Program: Philippine Lang & Lit (BA)
Degree: Bachelor's
Date: Thu Aug 19, 2010 - 5:58:40 pm
1) Below are the program student learning outcomes submitted last year. Please add/delete/modify as needed.
1. Train students to become functional, literate users of Filipino language.
2. Develop in students an in-depth understanding of Philippine culture and society.
3. Familiarize students with the canon of Philippine literature focusing on its various
themes, genres, historical and cultural contexts.
4. Prepare students for careers requiring Filipino language proficiency, such as
Filipino language teaching, translation, social work or community service in
Filipino communities, international business and customer relations, government
work requiring knowledge of a foreign language.
5. Prepare students for advanced studies and research in various fields with particular
focus on Philippine languages, cultures and contemporary society and history.
2) As of last year, your program's SLOs were published as follows. Please update as needed.
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online: Ilokano Program Brochure, B.A. Philippine Language and Literature (Tagalog) brochure
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online: NA
3) Below is the link to your program's curriculum map (if submitted in 2009). If it has changed or if we do not have your program's curriculum map, please upload it as a PDF.
4) The percentage of courses in 2009 that had course SLOs explicitly stated on the syllabus, a website, or other publicly available document is indicated below. Please update as needed.
5) State the assessment question(s) and/or goals of the assessment activity. Include the SLOs that were targeted, if applicable.
Two types of exit surveys were conducted—one for graduates of the BA Philippine Language and Literature program, and one for language students who took 100-200 level courses.
The survey intends to gauge the level of student satisfaction with the program and its courses, and to find out how the program helps to meet their career goals.
For the Filipino 202 Student Exit Survey Results, the following SLOs were targeted:
1. understand conversations about everyday experiences (e.g., school, work, interests, preferences).
2. understand factual content of paragraph-length oral/aural descriptions/narratives on familiar topics (e.g., recorded telephone instructions, announcements in public areas).
3. perform variety “real-life” tasks in common social and transactional situations (e.g., shopping, making hotel reservations).
4. sustain conversations/interviews about self, family, experiences, interests, and preferences.
5. understand fully paragraph-length texts dealing with personal and social needs such as personal letters, messages, memos, and news paper articles.
6. get main ideas from authentic everyday practical materials written in the target language (e.g., menus, ads for products).
7. meet practical writing needs and social demands by writing paragraph-length personal letters, messages, applications, and journals.
8. demonstrate understanding of history and traditions celebrated in the target culture.
For the Filipino BA Exit Survey, the following SLOs were targeted:
1. Engage in oral communication in Filipino in various communicative contexts.
2. Read and comprehend texts written in Filipino from a variety of genres and contexts (e.g., newspapers, novels).
3. Engage in writing in Filipino in various contexts and for various audiences.
4. Demonstrate a familiarity with the current events, traditional and pop culture, and social structures of the society/societies in which Filipino is spoken.
5. Analyze, evaluate and critique texts written in Filipino from a variety of genres and contexts.
6. Conduct research on Filipino language and/or culture using knowledge and skills learned in the program.
Two forms of assessment were put in place for the whole program: (a) BA Exit Interview and the (b) 2-year Ilokano language program.
Of those graduating from the BA for 2009-and 2010, we wanted to find out the following:
1. Degree of their satisfaction in the program in terms of skills and competencies they have acquired;
2. Extracurricular skills they have gained; and
3. Recommendations they would offer to improve the program.
Of those exiting from the program because they have fulfilled the 2-year language (and this referred to those enrolled in our Ilokano 202, we wanted to find out the following:
1. How well the program met the SLOs for the two-year language program;
2. What important linguistic, cultural, and extracurricular skills they have learned; and
3. What recommendations for improvement they would like to offer.
6) State the type(s) of evidence gathered.
The results were gathered from two exit surveys conducted by the College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature Evaluation Resource Team.
Two exit surveys were used by the Office of the Dean of the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures. Our program was involved in the final form of the survey instruments they prepared. The same assessment team analyzed the results for us.
7) Who interpreted or analyzed the evidence that was collected?
Faculty committee
Ad hoc faculty group
Department chairperson
Persons or organization outside the university
Faculty advisor
Advisors (in student support services)
Students (graduate or undergraduate)
8) How did they evaluate, analyze, or interpret the evidence?
