University Laboratory School

The school serves as a model for school design, providing a comprehensive academic program for all students in heterogeneous classes. The school rates high among the state’s schools on participation in extracurricular activities. Its students consistently earn awards in competitions in the arts, music, writing, and speech in addition to consistently high scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Almost all of its graduates go on to post-secondary education.

The school is the only one in Hawai‘i with the mission of supporting educational research and development and disseminating educational materials and improvement strategies. The school has long served the Curriculum Research & Development Group as its real-world laboratory. CRDG programs get their early development and trials in the school’s classes. The school is also a site for demonstrating CRDG-developed curricula and providing professional development for teachers. The school is integral to the work and mission of CRDG.

ULS is a special focus school of choice, and parents must be willing to accept the mission of the school and agree that their child will participate fully in all components of the CRDG/ULS research and educational programs. All products produced by students, imagery of all types, and data concerning all Laboratory School students belong to CRDG and may be used for, among other things, research, publication, dissemination, and recordings.

The school serves two interlocking missions: to design and deliver the best possible education to its students, and to serve the educational research and development community as a seedbed and experimental site for curriculum research and development and comprehensive school design.


University Laboratory School
1776 University Avenue

UHS Building 3, Room 121
Honolulu, HI 96822-2463

Ph. 808-956-7833
Fax: 808-956-7260
Web site:

keoni jeremiah photo

Keoni Jeremiah