Program: Marketing (BBA)
Degree: Bachelor's
Date: Mon Oct 12, 2009 - 2:56:15 pm
1) List your program's student learning outcomes (SLOs).
Goals 1 through 4 are the same for ALL BBA students.
Objectives listed under Goal 5 vary by major.
Objectives for Marketing Majors are Listed below
Marketing Objective 1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic issues in marketing and business in an international and/or Asian environment
Marketing Objective 2: Students will develop and demonstrate skills, e.g. marketing research skill, marketing communication skill, analytic skills necessary for their future success in a contemporary marketing environment
Marketing Objective 3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the marketing profession, its organization, its ethics and responsibilities, and the impact of external factors on current and emerging marketing issues
2) Where are your program's SLOs published?
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online:
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online:
Other: These will be listed on the Shidler College web site, by the end of the Fall 09 Semester
3) Upload your program's current curriculum map(s) as a PDF.
4) What percentage of courses have the course SLOs explicitly stated on the course syllabus, department website, or other publicly available document? (Check one)
5) State the SLO(s) that was Assessed, Targeted, or Studied
Assessment for the Marketing major will be done beginning Fall 2009
6) State the Assessment Question(s) and/or Goal(s) of Assessment Activity
7) State the Type(s) of Evidence Gathered
Assessment will be based on the results of a pre-post test for majors
8) State How the Evidence was Interpreted, Evaluated, or Analyzed
9) State How Many Pieces of Evidence Were Collected
10) Summarize the Actual Results
11) Briefly Describe the Distribution and Discussion of Results
12) Describe Conclusions and Discoveries
13) Use of Results/Program Modifications: State How the Program Used the Results --or-- Explain Planned Use of Results
14) Reflect on the Assessment Process
15) Other Important Information