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Question Set: Phase Changes and Pressure
  1. Compare the densities of a solid, liquid, and gas.  Is one phase usually denser than the others?  Is one phase usually less dense?  Explain your answer using examples.
  2. Give examples for as many of the phase changes as you can shown in Fig. 5-4 and listed below:
    1. Vaporization
    2. Condensation
    3. Sublimation
    4. Deposition
    5. Freezing
    6. Melting
  3. Which changes in Fig. 5-4 require energy? Which give off energy?
  4. In Fig. 5-7, the triple point (T. Pt) of water is labeled.  What do you think the triple point means? (Hint:  look at the lines delineating the phases of water.) What is unique about the triple point? Does it ever occur in nature?
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.