
masthead graphic for german program

German Studies

German is a heritage language in Hawai’i.

It was one of the first two foreign languages offered when our university opened in 1908, and continues to provide a direct link to Pacific scholarship. It is also a leading language of science, engineering, technology, literature, history, art, music, philosophy, and political science, making it an excellent choice for students in these fields considering a minor or double major. Today, German is the language of a new breed of thinkers, artists, journalists and travelers. An MIT economist recently estimated that the ability to speak German will be worth an extra 3.8% in pay, or an average of $128,000 over a lifetime.

Our innovative and responsive German Program offers students a high level of personal support via academic and scholarship advising, participation in an effective learning community, and extracurricular activities. Our faculty consistently receive excellent teaching evaluations and have received multiple teaching awards.