Please support the Office of Public Health Studies by making an online gift today. Your contribution will be made safely and quickly through the UH Foundation.
Joseph E. Alicata Award Fund in Public Health – #120-1714-4
Donations to this fund will be used toward tuition or for select international travel connected with the practicum portion of the student’s academic program.
Elmer J. Anderson Professional Travel Award – #121-4230-2
Donations to this fund will be used to assist graduate students who have had a professional paper accepted for presentation at a national or international public health meeting by defraying travel costs and/or paying for meeting registration fees.
Chin Sik and Hyun Sook Chung Memorial Award – #125-4390-2
Donations to this fund will be used to support students who will be traveling outside of the United States to complete practicum/training experience with a scholarship to be used to cover travel expenses incurred while working “on the ground” in international public health settings.
Robert M. Worth Epidemiology Scholarship – #123-9670-2
Donations to this fund will be used to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in the epidemiology specialization.
School of Public Health General Scholarship – #120-1714-4
Donations to this fund is to assist students enrolled in the Office of Public Health Studies