C); 739 and 743 for (G).
Range of topics allowing acquisition of knowledge and ability needed for professional architectural practice offered online. Repeatable two times. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Pre: 415.
Varied topics furthering knowledge and ability needed for professional design practice emphasizing communication methods for collaborative and integrated design using digital technologies. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739.
Comprehensive study of architectural practice investigating architect’s response to global forces, including entrepreneurial practice, office organization, project delivery, compensation, and construction law. A-F only. Pre: 745.
Exploration of the interaction of landscape and community necessities in urban ecological design. Studio problems, design research projects, lectures, and discussion applied to the integration of ecological and social factors in urban contexts. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 483 and 652.
Design and programming for a complex, medium-scale, multi-layered urban landscape architecture project. Iterative, advanced design inquiry and materials exploration. Production of in-depth, comprehensive design development and partial construction documents. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 634, 635, 743, and 761.
Advanced landscape architectural design inquiry and applied research investigation. Serves as a capstone experience, synthesizing theory, values, and practice. Limited to
MLA students under Plan B. (D) design (6 credits); (R) research (3 credits). Repeatable one time per alpha, up to 18 credits. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 743 and 763.
Investigation of architectural history and theory in the world from antiquity to present. Examining social, political, technological, material, and environmental forces. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Investigation of social, cultural, political, climactic, and technological factors influencing the historical development of architecture in Hawai‘i. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Individual development of a doctorate proposal that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, and design. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 750G.
Individual development of a case study project that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: instructor consent.
Individual development of a doctorate project with an approved chair and doctorate project committee that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, and design; (H) Hawaii; (T) Tongji. Repeatable one time for (H). ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 747C or 747P or 747E for (H); 750C or 750G for (T).
Individual development of a doctorate project with an approved chair and doctorate project committee that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions; (H) Hawaii; (T) Tongji. Repeatable one time for (H). ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 784H for (H); 784T for (T).
Extension of the development of a doctorate project with an approved committee that advances architectural knowledge through research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions. Repeatable one time. ARCH majors only. CR/NC only.
Theoretical and design investigations into fabrication and construction techniques using computer aided design and manufacturing technologies. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 733.