Undergraduate Competencies

Undergraduate Competencies (Effective Fall 2020)

Public Health Bachelor’s Degree Foundational Domains

he requirements for the public health major or concentration provide instruction in the following domains. The curriculum addresses these domains through any combination of learning experiences throughout the requirements for the major or concentration coursework (ie, the school or program may identify multiple learning experiences that address a domain— the domains listed below do not each require a single designated course). 

  • the concepts and applications of basic statistics
  • the foundations of biological and life sciences
  • the history and philosophy of public health as well as its core values, concepts and functions across the globe and in society 
  • the basic concepts, methods and tools of public health data collection, use and analysis and why evidence-based approaches are an essential part of public health practice 
  • the concepts of population health, and the basic processes, approaches and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations 
  • the underlying science of human health and disease, including opportunities for promoting and protecting health across the life course 
  • the socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities 
  • the fundamental concepts and features of project implementation, including planning, assessment and evaluation 
  • the fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the US health system as well as the differences between systems in other countries 
  • basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy and the roles, influences and responsibilities of the different agencies and branches of government 
  • basic concepts of public health-specific communication, including technical and professional writing and the use of mass media and electronic technology

Public Health Bachelor’s Degree Foundational Competencies 

Students must demonstrate the following competencies: 

  • the ability to communicate public health information, in both oral and written forms, through a variety of media and to diverse audiences 
  • the ability to locate, use, evaluate and synthesize public health information

Public Health Bachelor’s Degree Cumulative and Experiential Activities 

Students have opportunities to integrate, synthesize and apply knowledge through cumulative and experiential activities. All students complete a cumulative, integrative and scholarly or applied experience or inquiry project that serves as a capstone to the education experience. These experiences may include, but are not limited to, internships, service-learning projects, senior seminars, portfolio projects, research papers or honors theses. Schools and programs encourage exposure to local-level public health professionals and/or agencies that engage in public health practice.

Public Health Bachelor’s Degree Cross-Cutting Concepts and Experiences

The overall undergraduate curriculum and public health major curriculum expose students to concepts and experiences necessary for success in the workplace, further education and lifelong learning. Students are exposed to these concepts through any combination of learning experiences and co-curricular experiences. These concepts include the following: 

  • advocacy for protection and promotion of the public’s health at all levels of society 
  • community dynamics 
  • critical thinking and creativity 
  • cultural contexts in which public health professionals work 
  • ethical decision making as related to self and society 
  • independent work and a personal work ethic 
  • networking 
  • organizational dynamics 
  • professionalism 
  • research methods 
  • systems thinking 
  • teamwork and leadership

Link to Fall 2013 – Spring 2020 undergraduate competencies