Iulai 21-23: No ka Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea

July 21-23, 1849: Regarding Sovereignty Restoration Day

On July 21, 1849, a circular was disseminated to various diplomats and dignitaries to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea (Sovereignty Restoration Day). The circular stated in part, “Tuesday the 31st instant will be kept, as a National Holiday, in celebration of the Sixth Anniversary of the Restoration of these Islands . . . .” The circular directed readers to the notice published in the Polynesian for further “particulars.”

“Published by Authority” – The Polynesian, July 21, 1849, pg. 3.

Below are a few of the responses from various consulates in the Kingdom, including Chile, France, Hamburg, Bremen, Peru, and Denmark. The circular and the diplomatic responses are available in the Foreign Office and Executive Collection here.

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