Data, Reports, & Publications


COVID-19 Disparities Among Marshallese Pacific Islanders – January 2021

COVID-19 and Pacific Islander Communities in Hawai‘i – A Report of the Hawai‘i Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights – May 2021

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Health and Social Welfare of the People of Hawai‘i- Hawaii Journal of health & Social Welfare, Supplement 1, September 2021

Advancing Health Equity in Hawai‘i: Critical Reflections on COVID-19, Chronic Conditions, and Health Disparities – Hawaii Journal of health & Social Welfare, Supplement 2, October 2021


Assessment and Priorities for Health and Well-Being in Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

JABSOM Employee and Student Diversity Report

JABSOM’s multicultural and multi-ethnic community encourages an environment of inclusiveness and respect.  Through a variety of programs, JABSOM offers mentoring opportunities for faculty and staff members to foster the professional growth of underrepresented minorities and women in academic medicine.

Committed to increasing the diversity of JABSOM’s student body, programs such as the ʻImi Hoʻōla Post-Baccalaureate Program and outreach recruitment efforts by the Area Health Education Center and the Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence, we have been successful in recruiting, retaining and graduating students from underrepresented backgrounds and underserved areas in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Basin. Dedicated to providing the highest quality education for students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds educational curricula is offered to encourage students to examine the needs of underserved communities.  Students gain experience while providing community service through community health electives, optional selective summer courses in rural and/or international sites, and student-led interest groups such as Partners for Social Justice.

Click here to view the JABSOM 2022 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2021 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2020 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2019 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2018 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2016 Employee and Student Diversity Report

Click here to view the JABSOM 2015 Employee and Student Diversity Report