Dr. Lisa Simpson (MPH '86) Elected to the Institute of Medicine

WASHINGTON (October 21, 2013) — AcademyHealth President and CEO, Lisa Simpson, MB, BCh, FAAP, has been elected to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), an independent, nonprofit organization that provides evidence-based advice to government and the private sector. Election to the IOM is considered among the highest honors in health and medicine.

New members of the IOM are elected by current active members through a selective process that recognizes individuals who have made major contributions to the advancement of the medical sciences, health care, and public health. At least one-quarter of the members are drawn from fields outside the health professions, such as engineering, social sciences, law, and the humanities.

Dr. Simpson is nationally recognized for her contributions to health services research and health policy, particularly in the areas of children’s health, disparities, health care quality and comparative effectiveness research. Through her role as the leader of AcademyHealth, in her research and academic appointments, and as a former deputy director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Dr. Simpson has long stood at the forefront of the field of health services research, actively working to improve the relevance, rigor and reputation of the field and advocate for its use to inform health policy and practice.

“I’m deeply honored to be invited to join the Institute of Medicine,” said Dr. Simpson. “Throughout my career I have worked to bridge the worlds of research, policy and practice to improve health and healthcare. It is my pleasure to continue supporting the information needs of public and private decision makers as a member of the Institute of Medicine."

Dr. Simpson is one of 70 new members elected this year, bringing the IOM's total active membership to 1,753 and the number of foreign associates to 120. With an additional 93 members holding emeritus status, IOM's total membership is 1,966.

With their election, members make a commitment to volunteer their service on IOM committees, boards, and other activities. Dr. Simpson is experienced in working with the IOM, having previously served on its Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities and the Committee on Highly Effective Clinical Services.

For the full list of newly elected members and additional information, please read the IOM’s official press release, here.

About AcademyHealth

AcademyHealth is a leading national organization serving the fields of health services and policy research and the professionals who produce and use this important work. Together with our members, we offer programs and services that support the development and use of rigorous, relevant and timely evidence to increase the quality, accessibility, and value of health care, to reduce disparities, and to improve health. A trusted broker of information, AcademyHealth brings stakeholders together to address the current and future needs of an evolving health system, inform health policy, and translate evidence into action.

Press Release

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alumni, news, Institute of Medicine