- Milagros Rivera Sanchez and Ang Peng Hwa, Effective Regulators: A Response to the International Telecommunication Union’s Case Study on Singapore
- Shin-yi Peng, Universal Telecommunications Service in China: Trade Liberalization, Subsidy, and Technology in the Making of Information Equality in the Broadband Era
- Roda Mushkat, Globalization and the International Environmental Legal Response: The Asian Context
- Emily E. Larocque, The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean: Can Tuna Promote Development of Pacific Island Nations?
- Hannah M.T. Gutierrez, Guam’s Future Political Status: An Argument for Free Association with U.S. Citizenship
- James R. Alexander, Obscenity, Pornography and the Law in Japan: Reconsidering Oshima’s In the Realm of the Senses