Scored exams/tests/quizzes
Used professional judgment (no rubric or scoring guide used)
Compiled survey results
Used qualitative methods on interview, focus group, open-ended response data
External organization/person analyzed data (e.g., external organization administered and scored the nursing licensing exam)
9) State how many persons submitted evidence that was evaluated.
If applicable, please include the sampling technique used.
Survey sample: For the Filipino 202 Student Exit Survey all students who completed Filipino 202 were requested to answer the survey on-line. The return rate was 82%. For the BA Filipino Student Exit Survey, all graduates were requested to answer the survey. As there were only 3 students, the return rate was 100%.
1. Of those surveyed for the BA, return rate was 100 percent.
2. Of those survyed for the 2-year language program, return rate was at 95%.
We urged all our students to participate. These percentages show a high response rate.
10) Summarize the actual results.
The Student Exit Surveys provided us with the profiles of our students—what languages they spoke at home, why they wanted to take 100-200 level courses, how they learned about the program and why they decided to study at UH Manoa.
Most of the students speak Tagalog (Filipino), Ilokano, Cebuano or another Philippine language at home. Some of them speak 2 or 3 Philippine languages. A third of these students are pursuing a certificate (minor) in Philippine language and literature, and a few of them plan to pursue a double major. Although most of the students take language classes because they are required, a third of them have indicated the desire to continue taking higher level courses.
The survey responses indicate a high level of satisfaction in the courses they have taken, and in the program and institutional support that they received. The report affirms that the strength of our program lies in our faculty and in cultural activities and Katipunan events. Through the program, students have not only learned the language but they also gained a greater appreciation for their cultural heritage.
1. Students were highly satisfied with the program;
2. Sufficient options were given to develop their curricular and extracurricular skills; and
3. The program itself has a broad, global perspective and yet is also linked up with the SLOs and the particular skills related to the target language and culture.
1. Aside from the usual student profiles, we gathered from the results the motivations of students for registering for our courses.
2. More than half of the students report that they have had exposure to the language through a variety of ways, with family as the main means.
3. Students report of a general satisfaction with the program, many highlighting the various extracurricular activities they were required to do to be exposed to the language and to the culture of the people speaking this language.
4. Students report of the small-sized classes as one of the main reasons why the courses were fun, with individualized instructions given to them by the faculty, who, they think, are competent and caring.
5. Students believe that the 2-year program was worth it and that they would recommend this to their friends and other people.
11) How did your program use the results? --or-- Explain planned use of results.
Please be specific.
The results were discussed at the regular Filipino program faculty meeting. The instructors were able to receive feedback about their teaching, about the courses and the program in general.
The program also shared the results with institutions and individuals within local and international networks. These results were presented in the Pamantasan conference and the 2nd Filipino as Global Language conference in San Diego.
The program reviewed the suggestions from students and used these to implement changes in terms of schedules and course offerings.
The results of the assessment were:
1. Disseminated to the faculty, discussed in an appropriate faculty meeting, and the issues raised
addressed by them;
2. Relayed to (2. 1.) appropriate faculty committee, i.e., academic advising and program and to
(2.2) select incoming majors for discussion and action, such as the need for more practicum hours
in settings outside the classroom.
3. Used as yardstick to revisit the (3.1.) cycle for course offerings; (3.2) availability of course
offerings outside the program and the department; and (3.3) drawing up of plans to meet
the proposed state certification for teachers.
12) Beyond the results, were there additional conclusions or discoveries? This can include insights about assessment procedures, teaching and learning, program aspects and so on.
According to the survey results, students have had some problems with class availability. We will make sure that, if there are two or more sections of a course, these courses be offered on both Mon-Wed and Tues-Thurs schedules. We also hope to offer more sections, as much as possible, to accommodate more students.
Also, we will avoid having two teachers handle the same class within the semester.
Some of the comments mentioned that there was not enough publicity about the program. We will exert more effort to promote the program and recruit more students.
We would also like to increase the response rate by scheduling a day and time for students to answer this survey at the computer lab.
As a matter of procedure, we have been doing our own program assessment using other tools,such as written report from students, focused individual interviews, focused groups and oral feedback. This latest qualitative assessment, however, gave us a numerical picture of where we are and what else weneed to do to improve our program, make it more relavant to the students, and make it responsive to work situations outside the academia.
13) Other important information:
We need to institutionalize this survey each semester so we can track down our progress.