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Conversations between CSDC counselors and their clients are kept strictly confidential, which means that information from counseling interviews and sessions may not be released to anyone outside of the Center without your written permission.

In keeping with the ethical/legal code of the American Psychological Association (APA), strict confidentiality is maintained except when, in the judgment of the counselor, such disclosure is necessary in order to protect the client or another person from harm or when a valid court order is served on the Center.

The few exceptions when a counselor may need to break confidentiality in a limted way, include:

  • Danger to self and/or others (i.e., risk of suicide or homicide)
  • Suspected child and/or vulnerable adult abuse and/or neglect (as per Mandatory State Law)
  • Client signs a release form allowing communication with another party (limited information with pre-approval of the client).

If you have questions about confidentiality, please call CSDC at (808) 956-7927.