Interdisciplinary Studies

You have selected a major in:

Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)

Physical Science Building 203 & 205
Phone(808) 956-7297
Office HoursMonday through Friday (closed on state holidays)
8:30 am to 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

How advising works:

The objective of the IS Program is to provide students with anThe objective of the Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) Program is to provide students with an opportunity to pursue an integrated course of study that is not restricted to conventional departmental or unit boundaries. The IS Program promotes academic innovation, emerging fields, and interdisciplinary collaboration.opportunity to pursue a course of study that is not restricted to conventional departmental or unit boundaries. A crucial feature is the advising process, which aims to develop the student’s ability to formulate a major equivalent comprised of upper-division courses with thematic integrity and continuity. This ensures flexibility in the curriculum while precluding loss of academic substance and rigor. Thus students create their own degree proposals that must draw upon no less than three disciplines in the UH Mānoa Catalog in the study of a particular problem or theme, along with specifically designed IS courses.

The IS program offers a BA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with different thematic areas of focus. Students pursuing a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies will follow a pre-designed or self-designed program of study. Pre-designed IS programs have a course of study articulated by faculty experts from multidisciplinary fields. Self-designed IS programs have a course of study proposed by the student in collaboration with their IS advisor and faculty experts.

The BA in Interdisciplinary Studies requires coherent course work from a minimum of three discipline areas under a specific thematic area of focus (i.e. health studies, linguistics, peace and conflict resolution, social sciences of oceans, sustainability, etc.). Area focus titles are listed on the BA Interdisciplinary Studies diploma and transcript.

A crucial feature of the program is the advising process, which aims to develop the student’s ability to formulate a major equivalent comprised of upper-division courses with thematic integrity and continuity. This ensures flexibility in the curriculum while precluding loss of academic substance and rigor.

After we have classified you as an Interdisciplinary Studies major, you must follow your approved academic plan. We recommend you start taking your major courses if they are offered. That would allow you to prevent scheduling conflicts related to major courses and even occasional instances of course cancellations. However, you may need to change a course that you had planned to take according to your proposal for a valid reason. In this case, reach out directly to your IS advisor for approval.

List of Majors in Interdisciplinary Studies

Hindi (BA)
Indonesian (BA)
Khmer (Cambodian) (BA)

Interdisciplinary Studies (BA)

Samoan (BA)
Sanskrit (BA)
Thai (BA)
Vietnamese (BA)