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JPN 100 Elementary Japanese, Special (3)

Same material as 101, covered more quickly for students with some language background. Pre: placement test.

JPN 101 Elementary Japanese (4)

Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: placement test or consent.

JPN 102 Elementary Japanese (4)

Continuation of 100 or 101. Pre: 100 or 101, or consent.

JPN 105 Accelerated Elementary Japanese (8)

Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: consent.

JPN 111 Elementary Japanese for Oral Communication I (3)

The first of a series of courses focusing on speaking and listening skills necessary to performing in common situations in Hawai‘i and Japan. Pre: consent.

JPN 112 Elementary Japanese for Oral Communication II (3)

Continuation of 111. Pre: 100 or 101 or 111, or consent.

JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (4)

Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 102, 105, or placement test; or consent.

JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (4)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or placement test; or consent.

JPN 205 Accelerated Intermediate Japanese for Pre-Professionals (8)

Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Emphasis on practical Japanese used in professional contexts. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: 102, 105; or consent.

JPN 211 Intermediate Japanese for Oral Communication I (3)

Continuation of 111-112. Pre: 102 or 105 or 112; or consent.

JPN 212 Intermediate Japanese for Oral Communication II (3)

Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.

JPN 217 Introduction to Japanese Reading and Writing with Basic Kanji (3)

For students who have completed the oral communication courses up through JPN 212 and wish to continue on to JPN 301. Also appropriate for semi-bilingual students who lack literacy skills. Pre: 212 or consent.

JPN 258 Intermediate Japanese Abroad (4)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 102 or 105.

JPN 259 Intermediate Japanese Abroad (4)

Continuation of 258. Pre: 201 or 258, or consent.

JPN 301 Third-Year Japanese (4)

Transitional course employing four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and grammar training to prepare students to address academic content in Japanese. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or placement test; or consent

JPN 302 Third-Year Japanese (4)

Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or placement test, or consent.

JPN 305 Accelerated Third-Year Japanese (8)

Content of 301 and 302 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or consent.

JPN 308 Special Japanese Reading and Writing (4)

For bilingual students whose aural and oral skills in Japanese were acquired informally. Emphasis on reading and writing. Pre: placement test or consent of instructor

JPN 311 Third-Year Japanese for Professional Communication I (3)

Training in oral communication skills essential for operating in a Japanese-speaking professional environment or workplace. Pre: 202, 205, 212, or placement test; or consent. (Fall only)

JPN 312 Third-Year Japanese for Professional Communication II (3)

Training in oral communication skills essential for operating in a Japanese-speaking professional environment or workplace. Pre: 311 or placement test, or consent. (Spring only)

JPN 315 Third-Year Japanese Aural Comprehension (3)

Training in strategies for listening to various types of spoken material presented in narrations, interviews, news broadcasts, and lectures, etc. Pre: 302 or consent.

JPN 318 Oral Fluency Through Film (3)

Training in oral communication and comprehension skills utilizing the spoken text and visual segments from Japanese film and television dramas. Pre: 301 or consent.

JPN 332 Advanced Japanese Reading and Writing (3)

Web-based training in Japanese reading and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Course activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the website. Ideal for in-service professionals seeking language development and maintenance. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.

JPN 350 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (3)

Introduction to major areas of linguistic description as applied to Japanese language. Pre: 301 or 307, or consent.

JPN 358 Third-Level Japanese Abroad (4)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the third-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or consent.

JPN 359 Third-Level Japanese Abroad (4)

Continuation of 358. Pre: 301 or 358.

JPN 370 Language in Japanese Society (3)

Review of the use of Japanese respect language in relation to social structure, interpersonal relationships, and ways of thinking. Pre: 301 or consent.

JPN 399 Directed Third-Level Reading (V)

For those who need special assistance, e.g., reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

JPN 401 Fourth-Year Japanese I (4)

Continuation of 302 and 305 emphasizing all four skills. Transition to longer and more complex written and spoken Japanese. Meets 50 minutes, four times a week. Pre: 302, 305, 308, or placement test; or consent.

JPN 402 Fourth-Year Japanese II (4)

Continuation of 401. Transition to longer and more complex written and spoken Japanese. Meets 50 minutes, four times a week. Pre: 401 or placement test; or consent.

JPN 403 Fourth-Year Japanese for Advanced Speakers I (3)

4th-year Japanese language course that provide bilingual and other advanced speakers with language training in formal Japanese with a focus on reading and oral communication skills. Pre: placement or consent.

JPN 404 Fourth-Year Japanese for Advanced Speakers II (3)

4th-year Japanese language course that provide bilingual and other advanced speakers with language training in formal Japanese with a focus on reading and writing skills. Pre: placement or consent.

