
Below is a compilation of national, state, and local data that are publicly available and updated regularly.

EIA Form 923 – Annual Electric Utility Data generation, fuel consumption, fossil fuel stocks, and receipts at the power plant and prime mover levelexcel/csv
EIA Form 860 – Annual Electric Generator Data and planned generator infoexcel/csv
EIA Form 861 – Annual Electric Power Industry Report load, generation, electric purchases, sales, revenues, customer counts and demand-side management programs, green pricing and net metering programs, and distributed generation capacityexcel/csv
EIA Electricity Data Browser generation and consumption data (from EIA Form 923), Electricity sales data (from EIA Form 861), fuel quality and receipts (from EIA Form 923)excel/csv
EIA Coal Data Browser excel/csv
EIA State Energy Database System (SEDS) production, consumption, prices, and expenditures by stateexcel/csv
EIA Annual Generation generation from 1990excel/csv
EIA Company Level Imports internationalexcel/csv
EIA Refinery Data and capacity of petroleum refineriesexcel/csv
Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGrid) emissions for nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide; emissions rates; net generation; resource mix; and many other attributesexcel/csv
FERC Form 714 – Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area
and Planning Area Report transmitting utilities operating balancing authority areas and planning areas (with annual peak demand over 200MW) are required to electronically file Form 714, reporting among other things, balancing authority area generation, actual and scheduled inter-balancing authority area power transfers, and net energy for load, summer-winter generation peaks and system lambda.excel/csv
DBEDT Data Warehouse Energy section. County-level, can select frequency. Petroleum/crude oil price, foreign petroleum imports, liquid fuel tax base, registered vehicles, electricity consumption (by no. of consumers, total meters, and total kWh sold), net revenue of utility companies, electricity retail prices, electricity production, fuel oil, diesel oil, and biodiesel oil used by utility companiesexcel/csv
DBEDT Monthly Energy Trends data as DBEDT’s Data Warehouse, but only available as a monthly time seriesexcel
DBEDT State of Hawai’i Databook pdf
HSEO Hawai’i Energy Statistics costs as a percentage of GDP, electricity price, gasoline price, electricity production by source, petroleum use by sector, solar-related construction expenditurescsv/excel
Hawai’i County Data Portal as DBEDT Data Warehousecsv
Aloha+ Challenge energy; local food production and consumption solid waste reduction; smart sustainable communities; green workforce educationcsv/excel
Hawaiian Electric Key Performance Metrics reliability; power supply and generation (IPP, weighted equivalent availability factor, weighted equivalent forced outage rate, weighted equivalent forced outage factor, losses and unaccounted for energy); renewable energy (RPS compliance, system RE, total RE, curtailment, NEM participants, capacity, and kWh exported); customer service; financial (ROE); safety; rates and revenues (cost of final delivered energy, contributing cost components to rates, fuel and purchased energy costs, time-of-use rate customers); emerging technologies (load and no. of events of DR programs, duration of events, energy storage amount of power)excel
Hawaiian Electric Monthly Effective rate summaries, Energy Cost Adjustment Filings (ECAF) and Avoided Energy Cost and Schedule Q Rates pdf
Hawaiian Electric Quarterly Installed Solar PV pdf
City & County of HonoluluBuilding Permits January 1, 2005. Includes PV, EV charger, battery storage.excel/csv
Maui County Electrical Building Permits excel/csv
Hawai’i County Electrical Building Permits excel/csv
Renewable Energy Projects Directory excel
Hawai’i Energy Facts and Figures pdf
PUC Annual Reports pdf
NEM Annual Reports pdf
RPS Annual Reports includes KIUC’s annual fuel mix disclosurepdf
Renewable Energy Annual Report (Gas Company) pdf
Adequacy of Supply Annual Reports pdf
Annual Financial Reports for Electric Utilities pdf
Service Quality Reliability Annual Reports pdf
RSWG Monthly reports No. 2011-0206. Includes data on curtailment events.pdf
Weekly Interconnection reports, Interim TOU quarterly report, DER quarterly report No. 2014-0192pdf
EV Pilot Rates Report No. 2016-0168pdf
Hourly Unit Dispatch No. 2017-0213, Oahu onlypdf
Energy Efficiency Data efficiency investment broken down by residential vs commercial, savings (benefits), measure savings estimates. See also Docket No. 2007-0323.pdf

Last Updated: 3/11/2022