- Gary F. Bell, The New Indonesian Laws Relating to Regional Autonomy: Good Intentions, Confusing Laws
- Jae Won Kim, The Ideal and the Reality of the Korean Legal Profession
- Daniel E. Hall, Curfews, Culture, and Custom in American Samoa: An Analytical Map for Applying the U.S. Constitution to U.S. Territories
- Kanishka Jayasuriya, The Exception Becomes the Norm: Law and Regimes of Exception in East Asia
- Ming-yu Cheng and Sayed Hossain, Malaysian Experience and the Asian Turmoil
- Catherine M. Bejerana, Capitalist Manifesto: The Inadequacy of Antitrust Laws in Preventing the Cannibalism of Competition
- Paul C. Lin-Easton, Ending the Seige on America’s Bears: Implementing GATT-consistent Pelly Sanctions Against Bear-Trading Nations
- Harry Williams, Property Rights and Legal Reform in Township and Village Enterprises in China
Recent Developments
- Melody Kubo, Extraterritorial Application of the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Dawn Nagatani, The Enhanced Initiative as an Instrument of Change: The Efficacy of Japan’s Latest Effort at Telecommunications Deregulation
Case Note
Book Review
- Dan Meagher, A Review of Colin James’s Building the Constitution