The Assisting Students in Distress: Green Folder Project is a quick reference guide for faculty and staff on how to recognize, support, and refer distressed students. To request hard copies for your department, please complete our Google form.
Typical Weekly Schedule; Training Activities
Training Activities Internship Training Components/Typical Weekly Schedule
Direct Service (approximately 22 hours per week)
Individual Psychotherapy, Couples, and Career Counseling.............11-13 hours
Intake Interviews............................................................................... 3 hours
Inital Phone Screen............................................................................2 hours
Group Psychotherapy....................................................................... 2 hours
Crisis Coverage (Blue Line)................................................................ 4 hours
Training and Supervision (approximately 12-13 hours per week)
Clinical Supervision from Licensed Psychologist.................................. 2 hours
Internship Supervision w/ Coordinator of Training......................... 1 hour/month
Outreach Seminar……..............…................1 hour/month during even months
Research Seminar…..…….......................…..1 hour/month during odd months
Intern Seminar............................................................................... 1-2 hours
Multicultural Seminar........................................................................ 2 hours
Group Psychotherapy Seminar............................................................ 1 hour
Supervision Seminar/Supervision of Supervision..................................... 1 hour
Clinical Supervision of Practicum Trainee......................................... 1-2 hours
Case Consultation with Training Faculty, Psychiatrist, etc...................... 1 hour
Intern Support Group........................................................................... 1 hour
Staff Meeting........................................................................... 1 hour/month
Professional Staff Development............................................ 1.5 hours/month
Clinical Team Meeting......................................................................... 1 hour
Case Disposition Team Meeting........................................................... 1 hour
Other Responsibilities (approximately 3-4 hours per weeks)
Preparation for Direct Service and Outreach, Committee Work, etc..... 1-2 hours
Case Notes/Case Management....................................................... 1-2 hours
Outreach Presentations, Trainings, Workshops.................................1-2 hours
Scholarly Activities..........................................................................1-2 hours
Internship time commitment will usually range from 44-45 hours per week. Some evening and weekend work is likely during the training year.
Intern hours are Monday through Friday (excluding State Holidays) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Direct service duties are to be completed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. while licensed supervisors are present.
Interns are required to document at least 2,000 hours of internship experience. Minimum of 500 direct service hours.
Training Activities
Clinical Supervision from a Licensed Psychologist
Interns receive two hours per week of individual clinical supervision throughout the year. This supervision covers all clinical work with clients, core training activities, training experiences/methods, and benchmark competencies and evaluation. Review of videotapes is utilized during this training activity.
Supervision of Internship Experience
The Coordinator of Training meets with the interns on a monthly basis to assess how the internship training is meeting the interns’ needs and to solicit feedback about the training program. Additionally, the Coordinator of Training keeps an open door policy and interns are encouraged to meet informally and/or request additional meetings to focus on training concerns.
Intern Seminar
The Intern Seminar is a multipurpose forum for interns which pulls from the integration of knowledge acquired from research literature and theoretical study with clinical experience. The integration of knowledge and experience occurs through discussion between interns and the seminar facilitator, information provided by guest speakers, and intern case studies and presentations. It is also an opportunity to discuss general questions regarding the internship experience and to receive supporting in meeting your training needs and goals.
Multicultural Training Seminar
The weekly Multicultural Training Seminar focuses on the development of skill and competence through in-depth discussions and peer feedback, experiential activities and field trips, presentations by interns and guest speakers, and the synthesis of current literature and practice.
Group Counseling Seminar
Group Counseling Seminar is held weekly and is attended by interns and other trainees and staff who lead groups. It is intended to provide a practical supervision and training experience in leading counseling groups that build upon the intern's previous academic training and experience in providing group counseling. Attention to group process within the seminar also serves as a concrete learning experience for the interns and other participants of the seminar.
Supervision of Supervision
This seminar focuses on concepts related to the intern’s development in the role of a supervisor. Videotape, assigned readings, and topical discussions are utilized to review and teach skills, incorporate the role of Supervisor into the intern's professional identity, and provide opportunities for peer feedback.
Clinical Supervision of Practicum Trainee
Interns are expected to provide clinical supervision to practicum trainee who receive training and provide direct services to CSDC clients. Interns meet face-to-face with practicum trainee for two hours a week. The number of practicum trainee vary, and the nature of supervision opportunities may change each year.
Intern Support Group
The intern class meets regularly for one hour each week. The purposes of this training activity is to allow interns to share and discuss interests and concerns and to facilitate the development of mutual support and group cohesion. The intern group decides on the format and content based on their needs. They may discuss reactions to internship, process experiences they have had, and address various issues that arise during the course of the week.
Training Committee
Each semester, one intern is elected to join the Training Committee to discuss matters related to internship training. Interns are encouraged to offer feedback to the committee and participate in administrative processes.