Major Exploration Courses

There are four courses offered by Mānoa Advising Center advisors to assist students in the major exploration process.

UNIV 140 (Introduction to Majors and UH Mānoa)

UNIV 140 is a 1 credit, graded course designed to assist incoming students with the major selection process and an introduction to the university. This course will be offered to incoming students either in their first semester at UH Mānoa, or over the summer prior to their enrollment at UH Mānoa. Students will explore personal, career, and educational goals and the impact of these goals on the decision-making

UNIV 240 (Your Academic Journey)

Your Academic Journey is a course designed to provide freshmen and sophomores with the knowledge and skills to thrive in their second semester or second year at UH Manoa. To be eligible for enrollment, students must be Exploratory (undeclared or undecided on a major), have attended UH Manoa for at least one semester, and have earned fewer than 60 credits. The course is a one-credit, meets online once a week for 50 minutes, and is writing intensive.

Topics include major exploration (steps and resources), advising services, the Sophomore Slump, academic planning for future semesters, and preparation for after graduation.

UNIV 340 (Academic Exploration through Advising)

UNIV 340 is a 3-credit, Writing Intensive course designed to give students the opportunity to explore their skills, values, abilities, interests, and goals in a structured format.  The small class size (20 student maximum), highly interactive, and discussion-based format keeps the course engaging and exciting throughout the semester.  The course meets twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and explores the connections between areas of interest and potential career trajectory.

UNIV 440 (Topics in Major and Career Exploration)

Students in UNIV 440 will dig deeper into the majors offered at UH Mānoa and how to engage with the career exploration process using writing and oral presentations. This course is three-credits and has both  Writing Intensive and Oral Communication focus designations. The prerequisite for the course is junior class standing (60 earned credits) and UNIV 340 (or instructor consent).

If you would like more information on either of these courses, please contact the exploratory program at, call the Mānoa Advising Center at 808-956-7273, or visit our office in QLCSS 101.