JPN 405 Fourth-Level Japanese Reading: Accelerated (8)

Content of 401 and 402 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: 302, 305, 308, or placement test

JPN 407 (Alpha) Readings in Original Texts (3)

JPN 407 (Alpha) Readings in Original Texts (3) (D) academic and journalistic texts; (E) modern literature. Repeatable one time in different alphas. Pre: 401, 403, or 405; or consent.

JPN 415 Japanese Aural Comprehension (3)

Training in comprehension of spoken material presented in news broadcasts, documentary narration, formal lectures, etc. Pre: 402, 405; or consent. May be concurrent with 407.

JPN 420 Fourth-Level Spoken Japanese (3)

Training in oral communication skills in varied social contexts. Pre: 402 or 405.

JPN 421 Japanese Composition (3)

Writing skills refined through practice in various styles (essays, letters, etc.). Pre: 401, 404, or 405; or consent.

JPN 423 Advanced Listening and Speaking (3)

Training in listening and speaking for bilingual and other advanced learners. Emphasis on formal Japanese such as academic lectures, news, exchanges in business settings, public speaking, etc. Pre: 421 or consent.

JPN 424 English to Japanese Translation (3)

Training in techniques of translating English in Japanese. Pre: 407D or 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 424)

JPN 425 Japanese to English Translation (3)

Training in techniques of translating Japanese into English. Pre: 407D or 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 425)

JPN 431 Advanced Business Writing (3)

Training in advanced business writing for bilingual and other advanced learners. Japanese writing intensive. Pre: 421 or consent.

JPN 451 Structure of Japanese (3)

Introduction to phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics of modern colloquial Japanese. Pre: 401, 404, or 405; and 350 or LING 320; or consent.

JPN 452 Introduction to Japanese Pedagogical Grammar (3)

Introduction to teaching of basic Japanese grammatical patterns. Pre: 350 or LING 320, and 407; or consent.

JPN 453 Introduction to Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (3)

Introduction to instructional approaches for Japanese language classroom teaching that focus on everyday language use. Students develop instructional materials, pedagogical practices, and assessment tools for engaged and effective teaching and learning of Japanese. Pre: 350 (or concurrent) and 401, or consent.

JPN 458 Fourth-Level Japanese Abroad (4)

Intensive course of full time instruction on the fourth-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 302, 305, 308, 359, or consent.

JPN 459 Fourth-Level Japanese Abroad (4)

Continuation of 458. Pre: 401 or 458.

JPN 461 Introduction to Classical Japanese (3)

Basic classical Japanese grammar to develop reading skills. Pre: 302 or consent.

JPN 466 Readings in Classical Japanese (3)

Introduction to major genres of prose and poetry. Repeatable one time with permission. Pre: 461 or consent.

JPN 471 Okinawan Language and Culture (3)

Focuses on the language, heritage, and folk culture of Okinawa. Pre: 202, 205, or consent.

JPN 472 Okinawan Language and Literature (3)

Focuses on Okinawan literature across various genres and periods. Pre: 202, 205, or consent.

JPN 475 Introduction to Japanese Sociolinguistics (3)

Application of general linguistics to social phenomena such as group identity, language and gender, dialects and intercultural communication. Pre: 350 and 370, or consent.

JPN 485 Advanced Readings in Modern Japanese Literature (3)

Advanced course to foster speed, accuracy and attention to stylistic issues in modern Japanese literature. Pre: 407D and 407E, or consent.

JPN 486 Advanced Readings in Modern Japanese Contemporary Topics (3)

Advanced course to foster speed, accuracy, and attention to content in reading modern discursive texts. Pre: 407D and 407E, or consent.

JPN 490 Advanced Japanese Language Study (3)

Advanced course in spoken and written Japanese stressing intensive research using the Internet, electronic mail in Japanese and conventional media. Oral presentations, written reports and journal writing. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 or equivalent and consent.

JPN 493 Project Work in Japanese (3)

Enhances Japanese language skills through a field-based research project on a topic of the individual student’s choice. Interviews, surveys, observations, written materials and A/V-assisted oral presentations. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 or 405 or equivalent, or consent.

JPN 495 (Alpha) Internship Program (3)

Analysis of intercultural communication processes under faculty supervision through participation in an organization serving native speakers of Japanese. (B) business, repeatable one time; (C) travel industry internship. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 370 or consent for (C); 431 for (B).

JPN 499 Directed Fourth-Level Reading (V)

For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. Primarily for graduate students from other departments. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

JPN 601 Japanese Phonology and Morphology (3)

Introduction to the phonology and morphology of modern colloquial Japanese. Pre: 451 or consent.

JPN 602 Japanese Syntax and Semantics (3)

Introduction to theories of syntax, sentence structure, parts of speech, constituency, grammatical relations and case marking, word order, passives, causatives, tense, aspect, and embeddings. Pre: 451 or consent.

