Activity: Tunicate Life History
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
Table of Contents
- Fig. 3.103 [in development]
- Table 3.13
- Table 3.14
- Colored pencils
- For each tunicate structure listed in Table 3.13, use the resources available to you to
- give an overall description and note its function, and
- note its presence or absence in adult and larval forms.
- Create a diagram to show the movement of food, water, and wastes in tunicates. Use Fig. 3.103 A and B if needed. Use colored pencils if needed. Label appropriate structures from Table 3.13 in your diagram.
- What is the function of the tunic?
- Use a dictionary for information on the word tunic with reference to clothing.
- Compare and contrast the uses of this word.
- Compare and contrast tunicate and human structure and functions. Use the resources available to you to fill out Table 3.14.
Activity Questions
- Compare and contrast tunicate larvae and adult life histories.
- Look at Table 3.13.
- Which structures are the most important for defining this group compared with other invertebrates? Explain.
- Were all tunicate structures present in both the larval and adult forms? Explain.
- Looking at Table 3.14, what two features of human and tunicates are
- most similar? Explain.
- least similar? Explain.
- What is unique about the structure and function of a tunicate heart?
- Why are tunicates considered closely related to humans?