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Center on Aging

COA 206 Introduction to Applied Gerontology: Helping Yourself and Others to Thrive in Later Life (3)

Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as IS 206)

COA 305 Ethics, Aging & Society (3)

Addresses ethical issues in gerontology and long-term care for older adults as raised by public policy, health care problems, and social attitudes toward elders. Explores established practices and new directions for ethics in aging. A-F only. (Cross-listed as IS 305)

COA 334 Middle Age and Aging (3)

Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as HDFS 334)

COA 342 Adult Development and Aging (3)

Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: PSY 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as PSY 342)

COA 353 Survey of Sociology of Aging (3)

Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research. Pre: SOC 100 or a 200-level sociology course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 353)

COA 394 On Death and Dying (3)

Aspects of death and dying; relation to our culture and society, to understanding of each other and of ourselves. (Crosslisted as REL 394)

COA 399 Directed Reading and Research for Freshmen and Sophomores (V)

Individual reading or research under supervision of COA-affiliated faculty.
Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. Freshmen and sophomores only. A-F only. Pre: instructor consent.

COA 411 Introduction to Medicare (3)

Introduces intricacies of Medicare (federal insurance for eligible older adults and disabled) through hands-on understanding, online national training curriculum, and local community partner engagement and service learning in partnership with Hawai‘i State Department of Health. A-F only.

COA 435 Back to the Future: Aging in Today’s Society (3)

By 2050, more than a quarter of the world’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Explores what we know about aging today to encourage a lifetime of aging well. A-F only. Pre: PH 201 or SW 360 or WGSS 305 or PSY 100 or HDFS 230 or NURS 200; or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 435 and SW 435)

COA 449 Gerontology, Health Care, and the Law (Elder Law) (V)

Provides a basic foundation for studies at the intersection of gerontology, health care, and the law and places an emphasis on proactive and preventive law for older adults in society. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as NURS 449)

COA 499 Directed Reading and Research forJuniors and Seniors (V)

Individual reading or research under supervision of COA-affiliated faculty. Repeatable two
times, up to nine credits. Juniors and seniors only. Pre: consent of instructor.