Our Clean-Energy Future: The Case for a Faster, Bolder Transition

By HEPF Staff

Our Clean-Energy Future: The Case for a Faster, Bolder Transition – Award-winning author and UCSB professor Leah Stokes explains why cleaning up the electricity sector (and advancing electrification) is so vital to preventing the worst effects of climate change.

Also featuring: Governor David Ige and Melissa Miyashiro, Executive Director of the Blue Planet Foundation.

Trained at MIT, Columbia, and the University of Toronto, Stokes has been published in top scholarly journals, as well as the New York Times, Washington Post, and The Atlantic. She is the author of the award-winning book, Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States. A professor of political science and environmental studies at UC Santa Barbara, Stokes is also a Senior Policy Advisor at Evergreen Action and Senior Policy Counsel at Rewiring America.

This event was presented in partnership with the Hawai‘i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, as part of our Hā O Ke Kai Collection. The Better Tomorrow Speaker Series is a joint venture of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, and Kamehameha Schools. Series sponsors also include the College of Social Sciences, Scholars Strategy Network, and the William S. Richardson School of Law. Lead sponsors of this event include: Pacific RISA, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, and Ulupono Initiative.