JPN 604 Introduction to Japanese Language Pedagogy (3)

Training in the identification and analysis of general problems in Japanese language learning, teaching, and testing by examining theoretical issues and conducting classroom research. Pre: 407 or equivalent, and 451; or consent.

JPN 605 Research Methodology in Japanese Linguistics and Language Teaching (3)

Japanese-specific training in the formulation of testable hypotheses, in basic statistical and other evaluation techniques, and in the organization and presentation of ideas and data in paper, abstracts, etc. Pre: 407 or equivalent.

JPN 606 Japanese Sociolinguistics (3)

Introduces theories of language use and provides training in the methodology and analysis of Japanese sociolinguistics. Pre: 407 and 475 or equivalent, or consent.

JPN 610 (Alpha) Japanese Poetry (3)

Historical survey of major poetic types. Repeatable one time with consent. (B) classical; (C) medieval and Edo; (D) modern. Pre: 466 or consent for (B) and (C); 485 or consent for (D).

JPN 611 (Alpha) Modern Japanese Literature (3)

Representative literary works, emphasis on fiction; (B) Meiji–Taisho (1868–1926); (C) Showa–Heisei (1926–present). Each alpha repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 485 or consent

JPN 612 Edo Literature (3)

Critical reading and analysis; emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.

JPN 613 Medieval Japanese Literature (3)

Critical reading and analysis of Kamakura and Muromachi literature, emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.

JPN 614 Classical Japanese Literature (3)

Critical reading and analysis of Heian literature; emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.

JPN 620 Practicum: Teaching Japanese Language (Alpha) (3)

For graduate students who are planning to teach Japanese as a foreign language. Through lectures and discussions on language learning and teaching, and through observation and teaching of a Japanese language class, students will learn to make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction, and will develop instructional skills and practices for analyzing their teaching experiences. (B) beginning level Japanese instruction; (C) advanced level Japanese instruction. Each alpha may be taken one time. Pre: 604 or EALL 601, or consent. (Once a year for (B) and (C)).

JPN 626 Introduction to Japanese Manuscripts and Xylographs (3)

Introduction to Classical Japanese writing system as found in the xylographs and manuscripts of the Heian and Kamakura periods; reading and analysis of the texts in original script. Repeatable one time. Pre: 461 or 466, or consent. (Alt. years)

JPN 631 History of the Japanese Language (3)

Survey, theories of origin; related topics in linguistic methodology. Pre: 461 and 601, or consent.

JPN 632 Teaching Japanese as a Second Language (3)

Practical overview of major problems; motivation; adult second language learning; communicative and linguistic competence; practical classroom techniques of teaching and testing. Pre: 604 or consent.

JPN 633 Advanced Japanese Sociolinguistics (3)

Variations in language form and use depending on social factors. Pre: 601 or 602 (or concurrent), and 606; or consent.

JPN 634 Advanced Japanese Syntax and Semantics (3)

Theoretical problems in description of Japanese; contributions of Japanese linguistic study to syntactic theory. Pre: 602 or consent.

JPN 640 Topics in Japanese Literature (3)

Intensive study of selected topics in Japanese literature, primarily of the modern period. English translations of original texts will be provided whenever available. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 640)

JPN 641 Traditional Literary Theory (3)

Reading and analysis of major works of literary theory and criticism from the classical, medieval, and Edo periods. A-F only. Pre: 466 or consent.

JPN 642 Kambun (3)

Introduction to kambun [the Japanese manner of reading and writing classical Chinese], with critical reading of kambun by Japanese authors. A-F only. Pre: 461 or consent.

JPN 650 (Alpha) Topics in Japanese Linguistics (3)

(C) Japanese/English contrastive analysis; (G) structure; (H) historical change; (K) history of Japanese language studies (Kokugo-gaku-shi); (M) morphophonemics; (P) pedagogy; (S) sociolinguistics. Pre: 601 and 602 for (C); 634 for (G); 631 for (H) and (K); 601 for (M); 632 for (P); 633 for (S).

JPN 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of chair.

JPN 710 (Alpha) Research Seminar in Japanese Literature (3)

(M) modern; Pre: 611 (P) pre-modern; Pre: 612, 613, or 614.

JPN 730 (Alpha) Research Seminar in Japanese Linguistics (3)

(C) Japanese/English contrastive analysis; (G) structure; (H) historical change; (K) history of Japanese language studies (Kokugo-gakushi); (M) morphophonemics; (P) pedagogy; (S) sociolinguistics. Pre: 451, or 601 and 602 for (C); 634 for (G); 631 for (H) and (K); 601 for (M); 632 for (P); and 633 for (S).