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PSY 100 Survey of Psychology (3)

An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.

PSY 100A Survey of Psychology (3)

An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.

PSY 170 Personal Development (3)

The application of psychology to the understanding, management, and enhancement of one’s life.

PSY 202 Psychology of Gender (3)

Survey of topics in psychology relevant to gender and its impact on the lives of women and men: socialization of gender, mental health, racial identity, majority-minority status, sexual orientation, life-span issues and violence. A-F only. Pre: 100 or WGSS 151. (Cross-listed as WGSS 202)

PSY 212 Survey of Research Methods (4)

(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Survey of standard methods and related conceptual issues employed in psychological research. Both experimental and non-experimental methods will be reviewed. Pre: 100.

PSY 220 Introduction to Behavioral Psychology (3)

Outline of basic learning principles. A general, unified approach to study of human personality and behavior. Based upon a learning conception; various areas of psychology and the other social sciences are treated. Pre: 100.

PSY 225 Statistical Techniques (3)

Frequency distributions; graphic methods; central tendency; variability; correlation; reliability; tests of significance. Pre: 100.

PSY 230 Introduction to Psychobiology (3)

Survey of study of behavior from a natural sciences viewpoint. Evolution, ethological analysis of behavior genetics, neural mechanisms, drugs and behavior, biological development. Pre: 100.

PSY 240 Developmental Psychology (3)

Emotional, mental, physical, social development from infancy to adulthood; interests and abilities at different age levels. Pre: 100.

PSY 250 Social Psychology (3)

Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of people: interpersonal relations, attribution, attitudes, group behavior, stereotypes, social roles, aggression, helping, self-concept; applications. Pre: 100.

PSY 260 Psychology of Personality (3)

Scientific study of personality, its meaning, assessment, development, relation to cultural-social determinants. Pre: 100.

PSY 270 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)

History, theories, nature of psychological problems, methods of assessment, forms of intervention, current developments. Pre: 100.

PSY 280 Introduction to Community Psychology (3)

Examination of human functioning in social and ecological context. Topics include stress, health, intergroup relations, culture, ethnicity, social competence, and community empowerment. Pre: 100.

PSY 301 Introduction to Educational Psychology (3)

Psychology as applied to education, including major theories and research and development, cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching and learning. Incorporates introductions to standardized testing, classroom assessment, motivation, instructional planning and classroom management. (Cross-listed as EDEP 311)

PSY 322 Learning and Motivation (3)

Theoretical interpretations; survey of major theorists and contemporary controversial issues; major influences in classical and instrumental conditioning. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220.

PSY 324 Psychology of Emotion (3)

Survey of traditional views and leading theories, and research in related topics. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220 or 322.

PSY 325 Cognitive Psychology (3)

Survey of cognitive processes involved in perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, reasoning, judgment, intelligence and consciousness, among others. Pre: 100 or consent.

PSY 331 Behavioral Neuroscience (3)

Coverage of the relationship between the brain and body on learning and memory, stress, motivated and regulatory behavioral functions, and mental disorders. A-F only. Pre: 230 or BIOL 172, or consent.

PSY 333 Psychopharmacology (3)

Coverage of the principles of pharmacology in relation to the effects of drug actions on the brain and behavior. A-F only. Pre: 230 or consent. (Once a year)

PSY 336 Sensation and Perception (3)

In-depth coverage of the basic principles involved in sensing and perceiving our environment. A-F only. Pre: 100.

PSY 341 Social Development of Children (3)

Survey of the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Pre: 240 or HDFS 230.

PSY 342 Adult Development and Aging (3)

Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as COA 342)

PSY 351 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)

Psychological theories and cultural systems; understanding of own and other cultures; psychological and cultural perception of social motivation; cultural similarities and differences in interpersonal relations. Pre: 100.

PSY 352 Psychology of Human Sexuality (3)

Psychosocial aspects of human sexual relationships. Social psychology of emotional and physiological arousal, interpersonal attraction, and societal regulation of intimate relationships. Pre: 100.

PSY 371 Abnormal Psychology (3)

Nature and causes of psychological disorders. Pre: 100.

PSY 371A Abnormal Psychology (3)

Nature and causes of psychoses; abnormalities of intelligence; psychotherapy. Pre: 100. Recommended: 270.

PSY 385 Consumer Behavior (3)

Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MKT 311)

PSY 402 History of Psychology (3)

Origin and development of contemporary points of view. Pre: 100. Recommended: 9 credit hours in psychology.

PSY 403 Seminar on the Psychology of Knowledge (3)

Selected topics in the psychology of knowledge and mind from Western and/or non-Western perspectives. Repeatable in different topics up to 9 credit hours. Pre: 100 and written consent.

