Program: Business Administration (MBA)
Degree: Master's
Date: Thu Oct 10, 2013 - 4:38:13 pm
1) Below are your program's student learning outcomes (SLOs). Please update as needed.
Assurance of Learning Goals Master of Business Administration Shidler College of Business University of Hawaii Manoa 1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the functional areas of business. Objectives: 1. Students align functional action plans with organizational strategic intents and vision. [Assessed in BUS 632] 2. Students will design complementary functional action plans, organizational structure, and functional control systems with measures [Assessed in BUS 632] 3. Students will be able to conduct quantitative analysis of data. [Assessed in BUS 621] 2. Communicate effectively orally and in writing Objectives: 1. Students will speak effectively Assessed in [BUS 696] 2. Students will write an effective report [Assessed in BUS 632] 3. Understand and apply management skills to the Asia-Pacific business environment Objectives: 1. Students will describe the economics that characterize global business [Assessed in BUS 627] 2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region [Assessed in BUS 627] 3. Students will describe how national cultures influence business practices and relationships [Assessed in BUS 627] 4. Identify and analyze complex ethical and legal issues. Objectives: 1. Students will be able to analyze ethical issues to a business situation [Assessed in BUS628] 2. Understand the boundaries and overlaps between ethics and law [Assessed in BUS628] 5. Demonstrate understanding of the impacts of information technology on business Objectives: 1. Students will explain information technology usage across different business processes and functions [Assessed in BUS 630] 2. Students will be able to evaluate the feasibility of applying information technology in business [Assessed in BUS 630]
2) Your program's SLOs are published as follows. Please update as needed.
3) Select one option:
- File (03/16/2020)
4) For your program, the percentage of courses that have course SLOs explicitly stated on the syllabus, a website, or other publicly available document is as follows. Please update as needed.
5) Did your program engage in any program assessment activities between June 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013? (e.g., establishing/revising outcomes, aligning the curriculum to outcomes, collecting evidence, interpreting evidence, using results, revising the assessment plan, creating surveys or tests, etc.)
6) For the period June 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013: State the assessment question(s) and/or assessment goals. Include the SLOs that were targeted, if applicable.
MBA Learning Goal #1: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the functional areas of business Assessed in BUS 632 & BUS 621. MBA Goal 1 Objective 1: Students align functional action plans with organizational strategic intents and vision Assessed in BUS 632 Traits Rubrics Articulate organizational direction 0 = Unclear on organizational direction 1 = Good statement of strategies and vision 2 = Effective, consistent statement of purpose, strategies and vision Formulate action plans 0 = vague, ill-defined action plans 1 = Partial development of action plans; several effective plans 2 = Comprehensive set of plans MBA Goal 1 Objective 2: Students will design complementary functional action plans, organizational structure, and functional control systems with measures Assessed in BUS 632 Traits Rubrics Design complementary functional action plans 0 = No alignment 1 = Partial alignment 2 = Clear, purposeful alignment Design formal and informal structures that supports the action plans 0 = No support 1 = Partial support 2 = Clear, purposeful support Design measurement-based control system 0 =Measurements do not support the action plan goals 1 = Partial support 2 = Clear, purposeful support MBA Goal 1 Objective 3: Students will be able to conduct quantitative analysis of data. Assessed in BUS 621 Traits Rubrics Use descriptive statistics to identify characteristics of a data set (DELETED 12/08 per Reg Worthley, with no objection from Department) 0 = Cannot produce an answer that is both complete and accurate 1 = Produces complete and accurate results 2 = Produces appropriate conclusions and insights from analysis Use inferential statistics to assess relationships within data in a data set 0 = Cannot produce an answer that is both complete and accurate 1 = Produces complete and accurate results 2 = Produces appropriate conclusions and insights from analysis MBA Learning Goal #2: Communicate effectively orally and in writing Assessed in BUS 696 and 632 MBA Goal 2 Objective 1: Students will speak effectively Assessed in BUS 696 Traits Rubrics Focused sense of audience 0 = Unfocused sense of audience 1 = Sticks to the purpose and provides adequate transitions among ideas 2 = Awareness of audience demonstrated through form, language, and presence Organization 0 = Inadequate organization and/or development 1 = Good organization and development 2 = Effective organization contributes to full development of argument Content: Appropriate and sufficient support of ideas 0 = Does not advance an argument with adequate support 1 = Advances argument with sound evidence and references 2 = Innovatively or expertly advances the argument with strong support Language 0 = Lack of language facility with frequent errors 1 = Good facility with language 2 = Presentation enhanced by facility in language use, range of diction, and syntactic variety Voice quality (pace, volume, inflection, enunciation) 0 = Vocal qualities distract from the content 1 = Vocal qualities support the content 2 = Vocal qualities reinforce and animate the content Mannerisms 0 = Little eye contact is made with audience; distracting movements 1 = Appropriate eye contact is made with audience; no distracting movements 2 = Audience engaged through frequent eye contact and purposeful movement MBA Goal 2 Objective 2: Students will write an effective report Assessed in BUS 632 Traits Rubrics Clearly stated purpose 0 = Ill-defined or vague purpose or multiple purposes 1 = Expresses a clear, coherent thesis 2 = Insightful, creative or skillfully presented purpose Focused sense of audience 0 = Unfocused sense of audience 1 = Sticks to the purpose and provides adequate transitions among ideas 2 = Awareness of audience demonstrated through form and language Organization 0 = Inadequate organization and/or development 1 = Good organization and development 2 = Effective organization contributes to full development of the report Content: Appropriate and sufficient support of ideas 0 = Does not advance an argument with adequate support 1 = Advances argument with sound evidence and references 2 = Innovatively or expertly advances the presentation with well-researched evidence and documentation Conclusion 0 = Missing or not supported by the arguments in the report 1 = Appropriate and supported conclusion 2 = Well supported and valid conclusion Language 0 = Lack of language facility with frequent errors 1 = Readability enhanced by facility with language and sentence conventions 2 = Work enhanced by facility in language use, range of diction, and syntactic variety Use and citation of references 0 = No or inappropriate use of references 1 = Adequate set of references 2 = Excellent set of relevant references appropriately applied MBA Learning Goal #3: Understand and apply management skills to the Asia-Pacific business environment (assessed in BUS 627) MBA Goal 3 Objective 1: Students will describe the economics that characterize global business Assessed in BUS 627 Traits Rubrics Identify national economic traits within the context of analysis of Asia-Pacific settings 0 = Failed to identify key aspects 1= Identified most significant aspects 2= Identified a comprehensive set of relevant aspects in the context of global business Appropriately incorporate cultural traits in analysis of global business 0 = Failed to describe key factors 1= Good analysis of factors 2= Comprehensive analysis of factors MBA Goal 3 Objective 2: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region Assessed in BUS 627 Traits Rubrics Demonstrate knowledge of the geography of the Asia-Pacific region 0=Makes frequent or major errors, or shows little knowledge 1=Makes few errors or shows good knowledge 2=Makes only minor errors and shows strong knowledge Account for differences in the stages of development of countries in business analysis 0 = Does not recognize differences in Asia-Pacific countries 1=Accounts for major aspects in the differences 2-Comprehensive analysis of differences Perform analysis of an Asian-Pacific country or region that includes the business conditions and practices of the country or region 0 = Missing key aspects of the country/region 1 = Identifies major characteristics of the country/region 2 = Identifies a comprehensive set of characteristics of the country/region MBA Goal 3 Objective 3: Students will describe how national cultures influence business practices and relationships Assessed in BUS 627 Traits Rubrics Identify national cultural traits within the context of analysis of Asia-Pacific settings 0 = Failed to identify national cultural traits correctly 1 = Identified major national cultural traits 2 = Identified a comprehensive set of cultural traits Appropriately incorporate cultural traits in analysis of global business 0 = Minimal or no analysis of cultural traits 1 = Minimum use of a number of standard analysis tools 2 = Comprehensive and insightful application of various acceptable analysis tools MBA Learning Goal #4: Identify and analyze complex ethical and