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Activity: Nematocysts
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Fig. 3.26
- Fig. 3.28
- Dissecting scissors
- Sea anemone, live or frozen
- Small culture dish
- Seawater
- Forceps
- Dropper bottle of water
- Microscope slides and coverslips
- Compound microscope
- A hair from your head
- Toothpicks
- Centimeter ruler
- Towels
Fig. 3.26. Diagram of a cnidocyte ejecting a nematocyst
Fig. 3.28. Anatomy of a sea anemone showing some internal structures. 1. Tentacle, 2. Pharnyx, 5. Septum, 8. Pedal disk, 9. Retractor muscle, 12. Collar, 13. Mouth, 14. Oral disk
- Draw a picture of the anemone in your notebook. Label the tentacles and mouth. Use Fig. 3.28 as a reference.
- Measure the length and width of the sea anemone using the centimeter ruler. Include a scale in your diagram from Step 1.
- With scissors, snip off a piece of a tentacle from a frozen or living sea anemone approximately two millimeters (mm) long. Snipping a tentacle will not harm the sea anemone. Use forceps for handling sea anemones. Do not touch the tentacle with your hands.
- Using forceps, place the piece of tentacle on a clean microscope slide. Add a drop of seawater and a coverslip.
- Observing your specimen under a com¬pound microscope at 100x, find undischarged, partially discharged, and fully discharged cnidocytes. Use Fig. 3.26 as a reference.
- Draw each of the three types of cnidocytes in your notebook.
- Label the cnidocil, lid, cell nucleus, nematocyst tube and barbs where applicable.
- Test the response of the nematocysts to a hair root
- Pull out a head hair with a root.
- Insert the root of the hair under the coverslip, touching the tentacle tis¬sue while your partner watches through the microscope.
- Pull the root slightly away from the tentacle.
- Observe how the nematocysts react to the hair root.
- Test the response of the nematocysts to saliva.
- Place several drops of saliva on one end of a second glass slide.
- Get a fresh piece of tentacle and place it close to the saliva.
- Move the saliva onto the tentacle with a toothpick while your partner watches the tentacle through the microscope. After using the tooth¬pick, break and discard it.
- Describe how the tentacle responds to the saliva.
Activity Questions
- Were you able to find undischarged, partially discharged, and fully discharged cnidocytes? Explain.
- Did the cnidocytes you observed differ in shape from the cnidoctes shown in Fig. 3.26? Explain.
- In Step 4 and 5, which stimulant, hair or saliva, caused the firing of more nematocysts? Explain.
- Why is it important to use forceps when handling sea anemones in this activity?
- What safety concerns would you advise about handling sea anemones or other cnidarians in the ocean or washed up on the beach?
- If a cnidarian has just finished feeding, predict whether it will discharge more nematocysts if the tentacles touch an¬other piece of food. Explain your rea¬soning.
- What might explain why some people get severe reactions to Portuguese man-of-war stings but others do not?
- Use the following terms to describe a sea anemone, a Portuguese man-of-war, or another cnidarian:
- ectoderm
- nematocyst
- venom
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.