PSY 407 Practicum in Psychology (V)

Supervised psychological experience in school, clinic, hospital, industry, social welfare, government, etc. Pre: 100 and consent.

PSY 408 Teaching General Psychology (V)

Supervised experience. Pre: 100, at least 12 additional credit hours in psychology, and written consent. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

PSY 409 General Psychology: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research. Repeatable to 6 credit hours. Pre: 100.

PSY 419 Psychometrics: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory, research, or methodology relevant to individual differences, measurement, or aspects of psychometrics. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.

PSY 429 Experimental Psychology: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research, in cognitive psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.

PSY 439 Psychobiology: Advanced Topics (3)

Indepth coverage of some area of theory and research in psychobiology, physiological psychology, or sensory processes. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.

PSY 442 Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (3)

Social and emotional maladjustment in children and adolescents, developmental disabilities, pediatric psychology, psychological interventions with children and adolescents. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240.

PSY 449 Development Psychology: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in developmental psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 240, 341, or consent

PSY 459 Social Psychology: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in social psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours.

PSY 476 Health Psychology (3)

Psychological principles for understanding and dealing with wellness and illness. Theories and research on stress-related disorders; prevention of stress through lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Pre: 100 or consent. Recommended: 220 or 322.

PSY 477 Communication in Helping Relationships (3)

Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as COMG 490)

PSY 478 Teaching Personal Development (6)

Supervised experience in leading a seminar in personal development. Pre: 170 and 12 additional credits in PSY and written consent.

PSY 479 Advanced Topics in Adjustment/ Treatment/Prevention (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in clinical psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 270, 371 or consent.

PSY 489 Applied Psychology: Advanced Topics (3)

Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100. (Cross-listed as EDEP 489)

PSY 496 Special Topics in Psychology (3)

Covers topics of current or special interest not covered in regular course offerings or advanced topics seminars. Repeatable two times. Pre: 100.

PSY 499 Directed Reading or Research (V)

Repeatable eight times, up to nine credits. Pre: 100 and consent of instructor.

PSY 600 Methodologic Foundations of Psychology (3)

Methods used in psychological research; observational, correlational, and experimental types of design.

PSY 610 Introduction to Regression (3)

Introduction to quantitative methods in behavioral sciences and the general linear model with a focus on regression. Topics include correlation, bivariate and multiple regression, mediation, and moderation. Requires basic statistics. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)

PSY 611 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Related Methods (3)

Introduction to ANOVA and its extensions from both traditional and general linear model approaches. Topics include single and multi-factor ANOVA, multiple comparisons, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and repeated-measures ANOVA.

PSY 613 Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models (SEM) (3)

Theories and applications to latent variables models. Topics include path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models (SEM), multi-sample SEM, mean structure, latent growth curve models, and multilevel SEM. Requires basic knowledge of regression.

PSY 614 Multivariate Analysis (3)

Analysis of multiple dependent variables. Topics include multivariate normal distribution, Hotelling’s 72, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation, and principal components analysis (PCA). Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent.

PSY 616 Measurement in Education and Social Sciences (3)

Test theories and applications in education and social sciences. Topics include the true score model; reliability; generalizability theory; validity; item response theory; and applications in research. Class requires knowledge in ANOVA and regression.

PSY 617 Advanced Psychometrics (3)

Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include unidimensional and multidimensional models of item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, scaling methods, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 616, EDEP 616, or consent.

PSY 618 Categorical Data Analysis (3)

Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables. Topics include contingency tables; logistic regression; log-linear models; and introduction to generalized linear models. Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEP 618)

PSY 619 Analysis of Multilevel Models and Longitudinal Data (3)

Theories and applications of analysis of nested (clustered) data. Topics include fixed and random effects, intra-class correlation, cross-sectional multilevel models, and multilevel models, and multilevel models with repeated measures and longitudinal data. Requires basic knowledge of regression.

PSY 622 Principles of Learning (3)

Survey of the principles of learning, including important discoveries in the development of the study of learning, major theories, and both basic and applied research in contemporary literature.

PSY 626 Cognitive Psychology (3)

In-depth survey of the computational and representational structures and processes of cognition. Special attention devoted to consideration of the relationship between brain, mind, and computation. Pre: 325 or consent.

PSY 627 Thinking (3)

Provides an introduction to higher cognition (thinking and reasoning) and its foundations, particularly as they relate to the larger field of cognitive science. A-F only. (Alt. years)

PSY 631 Comparative Cognition (3)

Survey of the historical and contemporary study of cognition across species, including learning, memory, attention, navigation, reasoning, social interaction, and communication.

PSY 632 Selected Topics in Comparative Psychology (3)

Intensive review of comparative, communicative, sensory, or learning mechanisms in animals. Pre: 631.

