Exploring Complexities of the Bangsamoro Movement: A Multidisciplinary Approach

By Juvanni A. Caballero, PhD

This series of lectures in January-February 2024 is hosted by the Center for Philippine Studies. The event features a young scholar from Mindanao State University, Dr. Caballero, who will give three lectures on Muslims in the Philippines:

“When Maratabat Influences a Business Practice: A Glimpse into Price Discrimination in Lanao”

Delving into the practice of dual pricing and exploring the motivations behind the higher prices set for Meranaw clients.

Date/Venue: January 30| 3:00-5:00 KUY 301

“Diversity and Divergence: Internal Challenges in the Bangsamoro Struggle for Self-Determination”

Discussing the internal challenges the Bangsamoro people face in asserting their right to self-determination, focusing on ethnic diversity and its influence on power dynamics.

Date/Venue: January 31| 3:00-5:00 KUY 301

“Nationalized Symbols of Injustices: Contemporary Sources of Bangsamoro Grievances”

Examining contemporary sources of Bangsamoro grievances, critiquing national historical narratives, symbols, and heritage identification practices that impinge on Bangsamoro feelings.

Dr. Caballero’s depth of knowledge and research in these areas promises an enlightening session, providing insights that are crucial for a more inclusive and informed understanding of Mindanao’s socio-cultural dynamics.

Date/Venue: February 1| 3:00-5:00 KUY 301

About the lecturer:

Dr. Caballero is a distinguished academician with extensive expertise in history, conflict resolution, and the intricate cultural landscape of Mindanao. His insights have been invaluable in understanding and addressing critical issues in our society.

He will be presenting three thought-provoking papers, above, that promise to shed light on crucial aspects of Mindanao’s history, culture, and societal dynamics.


Ces Jocson, cjocson@hawaii.edu
Department of Indo-Pacific Languages & Literatures
Website https://manoa.hawaii.edu/ipll
Spalding 454 | 808-956-8672