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ART 242 Introduction to Ceramics (3)

Three-dimensional concepts in clay; hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques. Projects, lectures, and demonstrations.

ART 343 Ceramics—Sculpture (3)

Sculptural concepts and techniques specifically related to the medium of clay; advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 344 Ceramics—Vessels (3)

Exploration of the ceramic vessel as function, metaphor, and expression. Advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 345 Ceramics—Low Temperature (3)

Form and surface problems related to earthenware clay bodies and low-temperature glazes; mold-making for ceramics. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 346 History of Western Ceramics (3)

Western ceramics history from chronological, developmental, contextual, and theoretical standpoints; influence of Asian ceramics. Pre: 242, with 175 and 176 recommended; or consent.

ART 347 Technical Ceramics (3)

Clay body development, glaze development, empirical and calculation methods. Emphasis on glaze maturity, surface, and color. A-F only. Pre: 242, and one of 343, 344, or 345; or consent.