Links to Quantitative Reasoning Resources (last updated 2016)
Association of American Colleges and Universities: Quantitative Literacy VALUE rubric
Columbia University Quantitative Reasoning courses
Dartmouth College Mathematics Across the Curriculum Evaluation Summary: Mathematics and Humanities Courses (see section III)
Health Literacy and Numeracy (2014) report by the National Academies Press (free pdf available for download)
Mathematical Association of America: SIGMAA-QL Newsletter, December, 2014: “A discussion of the past and future of quantitative literacy”; “perspectives on quantitative literacy from across the curriculum”; “reality math”
Mathematics and Democracy: The Case for Quantitative Literacy (2001) by the National Council on Education and the Disciplines
Mathematics of, for, and as social justice by Priscilla Bremser, Chawne Kimber, Rob Root, and Sheila Weaver. Chapter 9 in Social Justice Education: Inviting Faculty to Transform Their Institutions (2009, Stylus Publishing) Online via Hamilton Library (UH Login required)
National Numeracy Network: QR Teaching Resources
Quantitative Reasoning for College Graduates: A Complement to the Standards from the Mathematical Association of America
Reality Math (examples from energy, environment, finance, sports)
University of Texas at Austin Charles A. Dana Center Mathematics Pathways
Curricula and Teaching Manuals from Engaging Mathematics, an initiative supported by the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement (NCSCE)
Math in Society (mathematical topics for entry-level quantitative reasoning courses for liberal arts majors)
Models of Conflict and Cooperation (a comprehensive, introductory, game theory text for general undergraduate students)
By Rick Gillman (Valparaiso University) and David Housman (Goshen College)
Quantitative Reasoning: Tools for Today’s Informed Citizen
By Alicia Sevilla and Kay Somers (both, Moravian College)
Originally published by Key Curriculum Press; available now at J Wiley Site