Collections – UHM Congressional Papers, Daniel K. Inouye
Repository name: UH Mānoa Library, University Archives and Manuscript Collections, Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Collection
Address: 2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822
Hours of operation: Check website
Rules or restrictions: Pencils only in reading room; must place bags in locker; check website for current information
Copy policies, duplication fees: Scanning workstation available; ok to photograph non-restricted material
Parking: Paid parking on campus, very limited street parking in surrounding neighborhoods; accessible by bus
Video: Kealohi Minami, Research in the Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Collection
Source of records: MANUSCRIPT-HCPC00011: Senator Daniel K. Inouye Papers
Subjects, events, etc. covered: The Inouye papers document the post-statehood inclusion of Hawaiʻi in the Interstate Defense Highway System via the Omnibus Act, including the preparation of the Report on Extension of National System of Interstate and Defense Highways within Alaska and Hawaii, which recommended highways to connect Schofield Barracks, Diamond Head, and Kāneʻohe Naval Air Station with Pearl Harbor.
Much of the H-3 material in this collection concerns the controversial 1986 exemption of the freeway from the 4(f) provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act, beginning with 1970s material relating to the Kāneʻohe-Kailua Flood Control Project, which led to the development of Hoʻomaluhia Botanical Gardens (the focus of this exemption). Most of this material can be found in the Legislative files series, 99th Congress subseries. Material includes constituent and trade group correspondence for and against the freeway; correspondence in which the Hawaiʻi congressional delegation urges state and city to come up with alternative uses for the funding if the 4(f) waiver doesnʻt pass and H-3 is not granted an extension to use the funds; and correspondence between Senator Inouye, HIDOT, and Vermont Senator Robert T. Stafford, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, relating to the scope and applicability of the exemption and its path through Congress.
Date range of records: 1959-2012, H-3 records are primarily early 1960s and 1985-1986.
Volume/extent: 1,237 linear feet (this is the volume of the entire collection); there is about 3 linear feet of material relating to H-3
Restrictions, if any: Case files series is restricted, but did not locate any H-3 related material in this series
Citation or location information (call number, collection number, record group, series, box, etc.) that would help a researcher request the materials:
Inouye Papers: House Records: Public works: General Highways
Inouye papers House Records: Legislation: Bills: Hawaii Omnibus Bill
Inouye papers: Administrative files: Washington, D.C.: Public Relations: Speeches: Chronological
Inouye papers: Administrative files: Hawai’i: Issue files: Transportation: Highways and transit: H3
Bills: Senator’s own bills: 99th Congress: S. 1796 (1985-1986)
Bills: Senator’s own bills: 99th Congress: S. 2467 (1985-1986)
Bills: Senator’s own bills: 99th Congress: S. 2880 (1986-1987)
Anything digitized already?
- Campaign files, 1954-2010
- Newsletters and press releases, 1963-2012
- Many speeches, 1963-2012
- Native Hawaiian Issues series, 1972-1985
- Japanese Latin-American Internment series, 1942-2010, bulk 1970-2010
- Kahoʻolawe series, 1971-2003
Parties mentioned:
- Executive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget
- Governor William F. Quinn
- Governor George Ariyoshi
- Governor John A. Burns
- Honolulu City Council
- State DOT
- U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Public Roads
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Senator Robert T. Stafford
- Richard Ziegler, Stop H-3 Association of Hawaiʻi
- General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- Andy Anderson, Managing Director, City and County of Honolulu
- Gard Kealoha, Trustee, Chair, Culture/Education Committee, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
- Elizabeth Dole, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Frank Fasi, Mayor, City and County of Honolulu
- P. Bion Griffin, UH Mānoa Department of Anthropology