Double Majors in Hawaiian Language & Hawaiian Studies
Hawaiʻinuiākea students may opt to be a double major in both Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies to earn their undergraduate degree. The university defines a double major as a student who majors in two disciplines offered by the same school or college. At Hawaiʻinuiākea, double majors earn a degree in Hawaiian Language (HAW) and Hawaiian Studies (HWST).
The application to double major should be made after a student has earned 25 credits of successful course work towards the BA with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
There are specific course requirements for completing both the BA general education requirements and the double major requirements for Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies. This generally means that the student must plan for more time and more expenses towards degree completion.
Double majors must also maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA overall for Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies courses required for the double major. All double major courses must earn a B (not B-) grade or better.
Policy on Double Counting for Double Majors
Please be advised that students who qualify to double major in Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies MAY NOT DOUBLE COUNT COURSE CREDITS REQUIRED FOR BOTH MAJORS. In other words, students may not double dip, i.e., use the same course to satisfy major requirements in both degree programs
For example, Hawaiian 301 and Hawaiian 302 are currently required for both Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies majors. Students must declare what major these courses will apply towards meeting the major’s requirements (i.e., either Hawaiian Language or Hawaiian Studies, but NOT BOTH) before the undergraduate degree is awarded.
Furthermore, the student must assign both courses to HAW or HWST and not split the assignment of courses.
Students who qualify to double major must be prepared to complete the additional equivalent credits by enrolling and completing equivalent courses, usually at the upper division (300-400 levels) in order to fulfill the requirements of both majors.=
Please see your Academic Advisor for applying for a double major and developing a plan of study for meeting the specific requirements and agreements that need to be approved.
Course Requirements For Hawaiʻinuiākea Double Majors
(65-66 Credits Total)
- Students who qualify to double major in Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies must complete the following double major requirements (65-66 credits total).
- All courses for the double major must earn a grade of “B” or better (not B-) to be acceptable for completing the double major.
- Students who double major must agree to meet the requirements stipulated by the Memorandum of Agreement Policy on Double Counting Course Credits before being accepted.
Hawaiian 301 and Hawaiian 302 are currently required for both majors. The student must declare what major these courses will apply towards meeting the major’s requirements (i.e., either Hawaiian Language or Hawaiian Studies, but NOT BOTH) before the undergraduate degree is awarded. Alternative and appropriate elective courses (300-400 level) must be completed. Furthermore, the student must assign both courses to HAW or HWST and not split the assignment of courses.
Concurrent Majors in Hawaiian Language (or Hawaiian Studies) & Another Discipline
Hawaiʻinuiākea students may opt to be a concurrent major in Hawaiian Language (or Hawaiian Studies) and another academic major (e.g., History) to earn their undergraduate degree. The university defines concurrent majors as students who earn degrees from two different schools or colleges (e.g., HAW & TIM; HWST & HIST).
Caution: Not all UHM schools or colleges will approve a concurrent major with Hawaiʻinuiākea. Individual schools or colleges may determine their concurrent major policies and academic relationships with one another.
This declaration for a concurrent major should be made after a student has earned 25 credits of successful course work towards the BA with a minimum 3.25 GPA
There are specific course requirements for completing both the BA general education requirements and the concurrent majors requirements. Completion of a minimum of 30 credits in each degree program is required. This generally means that the student must plan for more time and more expenses towards degree completion. Concurrent majors must also maintain a minimum 3.25 GPA overall.
Policy on Double Counting for Concurrent Majors
For concurrent majors, the same courses may not be used to satisfy major requirements in both degree programs, unless the specific course is required by both programs. In other words, students may not double dip, i.e., use the same course to satisfy major requirements in both degree programs
In general, students must meet all of the requirements for Hawaiian Language (or Hawaiian Studies), their second major (e.g., History) and the BA general education requirements. Where there is a potential for conflict, the current UH Mānoa policy and regulations stipulated for Concurrent Undergraduate Majors will apply.
Please see your Academic Advisor for applying for a concurrent major and developing a plan of study for meeting the specific requirements and agreements that need to be approved.