Question Set: Phylum Echinodermata
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
Table of Contents
- Explain how all echinoderms show five-sided radial symmetry when they look so different.
- How does a tube foot work? Explain using words and drawings.
- Most of the echinoderms have hard parts and spines for defense, but the sea cucumbers do not. How do sea cucumbers protect themselves from predators?
- How does the arrangement of skeletal structures differ in sea urchins, sea stars, and brittle stars? How do these differences establish the way these animals move?
- How is the skeleton of a sea urchin like the skeleton of a lobster? How is it different?
- Sea stars have no teeth, yet they eat other animals (corals, molluscs). How do they do this?
- Two powerful adductor muscles hold the shells of a clam together. Humans have trouble opening a live clam, yet a sea star can pull them apart. How do they do this?