Arts of Europe from early Christian era to Renaissance. Pre: 175 or consent.
Minoan and Mycenaean arts; Greece and Rome. Pre: 175 or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 373)
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe. Pre: 176 or consent.
Major developments, prehistoric through Kamakura; architecture, painting, sculpture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Major developments, Muromachi to modern period; painting, sculpture, architecture. Pre: 176 or consent.
Introduction to the arts and material culture of the Philippines from the pre-colonial to the contemporary period through the examination of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, textiles, and painting from various ethnolinguistic groups. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as IP 382)
Ceramics, sculpture, painting, and architecture; neolithic through Yi periods. Pre: 175 or consent.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on jade, bronze, secular and religious sculptures, and paintings from prehistory to the 9th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on the rise of literati painting and theory individualism in art and theory, garden, and architecture, and the Chinese pursuit of modernity and post-modernity in art. Pre: 176 or consent.
Thematic introduction to sculpture in China from the Neolithic period through the present day. A-F only. Pre: 175.
Contextual study of art from selected areas in Africa, the Pacific, and North America. Pre: 176 or consent.
Critical analysis of the historical and cultural development of Buddhist and Hindu art in Southeast Asia; (B) island Southeast Asia; (C) mainland Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 175 or consent.
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Art of India and South Asia. Pre: 175 or consent.
History of photography from its beginnings to the present; emphasis on the evolution of photography as an art form; (B) nineteenth century, from the invention of photography through pictorialism; (C) twentieth century, from World War I to the present. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Crosslisted as AMST 460)
Painting, sculpture, and architecture: (B) early Renaissance in Italy; (C) northern Europe; (D) High Renaissance and mannerism in Italy. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe in the Baroque and Rococo periods. Pre: 176 or consent.
Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 176 or AMST 202 or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 456)
Development of modern art in Europe 1900–1939. Pre: 176 or consent.
Art since 1945, with a focus on the global expansion of the avantgarde; (B) contemporary art 1945-2000; (C) global contemporary art since 2000. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
Visual form and function of the arts in cultural context: (B) Melanesia and Australia; (C) Polynesia and Micronesia; (D) North Pacific coast Indian, Eskimo. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Visual form and function of arts in cultural context. Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Pre: 176 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and textile traditions of indigenous Indonesia in cultural context. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Thematic approaches to contemporary art and visual culture. Course themes may include identity, local/global issues, and appropriation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years)
Stylistic and aesthetic characteristics of art of ancient Hawai‘i; relationship to art from other parts of Polynesia. Pre: 176 or consent.
Ceramics, metalwork, lacquer, and textiles throughout Japanese history. Pre: 175 and 176; or consent.
Explores the recent history of environmental and ecological art; provides a critical framework for the contemporary image politics of environmentalism, ecology, sustainability, and climate change. A-F only. Pre: 176.
History of contemporary art in Hawai‘i: the institutions, artists, critics, and historians that have shaped it. Strong focus on oral history of Hawai‘i artists. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Stylistic and historic development of two-dimensional arts; painting and calligraphy from prehistory through 18th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
Introduction to the arts of China in the modern and contemporary periods, in all media and genres, from 1840 to the present. Pre: 176 or consent.
History of Japanese cinema, including silent films, samurai films, monster films, and literary adaptations, analyzed through the lens of genre and genre theory. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176. (Summer only)
Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art
and architectural history. (B) Angkor & art of Khmer civilization; (C) art & architecture of Thailand; (D) monuments & nationalism in Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for up to two different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 175, or consent. (Once a year) (D Cross-listed as ANTH 491)
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Hindu visual culture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Major developments in art and architecture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Seminar on theoretical, ethical and aesthetic issues relating to the practice of photography, past and present. A-F only. Pre: 396B or 396C, or consent.
Major design movements in Europe and America from late 19th century to present; arts and crafts movement, art nouveau, modernist trends of the 20th century. Pre: 176 or consent.
Specific period or national style of cinema studied in its historical context. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
An introduction to art historiography, analytical techniques, and research methods and materials. Pre: consent and graduate standing.
Arts from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia explored in context of issues involving belief systems and cultural change. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475C or consent.
Research topics in the history of Chinese sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, jade, and textiles. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Research and discussion seminar supporting advanced critical theory in the context
of contemporary art and other creative practice. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in global contemporary art history. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Selected topics in European and American art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in Japanese art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in South and/or Southeast Asian art and architectural history with an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent, repeatable with consent.
Investigates artistic representations, appropriations, and exchanges constructed on the basis of East/Orient vs. West/Occident differences. Includes analysis of: Orientalizing artistic traditions throughout history, history and concept of Orient, post-colonial critique of Orientalism. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. 2-3 years) (Cross-listed as ASAN 792)