Foundational MPH Competencies
MPH1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice.
MPH2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.
MPH3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
MPH4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.
MPH5. Compare the organization, structure and function of health care, public health and regulatory systems across national and international settings.
MPH6. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.
MPH7. Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ needs.
MPH8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs.
MPH9. Design a population-based policy, program, project or intervention.
MPH10. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management.
MPH11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs.
MPH12. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence.
MPH13. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes.
MPH14. Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations.
MPH15. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity.
MPH16. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding decision making.
MPH17. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges.
MPH18. Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors.
MPH19. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.
MPH20. Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content.
MPH21. Perform effectively on Interprofessional teams.
MPH22. Apply systems thinking tools to a public health issue.
MPH Specialization Competencies
Epidemiology Specialization Competencies
EPI1. Identify public health practices for disease control including surveillance, screening and outbreak investigation, including the use of biomarkers and molecular biology.
EPI2. Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based data collection, management, and analysis using major statistical software and fundamental strategies for biostatistical analysis.
EPI3. Discuss how public health biology – the biological, ecological, and molecular context of public health — impacts public health practice.
EPI4. Apply epidemiologic-specific theoretical constructs, research design, research methodology, and analytic strategies.
EPI5. Develop a scientific hypothesis, beginning with a review of existing literature, and design an epidemiologic study to assess the hypothesis validly and efficiently.
Health Policy and Management Specialization Competencies
HPM1. Apply and critique the principles of program planning, development, budgeting, management, and evaluation in organizational and community initiatives using appropriate data sources.
HPM2. Determine and apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods, technology and analyses to improve health services, programs, policies, organizations, and/or systems.
HPM3. Apply quality and performance improvement concepts, theories, and methods for strategic planning to improve health using appropriate data sources.
HPM4. Cultivate and leverage leadership skills to define a vision, take initiative, provide direction, manage change, and participate in the planning, development and monitoring required to establish and achieve organizational and policy goals
HPM5. Describe and address major public health challenges across economic, political, administrative, legal, ethical, and social domains for organizations, initiatives, and policies.
Native Hawaiian and Indigenous Health Specialization Competencies
NHIH1. Describe indigenous people’s health in a historical context and analyze the impact of colonial processes on health outcomes.
NHIH2. Critically evaluate public health policy and programs using traditional values and ancestral knowledge, balanced with scientific methodology, as they relate to improving the health of Indigenous Peoples.
NHIH3. Apply the principles of economic evaluation to Indigenous programs with a particular focus on the allocation of resources relative to need.
NHIH4. Describe a reflexive public health practice for Indigenous peoples’ health contexts.
NHIH5. Design a disease prevention strategy that values and incorporates Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge.
Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Specialization Competencies
SBHS1. Critique methods and instruments for collecting valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative data related to social behavioral health.
SBHS2. Design and test mechanisms to monitor and evaluate health promotion programs for its effectiveness and quality.
SBHS3. Apply behavior change theory and health promotion strategies to develop grant proposals and identify budgetary priorities.
SBHS4. Incorporate ethical principles and standards in the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of data interactions with organizations, communities and individuals.
SBHS5. Develop and test communication strategies including technology to promote health behavior change through health interventions and programs.
MS in Epidemiology Competencies
MSE1. Identify key sources of data for epidemiological purposes.
MSE2. Interpret results of statistical analyses found in public health studies.
MSE3. Analyze a complex epidemiologic data set using at least one computer-aided tool, such as SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata.
MSE4. Communicate the results of research both orally and in writing, with the written presentation meeting the current standards of publication in refereed journals.
MSE5. Select quantitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.
MSE6. Analyze quantitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
Epidemiology Specialization Competencies
EPI1. Identify public health practices for disease control including surveillance, screening and outbreak investigation, including the use of biomarkers and molecular biology.
EPI2. Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based data collection, management, and analysis using major statistical software and fundamental strategies for biostatistical analysis.
EPI3. Discuss how public health biology – the biological, ecological, and molecular context of public health — impacts public health practice.
EPI4. Apply epidemiologic-specific theoretical constructs, research design, research methodology, and analytic strategies.
EPI5. Develop a scientific hypothesis, beginning with a review of existing literature, and design an epidemiologic study to assess the hypothesis validly and efficiently.