PSY 633 Psychopharmacology (3)

Basic principles of pharmacology as they apply to the brain and specific psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, memory, and drug use. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)

PSY 634 Behavioral Neuroscience (3)

Relation of central and peripheral nervous systems to behavior.

PSY 640 Developmental Foundations (3)

Historical, theoretical, and methodological foundations of developmental psychology.

PSY 642 Cognitive Development (3)

Familiarizes students with current research and theory in cognitive development through readings of original journal articles and monographs. Pre: 640 (or concurrent) or consent.

PSY 650 Social Psychology (3)

Theories and research in social cognition and behavior.

PSY 653 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)

Application of psychological theories to cross-cultural phenomena; assessment of cross-cultural processes and social motivations; culture and personality; research evaluation and design.

PSY 654 Psychology and Social Issues (3)

Conflict, dissent, community issues, problems; social change and its relation to mental disorder.

PSY 655 Applied Social Psychology (3)

Problems in use of social psychology principles in human affairs; multidisciplinary considerations.

PSY 656 Social Psychology of Love and Sex (3)

Seminar in psychosocial aspects of human sexual relationships. Social psychology of cognitive, emotional and physiological arousal, interpersonal attraction, mate selection, and antecedents and consequences of intimate relationships. Pre: consent. A-F only. (Spring only)

PSY 670 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)

Preparation for becoming a clinical psychologist with emphasis on scientist-practitioner model, professional ethics, diversity and professional development. Pre: graduate student in psychology or consent of instructor.

PSY 671 Introduction to Assessment I (3)

Psychometric theory; ethics; diversity issues; principles and methods of cognitive-intellectual, neuropsychological, and personality assessment. A-F only. Co-requisite: 670 or consent.

PSY 672 Introduction to Assessment II (3)

Administration and interpretation of cognitive-intellectual and personality assessment devices. A-F only. Pre: 670 and 671 or consent and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program.

PSY 673 Advanced Assessment (3)

Conceptual and methodological foundations of clinical applications of assessment. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 671 and 672 and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program, or consent. (Once a year)

PSY 675 Treatment Research (3)

Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to clinical treatment research methods and findings. Pre: 670 (or concurrent) and 671, or consent.

PSY 676 Psychopathology (3)

Comprehensive study of the mental disorders across the lifespan. A-F only. (Once a year)

PSY 677 Child Practicum (3)

Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of children and adolescents. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.

PSY 678 Adult Practicum (3)

Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of adults. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.

PSY 679 Practicum in Clinical Psychology (V)

Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.

PSY 680 Cultural Community Psychology (3)

Graduate seminar on cultural considerations and issues in the history, methods, theories, interventions, and professional roles in community psychology. Small class size (up to 10). Open to graduate students.

PSY 682 Practicum: Behavioral Change and Community (3)

Supervised experience in educational, mental health, correctional, consulting, or community action agencies. Pre: consent.

PSY 699 Directed Reading or Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

PSY 700 Thesis Research (V)

Research for master’s thesis. Maximum of 6 credit hours. Not repeatable for credit toward master’s degree.

PSY 701 Seminar in General Psychology (3)

PSY 702 Seminar in History and Theory of Psychology (3)

PSY 711 Seminar in Quantitative Psychology (3)

Specific and newly emerging topics in statistics, including casual inference, analysis of missing data, and statistical machine learning. Content varies and focuses on advanced topics not covered in other PSY methods and statistics courses. Repeatable two times. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 610 (with a minimum grade of B) or instructor consent.

PSY 719 Research in Psychometrics (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

PSY 721 Seminar in Experimental Psychology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 722 Seminar in Learning (3)

PSY 729 Research in Experimental Psychology (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 731 Seminar in Physiological Psychology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 732 Seminar in Comparative Psychology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 739 Research in Psychology (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 741 Seminar in Developmental Psychology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 749 Research in Developmental Psychology (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 751 Seminar in Social Psychology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 759 Research in Social Psychology (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 771 Child Treatment (3)

Psychological interventions for youth, as well as parent training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 670 or consent.

PSY 772 Adult Treatment: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (3)

Training in cognitive-behavioral strategies for treating adults. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in Clinical Studies Program only. PSY major only. Pre: 670 or consent.

PSY 773 Seminar in Psychopathology (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 774 Seminar in Clinical Psychology (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 775 Seminar in Psychological Therapies (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 776 Health Psychology: Behavioral and Biological Bases (3)

Psychological and biological bases of health psychology and behavioral medicine. Overview of cognitive, behavioral, and psychophysiological mechanisms; theories and methods of prevention in physical disease. Pre: 670 or consent.

PSY 778 Internship in Clinical Psychology (1)

Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.

PSY 779 Research in Clinical Psychology (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable 30 times. Pre: consent.

PSY 781 Community Psychology Seminar (3)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 789 Community Psychology Research (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.

PSY 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.