About CASE

The Center for Academic Spoken English (CASE) provides oral communication support for English as an additional language (EAL) users in the UH Mānoa community. Specifically, the center promotes the development of oral skills of relevance to academic literacy, or, more simply, those skills which best allow members of the academic community to communicate competently with each other. CASE is continually adding options for both one-on-one and small group consultation, as well as workshop-based support.

Who we are

Dustin Crowther Director, Center for Academic Spoken English

Dustin is an assistant professor in second language studies, and director of the Center for Academic Spoken English. He has 10+ years of experience teaching English both in the US and internationally. His courses at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa primarily emphasize both speaking and listening skills.

Jiwoo Han – Graduate Consultant

Jiwoo is a second year MA student in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She has been tutoring English and Korean for 7 years, which she combines with her 8 years of work experience as a cabin attendant with Qatar Airways. Outside of academics, Jiwoo enjoys hiking, cooking Korean food and sharing it with her friends.

Ayano Kawasaki – Graduate Consultant

Ayano is a first-year PhD student in the Second Language Studies department at UH-Mānoa. She graduated with an MA in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University as a Fulbright Scholar. She has taught English at Japanese high schools, an international university, and the Community Language Program (CLP) in New York. She is currently a Listening & Speaking instructor at the Hawaiʻi English Language Program (HELP). Ayano enjoys playing musical instruments (piano & oboe) and watching Disney movies and American sitcoms. 

Joonhee Kim – Graduate Consultant

Joonhee, a doctoral student in the Department of Second Language Studies, has a keen interest in instructing ESL students in academic English skills. She completed her BA and MA in English language education from Seoul National University. Prior to her arrival in the United States, she actively participated in diverse English teaching endeavors such as providing private tutoring and engaging in volunteer work.

Jeanine Markley – Graduate Consultant

Jeanine is a first year MA student at the Second Language Studies department at UH-Mānoa. She has taught academic English at the Hawaii English Language Program at UH for 4 years, especially focusing on Writing, and Listening and Speaking. She has also taught communicative English at several private English language schools in Hawaii and has served as a paraprofessional tutor with EL students at Roosevelt High School. Jeanine enjoys using her musical background as a professional violinist to enhance her teaching of spoken English.

Heather Saxton – Graduate Consultant

Heather is an MA student in the Department of Second Language Studies and a tutor and curriculum developer with CASE. Heather first started teaching English as a foreign language in Hokkaido, Japan. She has since been teaching both EFL and ESL for five years, as well as Swedish as a second language, and as a foreign language.

Gabriella Sosnowski – Graduate Consultant

Gabbie is a first-year MA student in the Second Language Studies department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She began teaching English as an Assistant de Langue in France. Subsequently, she spent four years as a conversation and listening instructor at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Gabbie also has over 10 years of experience in private tutoring, assisting students with speaking skills and vocabulary building. Beyond academics, her interests include languages, cooking, and drawing.

Contact us

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Moore Hall 263
1890 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822

(808) 956-2788
