Author: Alycia Fujii

Suzanne Acord received a “Pearl Harbor: History, Memory and Memorial” scholarship from the National Endowment for the Humanities of Honolulu, Hawai‘i in August of 2006. Val Krohn-Ching was awarded the Outstanding Educator Award by the Alliance...

Afaga, L. Olomana school native Hawaiian education project. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $22,500. 2006. Afaga, L. Kapolei NCLB grant: Rendezvous with investigation mathematics and inquiry project. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $24,500. 2006. Berg, K.F. DOE Military Survey...

Acord, S. (2006, March). Cross currents: A bilingual binational multimedia website. Presented at the meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Acord, S. (2006, July). Cross currents: A bilingual binational multimedia website. Presented at...

CRDG Organization College of Education Randy Hitz, Dean Donald B. Young, Interim Dean (Effective August 1, 2006) Curriculum Research & Development Group Donald B. Young, Director Kathleen Berg, Acting Director (Effective August 1, 2006) Helen Au, Assistant Director Research and Development Sections Art Val Krohn-Ching, Section Head English Cheryl...

Committed To Quality The Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) is an organized research unit in the College of Education at the University of Hawai‘i. Since 1966, CRDG has served the educational community locally, nationally, and...