MPH Core Competencies
CPH1. Apply the basic terminology and definitions of epidemiology. [EPI]
CPH2. Apply epidemiological methods to the identification and control of health problems. [EPI]
CPH3. Identify key sources of data for epidemiologic purposes. [EPI]
CPH4. Calculate basic epidemiological measures. [EPI]
CPH5. Explain the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific ethical, economic and political discussion of health issues. [EPI]
CPH6. Apply basic statistical methods for inference. [BIOSTATS]
CPH7. Apply descriptive techniques commonly used to summarize public health data. [BIOSTATS]
CPH8. Interpret results of statistical analyses found in public health studies. [BIOSTATS]
CPH9. Describe how environmental factors (biological, physical, and chemical) affect the health of a community. [ENVIRON]
CPH10. Identify the components and issues of the organization, financing, and delivery of health services and PH systems in the U.S. [HPM]
CPH11. Discuss the policy process for improving the health status of populations. [HPM]
CPH12. Identify and critique basic theories, concepts, and models from a range of social and behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice. [SBHS]
CPH13. Interpret the cause of social and behavioral factors that affect health of individuals and populations. [SBHS]
CPH14. Describe the roles of history, power, privilege and structural inequality in producing health disparities. [DIVERSITY/CULTURE]
CPH15. Demonstrate ability to interact respectfully and effectively in diverse groups. [DIVERSITY/CULTURE]
CPH16. Recognize system-level properties that result from dynamic interactions among human and social systems and how they affect the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and environments. [SYSTEMS THINKING]
CPH17. Communicate in writing and orally, in person, and through electronic means, with linguistic and cultural proficiency. [COMMUNICATION/INFORMATICS]
CPH18. Apply public health ethical standards of practice into all interactions with individuals, organizations, and communities. [ETHICS/PROFESSIONALISM]
CPH19. Demonstrate professionalism in public health research and practice based on principles of professional conduct and ethical practices of public health. [ETHICS/PROFESSIONALISM]
MPH Specialization Competencies
Epidemiology Specialization Competencies
EPI1. Identify public health practices for disease control including surveillance, screening and outbreak investigation, including the use of biomarkers and molecular biology.
EPI2. Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based data collection, management, and analysis using major statistical software and fundamental strategies for biostatistical analysis.
EPI3. Discuss how public health biology – the biological, ecological, and molecular context of public health — impacts public health practice.
Health Policy & Management Specialization Competencies
HPM1. Apply the principles of program planning, development, budgeting, management, and evaluation in organizational and community initiatives.
HPM2. Apply principles of strategic planning to public health.
HPM3. Apply quality and performance improvement concepts to improving health.
HPM4. Demonstrate leadership skills for building partnerships.
HPM5. Analyze and translate the impact of current and proposed policy on public health.
Native Hawaiian & Indigenous Health Specialization Competencies
NHIH1. Describe Indigenous people’s health in a historical context, including an analysis of the impact of colonial processes on health outcomes.
NHIH2. Analyze key comparative health indicators and social determinants of health for Indigenous peoples.
NHIH3. Critically evaluate Indigenous public health policy and programs.
NHIH4. Apply the principles of economic evaluation to indigenous programs with a particular focus on the allocation of resources relative to need.
NHIH5. Demonstrate a reflexive public health practice for Indigenous peoples’ health contexts.
NHIH6. Demonstrate a disease prevention strategy that values and incorporates Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge.
Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Specialization Competencies
SBHS1. Apply evidence-based approaches in the development of social and behavioral science interventions.
SBHS2. Assess individual, organizational, and community concerns, assets, resources and limitations for social and behavioral science interventions.
SBHS3. Apply multiple levels of intervention for social and behavioral science programs and/or policies.
SBHS4. Select key stakeholders that will assist and support in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs, policies, and interventions.
MS Competencies
MS in Epidemiology Competencies
CPH1. Apply the basic terminology and definitions of epidemiology. [EPI]
CPH2. Apply epidemiological methods to the identification and control of health problems. [EPI]
CPH3. Identify key sources of data for epidemiologic purposes. [EPI]
CPH4. Calculate basic epidemiological measures. [EPI]
CPH5. Explain the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific ethical, economic and political discussion of health issues. [EPI]
CPH6. Apply basic statistical methods for inference. [BIOSTATS]
CPH7. Apply descriptive techniques commonly used to summarize public health data. [BIOSTATS]
CPH8. Interpret results of statistical analyses found in public health studies. [BIOSTATS]
EPI1. Identify public health practices for disease control including surveillance, screening and outbreak investigation, including the use of biomarkers and molecular biology.
EPI2. Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based data collection, management, and analysis using major statistical software and fundamental strategies for biostatistical analysis.
EPI3. Discuss how public health biology – the biological, ecological, and molecular context of public health — impacts public health practice.
MSE1. Apply epidemiologic-specific theoretical constructs, research design, research methodology, and analytic strategies.
MSE2. Develop a scientific hypothesis, beginning with a review of existing literature, and design an epidemiologic study to assess the hypothesis validly and efficiently.
MSE3. Analyze a complex epidemiologic data set using at least one computer-aided tool, such as SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata.
MSE4. Communicate the results of research both orally and in writing, with the written presentation meeting the current standards of publication in refereed journals.
MS in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences
CPH12. Identify and critique basic theories, concepts, and models from a range of social and behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice. [SBHS]
CPH13. Interpret the cause of social and behavioral factors that affect health of individuals and populations. [SBHS]
SBHS1. Apply evidence-based approaches in the development of social and behavioral science interventions.
SBHS2. Assess individual, organizational, and community concerns, assets, resources and limitations for social and behavioral science interventions.
SBHS3. Apply multiple levels of intervention for social and behavioral science programs and/or policies.
SBHS4. Select key stakeholders that will assist and support in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs, policies, and interventions.
MSS1. Apply theoretical constructs, research design, research methodology, and analytic strategies related to social and behavioral health research.
MSS2. Develop a scientific hypothesis, based on a review of existing literature, and design a public health study to assess the hypothesis.
MSS3. Conduct data analysis to address a research hypothesis.
MSS4. Communicate the results of research both orally and in writing, with the written presentation meeting the current standards of publication in refereed journals.