legal issues. Assessed in BUS 628 MBA Goal 4 Objective 1: Students will be able to analyze ethical issues to a business situation Assessed in BUS 628 Trait Rubrics Identify the ethical dilemma(s) in a business situation 0 = unable to do so 1 = identifies some but not all of the ethical issues of the dilemma(s) 2 = completely identified the dilemma(s) and was able to raise related issues Structure the ethical dilemma using an appropriate ethical framework 0 = unable to do so 1 = applies relevant structure appropriately 2 = applies relevant structure and demonstrates appreciation of complexity Discuss the consequences of ethical choices in the following dimensions: • Social consequences • Business consequences • Personal consequences 0 = unable to do so for all three dimensions 1 = can do so for all three dimensions 2 = can do so for all three dimensions with interesting and rich examples MBA Goal 4 Objective 2: Understand the boundaries and overlaps between ethics and law Assessed in BUS 628 Trait Rubrics Differentiate ethical from legal issues 0 = confuses ethical and legal issues 1 = usually correctly distinguishes between ethical and legal issues 2 = correctly distinguishes between ethical and legal issues MBA Learning Goal #5: Demonstrate understanding of the impacts of technology on business Assessed in BUS 630 MBA Goal 5 Objective 1: Students will explain information technology usage across different business processes and functions Assessed in BUS 630 Traits Rubrics Explain how information technology is used to facilitate communication and coordination in global business organization 0 = Cannot explain information technology use in any aspect of business 1 = Can explain information technology use in one functional area of business 2 = Can explain information technology use in multiple functional areas of business Explain the process of acquiring and implementing technologies in global business organizations 0 = Cannot explain the process of acquiring and implementing information technology in global business organizations 1 = Can explain some aspects of the process of acquiring and implementing information technology in organizations 2 = Can explain most aspects of the process of acquiring and implementing information technology in organizations MBA Goal 5 Objective 2: Students will be able to evaluate the feasibility of applying information technology in business Assessed in BUS 630 Traits Rubrics Articulate the business benefits that businesses expect from using information technology in business processes 0 = Cannot describe benefits of information technology for any business area 1 = Can describe benefits of information technology for one business area 2 = Can describe benefits of information technology for two or more business areas Identify the cost of applying the information technology on the organizational processes 0 = Cannot describe costs of information technology in business use 1 = Can identify 2-3 major costs of information technology in business use 2 = Can identify a full range of hard and soft costs of information technology use Apply concepts of change management for the insertion of information technology 0 = Can identify key issues and concepts of change management 1 = Can identify key issues and concepts of change management 2 = Can identify key issues and concepts of change management and recommend an appropriate plan
7) State the type(s) of evidence gathered to answer the assessment question and/or meet the assessment goals that were given in Question #6.
instructors determined if students had met or exceeded learning goals and completed a spreadsheet.
8) State how many persons submitted evidence that was evaluated. If applicable, please include the sampling technique used.
9) Who interpreted or analyzed the evidence that was collected? (Check all that apply.)
10) How did they evaluate, analyze, or interpret the evidence? (Check all that apply.)
11) For the assessment question(s) and/or assessment goal(s) stated in Question #6:
Summarize the actual results.
approximately 89% met learning objectives and 11% exceeded. Overall program, 3% did not meet expectations
12) State how the program used the results or plans to use the results. Please be specific.
Results are disseminated to faculty. We will hold an assessment committee meeting to discuss how to drive improvement from the results
13) Beyond the results, were there additional conclusions or discoveries?
This can include insights about assessment procedures, teaching and learning, program aspects and so on.
as our accrediting body, the AACSB is refining and re-introducing its standards, they are looking for a more dynamic assessment program, including indirect measures and more evidence of using the results to drive continuance improvement. To achieve this, more involvement from career services and faculty will be required.