Program: Plant & Environmental Biotechnology (BS)
Degree: Bachelor's
Date: Thu Oct 15, 2009 - 2:41:59 pm
1) List your program's student learning outcomes (SLOs).
2) Where are your program's SLOs published?
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online:
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online:
3) Upload your program's current curriculum map(s) as a PDF.
- File (03/16/2020)
4) What percentage of courses have the course SLOs explicitly stated on the course syllabus, department website, or other publicly available document? (Check one)
5) State the SLO(s) that was Assessed, Targeted, or Studied
6) State the Assessment Question(s) and/or Goal(s) of Assessment Activity
· How well did the student do in his or her senior thesis presentation?
· How well do employers, professional schools, graduate schools and scholarship givers assess the student?
7) State the Type(s) of Evidence Gathered
· Awards won or grades given during the CTAHR student research symposium. This is used as a peer review of scientific competency and working with others.
· Job offers, professional school acceptances, admissions to graduate schools and assistantships offered.
8) State How the Evidence was Interpreted, Evaluated, or Analyzed
Obvious. Last year one of our graduates was chosen UH valedictorian, another won the oral presentation award for all undergraduates, another won the poster division for undergraduates and three won best in department awards (we are an interdepartmental program). A student won a bronze medal at the International Genetically Engineered conference held at MIT. No students applied to a professional school though the top two will. Several will apply to graduate school. At this point in time no student who has applied to graduate school has not been accepted and no student accepted has not been offered and accepted a graduate assistantship. Knock on wood.
9) State How Many Pieces of Evidence Were Collected
10) Summarize the Actual Results
11) Briefly Describe the Distribution and Discussion of Results
12) Describe Conclusions and Discoveries
We are too small but are a quality program.
13) Use of Results/Program Modifications: State How the Program Used the Results --or-- Explain Planned Use of Results
Plans have been made to recruit more actively...which is hard because I have no time.
14) Reflect on the Assessment Process
I think other do things the hard way. I think our methods are easier.
15) Other Important Information
The curriculum may will be sent by e-mail because I cannot make PDF. Please note that we are not Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences. We are an interdisciplinary program and our drivers including myself are in MBBE.