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Graduate Scholarships

The Alwine & Jesse Doyle European Language Study Abroad Scholarship

The Alwine & Jesse Doyle European Language Study Abroad Scholarships support University of Hawai'i at Mānoa students who want to earn credits in one of the languages taught in the Department of Languages & Literatures of Europe & the Americas (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish) at an accredited university in Europe.  Students who propose to study at a European university where no UHM program exists, should meet with the advisor or division head for that language before applying. Preference will be given to students studying at the 200-level or above.  Preference for graduate awards will be given to LLEA students.

Recent awards have varied from $750 to $1500

Application dates
For summer and fall: March 1 (approx)
For spring: October 15 (approx)


  • Applicant must have a 3.0 GPA in the language to be studied
  • Applicant must have an overall 3.0 GPA
  • Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate or classified graduate student in good standing

Fill out the online application form  (which will require you to upload a copy of your STAR transcripts at the end).

Additionally, applicants must request two letters of recommendation from faculty who teach at UH Mānoa. Faculty must send the letters directly to the Doyle Selection Committee at


The Linda Rudoy Memorial Spanish Scholarship

Linda Rudoy (BA, 1983 / MA, 1986; University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) studied and taught Spanish at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for nearly twenty years. In her time at UHM Linda Rudoy touched hundreds of lives while teaching in the Spanish program. She will always be remembered for her gracious manner both in and outside of the classroom and for sharing her passion for the language and cultures of Spain and Latin America with her students. She was truly beloved by her students and colleagues alike.

As a tribute to her excellence in and dedication to teaching, the Linda Rudoy Memorial Spanish Scholarship has been created with the generous support of the Rudoy family. We are proud to continue her legacy through this scholarship designed to provide financial support to one or more outstanding UHM Spanish majors each year.

Application date: February 15 (approx)

APPLY (Enter Linda Rudoy in the SEARCH FIELD)