GWIKS Book Manuscript Workshop

The George Washington University Institute for Korean Studies (GWIKS) has announced its Korean Studies Book Manuscript Workshop for faculty working on a second book. The workshop is intended to provide support for faculty, regardless of citizenship, in the humanities and social sciences who are in the middle phase of writing a second monograph. The Institute will select ONE faculty on the basis of potential contribution to Korean studies.

The participant will attend one full-day workshop and collaborate with two invited commentators, Institute faculty, and a press editor on the conceptualization and finalization of the second scholarly monograph. GWIKS will provide roundtrip airfare, accommodations, and meals for the duration of the workshop. Limited funds are available for participants traveling from outside the United States.

The workshop will be held on October 18, 2019. Applications are due on June 15, 2019.

Applicants must be a faculty member at an academic institution with a substantial portion of their second book manuscript completed (i.e., the introduction and two or more substantive chapters or 30,000 words).

To apply, submit the following documents to by June 15, 2019, and indicate “Last Name, First Name – Book Manuscript Workshop” in the subject line:

  • Cover letter assessing progress and statement of need;
  • Book proposal (one that would be sent out to potential publishers);
  • One draft chapter;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Names of up to five potential reviewers/mentors,

Questions or about the workshop, eligibility, and the application process should be directed to

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