Written by Kalli

It’s finally time. You’re ready to spread your wings and leave your company. But how do you leave? Is it as simple as submitting your two-week notice? Well, yes and no. You should inform your boss that you plan to leave with a formal letter of resignation. Even if your time at the company was not the best, you should end your relationship amicably. It’s possible that you will need a reference letter from your boss or that your ex-boss knows your new boss. Either way, it’s best to end on good terms. 

Here are some tips for writing a professional resignation letter. 

  1. A greeting: Start formal. Using “Dear Mr. ___” is a good way to start off. 
  2. A statement of resignation. Clearly state your intention to leave and when you will be leaving. While it is traditional to have a two week notice, it is possible to give more or less time. Try to consider any projects or tasks that need to be completed before you leave.
  3. Offer help with transitioning. State your intention to help train or rehire for your position as a formality. Don’t make grand promises but try to show you care. 
  4. Thank your employer for giving you a chance to be a part of their company, and for their time. 
  5. Leave your contact information for your employer. This is helpful if they would like to reach out to you before you leave.
  6. Sign off with “Sincerely” or “Thank you” 
  7. Try to give it to your boss in person. If that isn’t possible, send an email and confirm through a call that they received it. 
  8. Omit negative comments, feelings, etc. about the company and instead focus on the positives (ie. the experience you gained, the opportunities provided by the company, etc.)





[Email Address]



Dear Mr. [Employer’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be resigning from my position as [position] at [company]. My final day will be [two weeks from today]. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition by wrapping up my projects/duties/reports. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in the hiring or training process. 

I would like to thank you for the experience and knowledge I have gained throughout the [# of years] I have worked at [company], as well as the opportunity to be a part of your team. I will never forget the valuable skills I have learned. 

I hope to be in touch in the future,





