Mei 23: Ka Mōʻī kūʻē iā Charles Casper

Mei 23, 1883: The King v. Charles Casper

To His Excellency Walter M. Gibson, Attorney General ad. interim of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands.


In regard to the case of The King v. Charles Casper for the killing of Hugh Tennant on the 19th day of April 1883, said Casper now being held under commitment of the Police Justice of Hilo, Hawaiʻi, to the July Term of the Supreme Court at Honolulu on a charge of manslaughter, I have at your request, fully investigated the evidence for the prosecution as well also the evidence or statement of Casper, and I have come to the conclusion without doubt, that upon the evidence now before me, the Jury would immediately acquit said Casper, and that the prosecution cannot hope for a conviction even on a charge of manslaughter in the 3rd degree, and that a plea of

justifiable homicide would be sustained.

I thenfore[sic] recommend that the said Casper be discharged under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 5 of the Laws of 1876.

I am Yours very respectfully,

W. Austin Whiting

May 23, 1883