Iulai 29: Leka a Peirce a me Brewer iā Kauikeaouli

July 29, 1843: Letter from Peirce & Brewer to Kauikeaouli

The following letter offers congratulations to King Kauikeaouli on his restoration of rights following five months of British occupation in the islands.  Peirce & Brewer later became known as C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.–a well known company from the territorial period associated with agriculture.

A transcription follows below.

To his Majesty
King Kamehameha III

Dear Sir

Allow us to present you with the accompanying Flag for the Glorious 31st coming, and offer you our sincere congratulations on the restoration of your rights, and believe us

Your friends and
Peirce & Brewer

July 29th 1843